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Cover-up of the century, who killed MLK? (1 Viewer)

What utter crap.

There is zero evidence that "Zionism" had anything to do with any of your theories.

Go crawl back to Stormfront.

And there's a MOSSAD "off duty" from framing Islam for another "terror" attack on the US.

Let's start with the most unlikely, Pan Am 103...

LIBYA did it - correct.

So how is ISRAEL responsible?

Type Gaddafi Jewish into any search engine and read what the ISRAELI MEDIA has to say...


"Muammar Gaddafi, Libya’s deposed leader, ordered his ambassador to Italy killed for revealing that his mother was Jewish, Gaddafi’s chief of protocol claimed in an interview"

Libya?s Gaddafi had a history of reaching out to Israel - Israel News - Jerusalem Post


"There have been rumors in the past about Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi's Jewish roots, and now it seems to be confirmed. Israel National News TV met with Gita Boaron, who claims that the Libyan dictator is indeed Jewish and that she is a distant cousin."

and THAT is how a "war on Islamic Terror" made an "ally" out of the "islamic dictator" behind Pan Am 103....

Gaddafi was JEWISH.

THAT is why he and GEORGE TENET were such GREAT PALS - they both committed Zionist TERROR against the US and used it to help Israel and ZIONISM....

Want another - just ask....
Your source(s) for
is ........? Please provide links.

If you are disputing the USS Liberty, you need to do some homework....

As for 911, tell us how the "757" approached the Pentagon again....
Zionist Traitors aka Mossad will never stop shouting down, card tossing, and insulting those of us who notice too much truth about them.

A brief re-play of the Marines in Lebanon....

They get hit.

Israel and the "US" media scream Hezbo Hezbo Hezbo did it...

The Reagan WH rules out Hezbo as a suspect.

Weeks later, two Mossad dressed up as Islamic people claim they are from "Islamic Jihad" and they did it....

Next time we hear from "Islamic Jihad" = episode #17 of the TV show "24"

Israel whacked our Marines to provoke a US war with Hezbo.

Had W been Prez, we would have gone to war once again to help those who did the terror....
If you are disputing the USS Liberty, you need to do some homework....

As for 911, tell us how the "757" approached the Pentagon again....

How about you provide sources you used for the 5 points you listed. I asked you to provide them.

As far as the "757" and the Pentagon, why don't you tell us what you believe happened. Please provide sources to back up your statements.
And there's a MOSSAD "off duty" from framing Islam for another "terror" attack on the US.

Let's start with the most unlikely, Pan Am 103...

LIBYA did it - correct.

So how is ISRAEL responsible?

Type Gaddafi Jewish into any search engine and read what the ISRAELI MEDIA has to say...


"Muammar Gaddafi, Libya’s deposed leader, ordered his ambassador to Italy killed for revealing that his mother was Jewish, Gaddafi’s chief of protocol claimed in an interview"

Libya?s Gaddafi had a history of reaching out to Israel - Israel News - Jerusalem Post


"There have been rumors in the past about Libyan leader Moammar Qaddafi's Jewish roots, and now it seems to be confirmed. Israel National News TV met with Gita Boaron, who claims that the Libyan dictator is indeed Jewish and that she is a distant cousin."

and THAT is how a "war on Islamic Terror" made an "ally" out of the "islamic dictator" behind Pan Am 103....

Gaddafi was JEWISH.

THAT is why he and GEORGE TENET were such GREAT PALS - they both committed Zionist TERROR against the US and used it to help Israel and ZIONISM....

Want another - just ask....

Another farrago of Jew-hating nonsense? Go on.
Zionist Traitors aka Mossad will never stop shouting down, card tossing, and insulting those of us who notice too much truth about them.

A brief re-play of the Marines in Lebanon....

They get hit.

Israel and the "US" media scream Hezbo Hezbo Hezbo did it...

The Reagan WH rules out Hezbo as a suspect.

Weeks later, two Mossad dressed up as Islamic people claim they are from "Islamic Jihad" and they did it....

Next time we hear from "Islamic Jihad" = episode #17 of the TV show "24"

Israel whacked our Marines to provoke a US war with Hezbo.

Had W been Prez, we would have gone to war once again to help those who did the terror....
So the words proof and evidence are alien to you?
"As far as the "757" and the Pentagon, why don't you tell us what you believe happened"

Easy - cruise missile.

A 757 cannot fly at 500 mph at ground level with its nose 8 feet off the ground, especially full of fuel, passengers and cargo/luggage.

See for yourself what hit the Pentagon...

911 Pentagon surveillance camera by phatt n00b - Dailymotion

A 757 commercial jet is not a projectile. It is a flying soda can designed for gas mileage. If it hit steel reinforced concrete, it would bounce off....

And, yeah, the hole in the Pentagon, this one... the fourth photo down



A 757 or a cruise missile?
Another farrago of Jew-hating nonsense? Go on.

Yeah, quoting the ISRAELI MEDIA is "Jew-hating nonsense...."

Thanks, Traitor....

Go back to plotting the next Zionist false flag "terror" attack....
"As far as the "757" and the Pentagon, why don't you tell us what you believe happened"

Easy - cruise missile.

A 757 cannot fly at 500 mph at ground level with its nose 8 feet off the ground, especially full of fuel, passengers and cargo/luggage.

See for yourself what hit the Pentagon...

911 Pentagon surveillance camera by phatt n00b - Dailymotion

A 757 commercial jet is not a projectile. It is a flying soda can designed for gas mileage. If it hit steel reinforced concrete, it would bounce off....

And, yeah, the hole in the Pentagon, this one... the fourth photo down



A 757 or a cruise missile?

Do you have photos of the cruise missile? Where was it launched from?
Sorry, investigation reports disagree with you.
Are you a CIT group believer?
"Sorry, investigation reports disagree with you."

Posted from iphone in Tel Aviv, Israel....
"Sorry, investigation reports disagree with you."

Posted from iphone in Tel Aviv, Israel....

You reposted a truthful statement? Why? To get to know what it feels like?
"You reposted a truthful statement"

Thanks for fessing up that you live in TEL AVIV....
"You reposted a truthful statement"

Thanks for fessing up that you live in TEL AVIV....

I don't and I didn't. You appear to be losing touch with reality. Take a break. Come back and attempt to post something that makes sense. No more responses from me until you start posting evidence of your claims.
Do you have photos of the cruise missile? Where was it launched from?
Sorry, investigation reports disagree with you.
Are you a CIT group believer?

That's funny Mike! :lol:

As many times as we've discussed this you should know that the ONLY picture provided the public by the Pentagon was a few frames from a parking lot camera.

We both know that the FBI went to numerous locations in the area, hotels, gas stations and such, confiscated all their surveillance videos, and kept them for years. You know, National Security.

And we both know that the Pentagon has video cameras covering all quadrants, but they are just fake cameras, or they weren't working that day, or the supervisor was having a bad day, or some other lame government excuse because the ONLY picture provided by our esteemed Pentagoners is from a parking lot camera.

And what you REALLY don't like to talk about is that the image seen on those frames is of something WAY TOO SMALL to be a 757. :lamo
That's funny Mike! :lol:

As many times as we've discussed this you should know that the ONLY picture provided the public by the Pentagon was a few frames from a parking lot camera.

We both know that the FBI went to numerous locations in the area, hotels, gas stations and such, confiscated all their surveillance videos, and kept them for years. You know, National Security.

And we both know that the Pentagon has video cameras covering all quadrants, but they are just fake cameras, or they weren't working that day, or the supervisor was having a bad day, or some other lame government excuse because the ONLY picture provided by our esteemed Pentagoners is from a parking lot camera.

And what you REALLY don't like to talk about is that the image seen on those frames is of something WAY TOO SMALL to be a 757. :lamo

Funny I was not asking you.

Like I said to the other poster. Sorry, the investigation reports disagree with you.

Here is one for you T. Harrit in his paper states that zinc was part of the nanothermite makeup of the sample. Do a quick search on nanothermite and zinc. Tell what you find.

Hint. stability of nanothermite.
Funny I was not asking you.

Like I said to the other poster. Sorry, the investigation reports disagree with you.

Here is one for you T. Harrit in his paper states that zinc was part of the nanothermite makeup of the sample. Do a quick search on nanothermite and zinc. Tell what you find.

Hint. stability of nanothermite.

What "investigation report" contains photos from Pentagon cameras?
What "investigation report" contains photos from Pentagon cameras?

Funny how this thread went from MLK assassination to 9/11 Pentagon.
Please tell us the answer.
Was it CIT "investigation" report?
IMO the US Gubmint was involved in the MLK assassination to some degree ........
and that involvement was?

I don't know what that may have been & as I stated IMO. It would stand to reason IMO because MLK was basically an enemy of the state aka the government ..........

Chew on this ......................
"The jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence that was presented during the trial that, in addition to Mr. Jowers, the conspiracy of the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies, were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband. The jury also affirmed overwhelming evidence that identified someone else, not James Earl Ray, as the shooter, and that Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame." - Coretta Scott King
I don't know what that may have been & as I stated IMO. It would stand to reason IMO because MLK was basically an enemy of the state aka the government ..........

Chew on this ......................
"The jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence that was presented during the trial that, in addition to Mr. Jowers, the conspiracy of the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies, were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband. The jury also affirmed overwhelming evidence that identified someone else, not James Earl Ray, as the shooter, and that Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame." - Coretta Scott King

I am aware of the quote.
See post 4.

I find it interesting that Ray confessed and physical evidence supports his plea. Then a civil trial finds him not guilty.
Much like the OJ trail. Criminal trail not guilty, Civil trail guilty.
I am aware of the quote.
See post 4.

I find it interesting that Ray confessed and physical evidence supports his plea. Then a civil trial finds him not guilty.
Much like the OJ trail. Criminal trail not guilty, Civil trail guilty.

who had the most to gain with MLK out of the picture, JER, or the gubmint?
who had the most to gain with MLK out of the picture, JER, or the gubmint?

Pretty loaded question. You tell us?

All depends on who you believer JER was. Was he a staunch white supremacist or not.
As far as the government, I don't know what they would gain.
Pretty loaded question. You tell us?

All depends on who you believer JER was. Was he a staunch white supremacist or not.
As far as the government, I don't know what they would gain.

MLK caused the gubmint a lot of problems; JER, not so much ....... use your noodle man ...........

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