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Court orders release of Black Michigan teen who was jailed for missing schoolwork (1 Viewer)

Yeah, if a kid commits a crime, they should be exempt from any jail time. I'm sure THAT will go well, what could go wrong? :roll:

Oh, so you want to send BABIES to federal prison, huh!?
Yes I did, did you?

Your response didn't seem relevant. The stance is not "people who violate parole should go unpunished." The stance is "this is not an acceptable condition to place on parole."

Do you understand now?
Don't put words in my mouth.

A 15 year old girl should not be jailed for failing to do her homework, pandemic or no pandemic. Anything otherwise is cruel and unusual.

The point seems to be whether (or not) doing her homework was a condition of probation. Violation of probation/parole conditions frequently results in one having to serve their "backup time" (remaining original sentence) incarcerated. The incarceration was the result of the assault and/or theft conviction if the probation terms were not met.
Yes, I have missed assignments when I was attending high school or college in the past. Of course I didn't miss assignments as a CONDITION OF PROBATION. So again, you are arguing that conditions of probation are "ok" to be missed without consequences. You realize the idea of probation is to complete it so you DON'T GO BACK TO JAIL. Do you understand that, yes or no?

So if you are given an objective to keep you out of jail, what do you think the punishment should be if you don't complete it?


You appear unaware that you've answered your own question.
Oh, so you want to send BABIES to federal prison, huh!?

Here's the thing, there is a saying of if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

Let me say first hand I've been arrested, jailed and released with probation as a teen. If my probation was just doing my homework, that would have been GREAT! Sorry I have no sympathy here. I would have made DAMN SURE my homework was done if that kept me out of jail.
Yeah, if a kid commits a crime, they should be exempt from any jail time. I'm sure THAT will go well, what could go wrong? :roll:

They are literal children. Their brains are not yet fully formed and you advocate throwing them in jail? Look, I'm not saying that there aren't instances where incarceration is necessary for the safety of the public and the individual. I'm just so damn sick of the punitive first nature of our country, I succumbed to a bit of hyperbole. I will say, full stop, that no child regardless of crime should be charged as an adult.
They are literal children. Their brains are not yet fully formed and you advocate throwing them in jail? Look, I'm not saying that there aren't instances where incarceration is necessary for the safety of the public and the individual. I'm just so damn sick of the punitive nature of our country, I succumbed to a bit of hyperbole.

Again, this is probation as an ALTERNATIVE TO JAIL. Sorry but they were given the SECOND CHANCE you wanted them to have. Not holding teens accountable for their actions make them susceptible to gang recruitment because they are minors and they know you folks won't hold them to REAL TIME.
Here's the thing, there is a saying of if you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

Let me say first hand I've been arrested, jailed and released with probation as a teen. If my probation was just doing my homework, that would have been GREAT! Sorry I have no sympathy here. I would have made DAMN SURE my homework was done if that kept me out of jail.

Is there any probation term you would find objectionable, or can a judge impose literally anything they want and you'll go along with it because CANT DO THA CRIIIIME. So this judge says a condition of your probation is that your hair must be between six and eight inches long. Acceptable? Probation says you can't wear a blue shirt. Acceptable?
Again, this is probation as an ALTERNATIVE TO JAIL. Sorry but they were given the SECOND CHANCE you wanted them to have. Not holding teens accountable for their actions make them susceptible to gang recruitment because they are minors and they know you folks won't hold them to REAL TIME.
Sending the teen back to jail for not completing homework makes them far more recruitable for gangs, what kind of dumb **** is this?
The point seems to be whether (or not) doing her homework was a condition of probation. Violation of probation/parole conditions frequently results in one having to serve their "backup time" (remaining original sentence) incarcerated. The incarceration was the result of the assault and/or theft conviction if the probation terms were not met.

I realize that. I know all about it. Probation agreements also typically revolve around the crimes. If she got in a fight at school or stole someone's sneakers, a violation would be appropriate, and even then, depending on circumstances, a PO will generally give a warning the first time. All kids miss homework assignments. That's a given. But more importantly, homework is not related to any crime. If she is progressing with her anger/violence issues and stops taking things, then why should we be concerned whether she misses an assignment or two? I missed plenty. I came out fine. Locking her up is exactly the wrong thing to do. The agreement is flawed.
Is there any probation term you would find objectionable, or can a judge impose literally anything they want and you'll go along with it because CANT DO THA CRIIIIME. So this judge says a condition of your probation is that your hair must be between six and eight inches long. Acceptable? Probation says you can't wear a blue shirt. Acceptable?

Sorry but I'm not entertaining "what-if" scenarios. The fact is the judge made it a requirement to do the ****ing homework. That is not unreasonable. Unreasonable would have been to do their homework and get an "A" on it. Just turn it in, ANYTHING. There was no requirement of a specific grade to it.

Are you seriously saying turning in ****ing homework is UNREASONABLE? I could have turned in **** homework if it would have kept me out of jail.
Sending the teen back to jail for not completing homework makes them far more recruitable for gangs, what kind of dumb **** is this?

Dumbass is saying that it is unreasonable to make a kid turn in homework. Remember, they didn't have to turn in "A" work to qualify for it. They could have turned in ANYTHING. Are you seriously saying turning in homework is UNREASONABLE? ****ing A man. That is ridiculous on your part.
Again, this is probation as an ALTERNATIVE TO JAIL. Sorry but they were given the SECOND CHANCE you wanted them to have. Not holding teens accountable for their actions make them susceptible to gang recruitment because they are minors and they know you folks won't hold them to REAL TIME.

I get what you're saying. I won't even say you're wrong to hold the opinion. I just don't think it's the way to handle things. I look at number of our people in prisons and jails compared to other first world countries. I don't think our populace is generally more criminal than other countries, yet we tip the scales in numbers and per capita rates of people in jail/prison. I look at our recidivism rates compared to other countries and notice that people just keep falling back into the system unlike anywhere else on Earth. I don't know what other conclusion to draw than our punitive approach isn't working, and I damn sure don't want to see those inequities pushed onto children.

Edit: To be clear, I don't think a system where there is NO punishment is effective either
I get what you're saying. I won't even say you're wrong to hold the opinion. I just don't think it's the way to handle things. I look at number of our people in prisons and jails compared to other first world countries. I don't think our populace is generally more criminal than other countries. I look at our recidivism rates compared to other countries and notice that people just keep falling back into the system unlike anywhere else on Earth. I don't know what other conclusion to draw than our punitive approach isn't working, and I damn sure don't want to see those inequities pushed onto children.

Again, I'll say. The requirement was to do homework. It wasn't a requirement to a specific grade of an "A" on it. Just turn it in. Are you saying it is so unreasonable to turn in homework given that? I could have turned in "F" quality homework at least to stay out of jail.
Dumbass is saying that it is unreasonable to make a kid turn in homework. Remember, they didn't have to turn in "A" work to qualify for it. They could have turned in ANYTHING. Are you seriously saying turning in homework is UNREASONABLE? ****ing A man. That is ridiculous on your part.

It is reasonable to make a kid turn in homework to get an A. It is unreasonable to make a kid turn in homework to stay out of jail.
Adults, Praxis. We're discussing a 15 year old.

I'm sorry but as an alternative to jail, turning in homework is not out of the ordinary. Again, no court was saying they had to turn in "A" quality work. Just turn it in. Sorry it was not an unreasonable probation.
I realize that. I know all about it. Probation agreements also typically revolve around the crimes. If she got in a fight at school or stole someone's sneakers, a violation would be appropriate, and even then, depending on circumstances, a PO will generally give a warning the first time. All kids miss homework assignments. That's a given. But more importantly, homework is not related to any crime. If she is progressing with her anger/violence issues and stops taking things, then why should we be concerned whether she misses an assignment or two? I missed plenty. I came out fine. Locking her up is exactly the wrong thing to do. The agreement is flawed.

The probation agreement likely included terms to respect and obey her mother (her victim). I have no idea (and you likely don't either) what prompted the judge to make their decision. For all we know, the judge may have checked with her mother and that is how her refusing to do her schoolwork came up.

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