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Congress has 11 days to avoid shutdown as House GOP meets to plot strategy (1 Viewer)

I am a firm believer in the expression that we get the government we deserve.

The people who are belly-aching for change need to vote for it and run for office to implement it. Change takes work.

Yep, and loads of financial backing from the donor class.
Yep, and loads of financial backing from the donor class.
I'm not so sure that money is as big of an influence as it once was. Modern technology has made it much less expensive to reach millions with your message.
I think there will be a brief shutdown because of how far behind the House is at this stage. You know much of their push to defund the FBI, IRS, Ukraine support, etc... is not going to pass, and there are enough crazies to stall this out.

Think about what Tubbs was able to do in the Senate.

Possible, but I believe it was Johnson that opened the door to a CR while they debated several of the appropriations bills. It will not be very long before we know.
Possible, but I believe it was Johnson that opened the door to a CR while they debated several of the appropriations bills. It will not be very long before we know.
Will they pass the Senate?
I'm not saying that money doesn't matter. I'm saying it has less of an impact. It will be interesting to see if the biggest spenders win the seats in those races.

It’s hard to know how much ‘had to be’ spent to win an election, but my point was that campaign spending isn’t going down due to “modern technology”.
What exactly do you want to change.

Cut spending? Now that is a bit of a challenge. That gets into where to cut. Republicans tried that under Obama during sequester unsuccessfully.

Raise taxes? Should have been done long ago.

Do away with SS and Medicare?
A couple of ways:

"Republicans are considering a "laddered CR" that would extend the deadline for each of the 12 individual appropriations bills, rather than the budget as a whole."

Another idea is through a kind of “fail-safe” mechanism called an automatic continuing resolution, or auto-CR, which would provide continuing funding for any appropriations bills not passed and signed into law.

Nothing as draconian as you suggested.
A couple of ways:

"Republicans are considering a "laddered CR" that would extend the deadline for each of the 12 individual appropriations bills, rather than the budget as a whole."

Another idea is through a kind of “fail-safe” mechanism called an automatic continuing resolution, or auto-CR, which would provide continuing funding for any appropriations bills not passed and signed into law.

Nothing as draconian as you suggested.

In other words, there would be no “deadline” dates at all?
It’s hard to know how much ‘had to be’ spent to win an election, but my point was that campaign spending isn’t going down due to “modern technology”.
Of course not. Campaigns are very profitable.

Biden's sister got rich running his campaigns.
I do not care about their stupid shutdown. How many times a year do they drag this same thing out and people freak out.
We dont need this constant threat of a shutdown. Its utterly a waste of time that needs to be fixed with the system.
Typical republican political ploy. You never see this happening when a republican is in the white house.

Eventually after all the republican antics the U.S will pay the bills. Now what kind of damage is done before the enviable remains to be seen.
Typical republican political ploy. You never see this happening when a republican is in the white house.

Eventually after all the republican antics the U.S will pay the bills. Now what kind of damage is done before the enviable remains to be seen.
Their goal is to harm the economy leading up to the election.

Here's what's actually funny about the situation. Cultists are still convinced that COVID was created by the Chinese in order to push Trump out because of??? Oh yeah, tariffs and calling the country Ghina.
One thing I notice is republican presidents have increasing deficit spending and democratic presidents have reduced deficit spending

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Remind us all again which party was in control of the House and Senate during Reagan's two terms as president?
Believe both Bushes had to deal Democrats being in control of one part of Congress for a portion of each of their terms.
Also, Clinton had the benefit of having Republicans in charge for the House and Senate- remember the "Contract for America"?

We get that some think whenever anything good happens Democrats get the credit; and whenever something bad happens Republicans get the blame.

Truth is neither side does what is best for the American people. Both are more concerned with enriching themselves while in office; and staying in power.

The genie is out of the bottle; and neither side wants to put it back in. It is now just another talking point for campaigning for both sides.
Remind us all again which party was in control of the House and Senate during Reagan's two terms as president?
Are you aware of the POTUS budget proposals during the era?

I didn't think so
We get that some think whenever anything good happens Democrats get the credit; and whenever something bad happens Republicans get the blame.
It's just that whenever Republicans get into power, their narratives vanish without so much as an excuse. That way, people like you can repeat talk radio bullshit in an effort to excuse deficit reduction failure.
Truth is neither side does what is best for the American people.
Your opinion of what's best doesn't mean anything. On the contrary, we know that Republicans run with deficit / spending reduction as a mantra, only to cut taxes and grow deficits everytime.
The genie is out of the bottle; and neither side wants to put it back in. It is now just another talking point for campaigning for both sides.
How unoriginal this flavor of partisan tripe. Dems do not run under the basis of spending cuts.
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Term limits will.

How does term limits become law? That is the problem. Unfortunately most Americans either don’t care or don’t understand. Either way Congress will not themselves initiate term limits.

As the saying goes, we get the government we deserve.
The House is no longer directed by a majority. Pro-fascists run the House. They work openly to destroy democracy in the United States.
Which party has fused the gov, the media, and corporations together all singing the same song?

Oh that's right. The Democrats.

Isn't that the definition of facism. I think that it is. They are even after the Jews now.

Today's DNC are yesterdays Nazis
Which party has fused the gov, the media, and corporations together all singing the same song?

Oh that's right. The Democrats.

Isn't that the definition of facism. I think that it is. They are even after the Jews now.

Today's DNC are yesterdays Nazis
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Go away. Try harder.
I am on record as hoping for a long Govt. shutdown. Until the Govt. shuts down for a long time nothing is ever going to change in Congress, and I want change, not the same old threats of a shutdown followed by a band-aid solution.

Stupid post. 🙄

There are many people that would be affected by a long-term government shutdown. People would go hungry, rents/mortgages wouldn’t be paid, utilities would be turned off during the winter. The poor and elderly couldn’t go to the doctor, prescriptions would stop for those on social safety net programs, etc.

So much more than people consider when they say, “**** em! Shut it down!”
That’s what congressional elections could become if the voters ever tired of re-electing incumbents.

Half the voters sleepwalk to the polls. We can’t expect people to do the right thing when half of them don’t have a clue of who, or what, they are voting for.

I think there should be mandatory term limits for all offices, in every branch of government, including the Judicial (yeah SCOTUS I’m looking at you).
Half the voters sleepwalk to the polls. We can’t expect people to do the right thing when half of them don’t have a clue of who, or what, they are voting for.

I think there should be mandatory term limits for all offices, in every branch of government, including the Judicial (yeah SCOTUS I’m looking at you).
When the government shuts down they classify workers as essential and non essential. The essential workers stay working but don't get paid. After the shutdown is over they all get back pay for the time they didn't get paid.

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