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Circumcision Ban to Appear on San Francisco Ballot (1 Viewer)

Those of you making a big deal about circumcision are being ridiculous.
perhaps you should witness a few and see if you still feel the same.

you might think that placing a tiny baby on a restraining board, strapping their hands and feet, holding their foreskin in place with metal clamps, cutting into their foreskin then putting a metal or plastic bell over the head of their penis while the foreskin is pulled up over it and then cut not a big deal, but i don't.

i've seen babies vomit, poop, scream and pass out from the pain or shock while having it done. it's a disgusting procedure.
perhaps you should witness a few and see if you still feel the same.

you might think that placing a tiny baby on a restraining board, strapping their hands and feet, holding their foreskin in place with metal clamps, cutting into their foreskin then putting a metal or plastic bell over the head of their penis while the foreskin is pulled up over it and then cut not a big deal, but i don't.

i've seen babies vomit, poop, scream and pass out from the pain or shock while having it done. it's a disgusting procedure.

It really is. The majority of people don't *ever* see it happen - but they'll subject their children to it without knowing *what* is going to happen. And when you have a concerned parent (fathers AND mothers - not just moms, here) who ask questions and WANT to know about the procedure the Doctors straight out lie about it being 'easy and painless' - it's obviously not easy and not painless.

I've met nurses who QUIT their job that they trained for because of the disgust over the procedure.

The popularity of the opt-in unanesthetised circumcision is declining - greatly. In many countries is rare to happen these days and it's NOT because everyone's a whiny dip**** - it's because people are becoming MORE knowledgable about things.

I still don't support the ban, though.

But I think parents should be WELL informed just like every other single procedure ever done medically before they choose to do it - parents are always told the truth and informed of the risks and process (or should be) - anything less is malpractice. I don't understand why people view circumcision as if it's in a 'no big deal' class of it's own. . . it makes no logical sense to treat it differently.

On this note - there's a lot related to pregnancy, child bearing and those situations that are KEPT from mothers and fathers - I knew quite a bit when i had my kids and I felt like I was being treated like a stupid child when I was pregnant - all 4 times.

The real dangers are NEVER told - it's offensive - and not just about the circumcision process.
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Wow, I didn't realize the foreskin was the entire penis. :roll:

Some parents get their kids ears pierced, should that be outlawed next?

Those of you making a big deal about circumcision are being ridiculous.

Fine. Lets make a deal. I will let someone pierce my ear without anesthesia and you will let someone cut some extra skin off your penis without anesthesia. Then we will see who can lasts the longest without screaming....
How is circumcision equated to denying a child medical attention because some parent believes God is against it? So if an adult wants to be circumcised to hospitals have to define the procedure as "male genital mutilation"? Going through a transgender surgery literally is genital mutilation to an extreme, I don't see San Francisco screaming against that either.

You brought up the ridiculous protected by freedom of religion thing. Just showing how absurd it is to allow it because someone feels it is their religious freedom to harm others....
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It really is. The majority of people don't *ever* see it happen - but they'll subject their children to it without knowing *what* is going to happen. And when you have a concerned parent (fathers AND mothers - not just moms, here) who ask questions and WANT to know about the procedure the Doctors straight out lie about it being 'easy and painless' - it's obviously not easy and not painless.

I've met nurses who QUIT their job that they trained for because of the disgust over the procedure.

The popularity of the opt-in unanesthetised circumcision is declining - greatly. In many countries is rare to happen these days and it's NOT because everyone's a whiny dip**** - it's because people are becoming MORE knowledgable about things.

I still don't support the ban, though.

But I think parents should be WELL informed just like every other single procedure ever done medically before they choose to do it - parents are always told the truth and informed of the risks and process (or should be) - anything less is malpractice. I don't understand why people view circumcision as if it's in a 'no big deal' class of it's own. . . it makes no logical sense to treat it differently.

On this note - there's a lot related to pregnancy, child bearing and those situations that are KEPT from mothers and fathers - I knew quite a bit when i had my kids and I felt like I was being treated like a stupid child when I was pregnant - all 4 times.

The real dangers are NEVER told - it's offensive - and not just about the circumcision process.
best post in this thread.

you nailed it.
And there's not just *the procedure* itself - there's the aftercare.

My husband AND ex husband *could not* keep their stomachs settled whenever our son's penile incisions had to be wrapped and treated at every diaper changing for weeks . . and if infections happened - good lord, they'd lose their lunch.

Seems to me that a lot of people have an open and accepting view without knowing a single thing about it - at all - other than it was done without them seeing or hearing and they don't remember it happening to them - but care for it afterwards? I've yet to met a man who could handle *that* part of it with this so called 'manly demeanor' that they all claim to have.
your son's penis is not yours to sacrifice. genital mutilation, especially at that age, is never justified - regardless of what any religion might say.

It's really none of your concern if parents decide to give their children a circumcision or not.
perhaps you should witness a few and see if you still feel the same.

you might think that placing a tiny baby on a restraining board, strapping their hands and feet, holding their foreskin in place with metal clamps, cutting into their foreskin then putting a metal or plastic bell over the head of their penis while the foreskin is pulled up over it and then cut not a big deal, but i don't.

i've seen babies vomit, poop, scream and pass out from the pain or shock while having it done. it's a disgusting procedure.

A RESTRAINING BOARD?!?!? I've never heard that described at any bris.
A RESTRAINING BOARD?!?!? I've never heard that described at any bris.

educate yourself then.

And there's not just *the procedure* itself - there's the aftercare.

My husband AND ex husband *could not* keep their stomachs settled whenever our son's penile incisions had to be wrapped and treated at every diaper changing for weeks . . and if infections happened - good lord, they'd lose their lunch.

Seems to me that a lot of people have an open and accepting view without knowing a single thing about it - at all - other than it was done without them seeing or hearing and they don't remember it happening to them - but care for it afterwards? I've yet to met a man who could handle *that* part of it with this so called 'manly demeanor' that they all claim to have.

I have to wonder if your as concerned about abortions on underage females and the horrid psychological trauma afterwards...

Whoever keeps harping that you have to see a circumcision, you need to watch a couple of abortions if you want to see mutilation
I have to wonder if your as concerned about abortions on underage females and the horrid psychological trauma afterwards...

Whoever keeps harping that you have to see a circumcision, you need to watch a couple of abortions if you want to see mutilation

Can someone be against abortions and circumcision? Or do you support one and not the other?
educate yourself then.


Interesting website you got that pic from. On the home page;

Disclaimer. All models who appear naked IN THE BLOG PART OF THIS SITE are 18 at the time of being photographed. A statement on the models age will be attached at the end of each post in the blog in which the model appears.

Not exactly an unbiased website.
Interesting website you got that pic from. On the home page;


Not exactly an unbiased website.

i didn't even read the website. it's the first picture that comes up in google. the appearance of an infant restraining board (which is what they are), isn't going to change depending on the website :lamo
i didn't even read the website. it's the first picture that comes up in google. the appearance of an infant restraining board (which is what they are), isn't going to change depending on the website :lamo
And besides, X, what you quoted is what sounds like a legally required statement.
How are they even closely related?

You need to ask Ipast, he brought up abortions. I just wondered if it was possible that one could be against both.
Maybe he will answer that for you.
Good try though.
but all I can say is In my small world ive never heard of a botched penis job on a babyboy...that doesnt mean it doesnt happen
Look up skin bridges on Google images if you want to see some of the results of botched circumcisions.

I imagine one of the reasons most men don't discuss it if they're penis has been disfigured (by a botch job) is embarrassment. We don't tend to be as open to discussing our bodies with our friends as women are.
i didn't even read the website. it's the first picture that comes up in google. the appearance of an infant restraining board (which is what they are), isn't going to change depending on the website :lamo

Suuuuuure that website isn't on your favorites list. ;)

My point is, you and AS are going out of your way to make circumcision sound as it it's the same thing as an appendectomy without anesthesia. That website is (probably) doing the same (granted, I didn't read beyond the disclaimer). Women go through child birth without anesthetic the world over, are you saying circumcision is worse?
Look up skin bridges on Google images if you want to see some of the results of botched circumcisions.

I imagine one of the reasons most men don't discuss it if they're penis has been disfigured (by a botch job) is embarrassment. We don't tend to be as open to discussing our bodies with our friends as women are.

It is sad to put a human through that as it was totally unnecessary to have the procedure. Unless there is some disfigurement preventing normal penis function then surgery is just something billable for the physician.
Suuuuuure that website isn't on your favorites list. ;)

My point is, you and AS are going out of your way to make circumcision sound as it it's the same thing as an appendectomy without anesthesia. That website is (probably) doing the same (granted, I didn't read beyond the disclaimer). Women go through child birth without anesthetic the world over, are you saying circumcision is worse?

No a circumcision is a walk in the park. I suppose if you hadn't already had one you could sit there with nail clippers and do it while watching the baseball game......without anesthesia.
Fine. Lets make a deal. I will let someone pierce my ear without anesthesia and you will let someone cut some extra skin off your penis without anesthesia. Then we will see who can lasts the longest without screaming....

I'm not disputing that it's painful, but so are shots and blood tests. Should we outlaw those on children as well?
No a circumcision is a walk in the park. I suppose if you hadn't already had one you could sit there with nail clippers and do it while watching the baseball game......without anesthesia.

Pretty sure they use a sharp scalpel, not a rusty butterknife. Geez.
How does money play into this situation?

You mean - from the Doctors? They'd get more money if they made it a lengthier process, actually.

Do enough of these quick little operations at around $100 a time (paid for by medical insurance normally) and over a year it's going to be a good earner.

Let's say a doctor working in a maternity suite performs one a day, over a year that's well in excess of $30,000.
I'm not disputing that it's painful, but so are shots and blood tests. Should we outlaw those on children as well?

Shots and blood test provide valuable information and protection for the child. A circumcision provide no more protection that normal cleasning does and any surgery has risk factors.
The normal human male baby survives without this mutilation just fine.

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