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Comey Will Testify In Open Session**[W:341] (1 Viewer)

Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

The man does love the spotlight, doesn't he?
(That was part of his problem as FBI director)
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

Tick-Tock :mrgreen:
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

The man does love the spotlight, doesn't he?
(That was part of his problem as FBI director)

Especially when the Senate asked him to testify .
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

The man does love the spotlight, doesn't he?
(That was part of his problem as FBI director)

What about The Moron in The White Trailer :lol:
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

Especially when the Senate asked him to testify .

Comey doesn't have a worry in the world, he hasn't committed any crime. :2razz:
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

Especially when the Senate asked him to testify .

Was it Comey or the Senate that made it a public hearing? (Any truth to Comey insisting a public one?)
How much of his testimony is going to be classified and not suitable for a public hearing?
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

Comey doesn't have a worry in the world, he hasn't committed any crime. :2razz:

trump's daily tirades against Comey, such as the latest with 'nut job' and 'pressure removed' with his Russian buddies, could be taken care of in a few weeks. Though the WH could take this to court .
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

Was it Comey or the Senate that made it a public hearing? (Any truth to Comey insisting a public one?)
How much of his testimony is going to be classified and not suitable for a public hearing?

No surprise that you would try to muddy another trump thread. trump is a clear and present danger to this Nation and World .
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

What do y'all think he'll say?
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

Comey doesn't have a worry in the world, he hasn't committed any crime. :2razz:

Well, not so fast there bucko.....If Comey now accuses the president of obstruction, he places himself in legal jeopardy for failing to promptly and properly report it.
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

trump's daily tirades against Comey, such as the latest with 'nut job' and 'pressure removed' with his Russian buddies, could be taken care of in a few weeks. Though the WH could take this to court .

Those claims are useless since no one will testify that they're true.
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

No surprise that you would try to muddy another trump thread. trump is a clear and present danger to this Nation and World .
You might want to at least read the thread title.
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

No surprise that you would try to muddy another trump thread. trump is a clear and present danger to this Nation and World .


Your TDS amuses me.
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

Comey doesn't have a worry in the world, he hasn't committed any crime. :2razz:

Comey admitted, under oath, that no one pressured him to end any investigation.

If he says, under oath again, that President Trump did do so, then Comey's in deep ****, because one of the testimonies is a lie.
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

You might want to at least read the thread title.

I did read the thread title, Taylor. I'm now reading tds--trumpistani deflection syndrome--on yet another trump thread that trumposters must be getting weary of deflecting.

We're still watching and publicizing what McConnell is doing in secret with 13 white guys on trumpcare .
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session


Your TDS amuses me.

Yelling TDS has become common for you trumpartisans.

Especially when your own tds--trumpistani deflection syndrome--is on full display .
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

Comey admitted, under oath, that no one pressured him to end any investigation.

If he says, under oath again, that President Trump did do so, then Comey's in deep ****, because one of the testimonies is a lie.

Indeed. Which makes the conclusion that Trump's comment about 'letting it go' wasn't serious, or wasn't taken seriously.
Either one would result in Comey later testifying that he wasn't pressured to end any investigation.
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

Comey admitted, under oath, that no one pressured him to end any investigation.

If he says, under oath again, that President Trump did do so, then Comey's in deep ****, because one of the testimonies is a lie.

This one feels a lot more like Oliver North than Watergate so far to me. Unless of course trump wasn't lying about 'his tapes' .
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

Those claims are useless since no one will testify that they're true.

Everyone expects you to play tds--trumpistani denial syndrome .
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

Everyone expects you to play tds--trumpistani denial syndrome .

Is that a racial slur?
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

This one feels a lot more like Oliver North than Watergate so far to me. Unless of course trump wasn't lying about 'his tapes' .

You mean there wasn't any evidence to convict Colonel North? :lamo
Re: Comey Will Testify In Open Session

The man does love the spotlight, doesn't he?
(That was part of his problem as FBI director)

I support Comey and I don't think he was responsible for Hillary not being elected. I am looking forward to his testimony. I think he will be truthful.

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