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Corbyn calls for empty homes of the rich to be seized for Grenfell victims (1 Viewer)

Infinite Chaos

DP Veteran
Oct 28, 2007
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Appalling man, appalling ideology. I think now more people will see him for the politician he really is.

No - it's not a Daily Mail link. Peston on ITV.

He didn't answer (as far as I know) whether he would seize rich people's empty homes permanently or just for a temporary emergency. Either way, the worst thing is that the Conservatives are just a by election or two away from another election and a Corbyn govt.
That's kind of stuff you see a communist dictator do.
Appalling man, appalling ideology. I think now more people will see him for the politician he really is.

No - it's not a Daily Mail link. Peston on ITV.

He didn't answer (as far as I know) whether he would seize rich people's empty homes permanently or just for a temporary emergency. Either way, the worst thing is that the Conservatives are just a by election or two away from another election and a Corbyn govt.
The Germans do it already:

Hamburg confiscates flats to ease migrant housing crisis | Daily Mail Online
Appalling man, appalling ideology. I think now more people will see him for the politician he really is.

No - it's not a Daily Mail link. Peston on ITV.

He didn't answer (as far as I know) whether he would seize rich people's empty homes permanently or just for a temporary emergency. Either way, the worst thing is that the Conservatives are just a by election or two away from another election and a Corbyn govt.

that would be an interesting idea to try, in say, Washington DC; take all of the TRASH out of The White House, The US Senate, The US Congress, you know since nothing is getting done there, allow some folks that really NEED the space to reside there.

maybe they could cultivate gardens, grow some organic food, maybe raise up a little skunk weed too ...............
Rubbish, the way The Fail presented that stupid headline found debunking over a month ago.

Try to keep up, eh?

Meanwhile, quite telling that you still cite a buttwipe rag where the OP has taken such pains to avoid it.

Though not the same thing entirely, Greece is dealing with a current problem of migrants staying at resort hotels. The hotel owners have begged the government to stop sending the migrants to them, as they say it's driving tourists away. The government is paying for the accommodations, though I believe they aren't paying the going rate that tourists would pay per room.

With tourism to Greece being in decline anyway, due to economic reasons, the hotel owners say they're running de facto migrant camps now.
Appalling man, appalling ideology. I think now more people will see him for the politician he really is.

No - it's not a Daily Mail link. Peston on ITV.

He didn't answer (as far as I know) whether he would seize rich people's empty homes permanently or just for a temporary emergency. Either way, the worst thing is that the Conservatives are just a by election or two away from another election and a Corbyn govt.

It would certainly cool the real estate market in London.
Appalling man, appalling ideology. I think now more people will see him for the politician he really is.

No - it's not a Daily Mail link. Peston on ITV.

He didn't answer (as far as I know) whether he would seize rich people's empty homes permanently or just for a temporary emergency. Either way, the worst thing is that the Conservatives are just a by election or two away from another election and a Corbyn govt.

The whole ordeal illustrates the dangers of overcrowding. Poor people were inadequately housed, because London is extremely expensive and strapped for available housing.

Corbyn needs to address the fact that the future of London is going to be bleak, unless something is done to stop the population from swelling. 19th century East End London conditions will be revisited in the 21st century, and that's appalling.
That's kind of stuff you see a communist dictator do.

How horrifying. Empty homes being used to house those who lost theirs in a fire. Truly a horror story on par with the Holodomor. :roll:
How horrifying. Empty homes being used to house those who lost theirs in a fire. Truly a horror story on par with the Holodomor. :roll:

The government seizing peoples lands and giving that land to other citizens is in fact something communist dictatorships did.
The government seizing peoples lands and giving that land to other citizens is in fact something communist dictatorships did.

And the American government too, if you ask the native Americans.
Though not the same thing entirely, Greece is dealing with a current problem of migrants staying at resort hotels. The hotel owners have begged the government to stop sending the migrants to them, as they say it's driving tourists away. The government is paying for the accommodations, though I believe they aren't paying the going rate that tourists would pay per room.

With tourism to Greece being in decline anyway, due to economic reasons, the hotel owners say they're running de facto migrant camps now.
As you say, not the same thing.

Apart from which we'll have to see how Corbyn wants to go about implementing his call, if he ever gets to do that at all.

I'm divided on the issue of what is basically eminent domain (in whichever variant different countries have of that) but I'm not totally opposed where emergencies arise.

In the case of the Grenfell tenants I see no such emergency. If there were indeed one, that would mean that the whole city of London is lacking in any other means of accommodation (other, that is, than commandeering empty properties).

Methinks Corbyn just floated a balloon to see which way it would fly. By now he's probably been advised that it doesn't fly at all with the general public.
There are hundreds of empty houses in Westminster/Chelsea bought new as an investment and never lived in. One of the survivors was moved from his hotel room into an old peoples' home.
The whole ordeal illustrates the dangers of overcrowding. Poor people were inadequately housed, because London is extremely expensive and strapped for available housing.
Well, landbanking doesn't do much by way of alleviation either, does it now?

Corbyn needs to address the fact that the future of London is going to be bleak, unless something is done to stop the population from swelling. 19th century East End London conditions will be revisited in the 21st century, and that's appalling.
You mean tear a leaf from China's book? One child family and all that, free contraception included?:mrgreen:

Yeah, okay, I know what you're getting at but immigration is simply not the main factor in London's population size.
As you say, not the same thing.

Apart from which we'll have to see how Corbyn wants to go about implementing his call, if he ever gets to do that at all.

I'm divided on the issue of what is basically eminent domain (in whichever variant different countries have of that) but I'm not totally opposed where emergencies arise.

In the case of the Grenfell tenants I see no such emergency. If there were indeed one, that would mean that the whole city of London is lacking in any other means of accommodation (other, that is, than commandeering empty properties).

Methinks Corbyn just floated a balloon to see which way it would fly. By now he's probably been advised that it doesn't fly at all with the general public.

Eminent domain is the government taking property for public use(aka government use). When the government takes someones property and gives that property to another citizen they are acting outside of the intent of eminent domain.
Eminent domain is the government taking property for public use(aka government use). When the government takes someones property and gives that property to another citizen they are acting outside of the intent of eminent domain.
Try keeping up with what's been said here, eh?
The government seizing peoples lands and giving that land to other citizens is in fact something communist dictatorships did.

The government seizing unused land and letting homeless people stay in it is something non communist governments have also done.
Try keeping up with what's been said here, eh?


I'm divided on the issue of what is basically eminent domain (in whichever variant different countries have of that) but I'm not totally opposed where emergencies arise.

You're wrong that it is basically eminent domain since it works outside of it.

You're wrong that it is basically eminent domain since it works outside of it.
Re-read #16 and act accordingly. That would mean peruse all answers of the thread so far.

You're wrong that it is basically eminent domain since it works outside of it.

Thousands of miles outsIde it. That's America not the UK.
The government offering to buy up empty unused houses at the current market price is bad how?
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How horrifying. Empty homes being used to house those who lost theirs in a fire. Truly a horror story on par with the Holodomor. :roll:
Conscripted private property? I'm sure the people paying nothing would leave the property in fine shape, since paying tenants ALLWAYS do!
Conscripted private property? I'm sure the people paying nothing would leave the property in fine shape, since paying tenants ALLWAYS do!

Do you want campfires in the middle of the dining room? Well, if you have the government give people homes you're going to get campfires in the middle of dining rooms.
Thousands of miles outsIde it. That's America not the UK.
The government offering to buy up empty unused houses at the current market price is bad how?
He's not here for delivering pertinent appraisals.

See the campfires in the middle of the living room remark.

Best not feed you know who.
Do you want campfires in the middle of the dining room? Well, if you have the government give people homes you're going to get campfires in the middle of dining rooms.
Because that's something ALL poor folk do isn't it?

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