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Circumcision Ban to Appear on San Francisco Ballot (1 Viewer)

Can I get an Oooooh Rraaaaaahhhh for wee wee mutilation...lol...this is funny

Whats even funnier is that people that are against circumsizn and omg omg mutilating the babys wee wee are all for slaughtering fetus ...lol...
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Can I get an Oooooh Rraaaaaahhhh for wee wee mutilation...lol...this is funny
it's not so funny when you witness the procedure lpast. it's disgusting.
it's not so funny when you witness the procedure lpast. it's disgusting.

Far less disgusting than abortion...look like I said I cant get wound up about this...its no big deal to me...it should be left up to the parents.
Whats even funnier is that people that are against circumsizn and omg omg mutilating the babys wee wee are all for slaughtering fetus ...lol...

Wow, you mean people actually care about babies after they're born? :shock:
Far less disgusting than abortion...look like I said I cant get wound up about this...its no big deal to me...it should be left up to the parents.

it should be left up to the individual to make that decision when they are old enough.
Whats even funnier is that people that are against circumsizn and omg omg mutilating the babys wee wee are all for slaughtering fetus ...lol...

i'm pro life.

so there's goes that theory.
it should be left up to the individual to make that decision when they are old enough.

As one who is whole and intact, I have never woked up one morning and said, " You know what I feel like doing today.?"
Wow, you mean people actually care about babies after they're born? :shock:

yeah they just want to make sure a number of them arent born....but I understand their reasoning, makes perfect sense..if you kill the kid then you dont have to worry about their parents having their peepee mutilated lol
it should be left up to the individual to make that decision when they are old enough.

Maybe we should do that with the fetus...let them get old enough to make their own decisions...yeah im ready rip my throat out now
Really? It's my specialist subject.

That must have been a hard subject to learn, I imagine lots of oral exams and anal-retentive study habits...

(I'm sorry, but I have an automatic pun switch, I can't help it.)
That must have been a hard subject to learn, I imagine lots of oral exams and anal-retentive study habits...

(I'm sorry, but I have an automatic pun switch, I can't help it.)

You have no idea. I wood say that I was given a good drilling in it by my tutor, Peter Johnson.
well toughen up princess. if a little baby can do it, so can you!

joking of course ;)

Yeah, what the heck. They say I won't remember it the next day. It isn't like it is sensitive down there.
That must have been a hard subject to learn, I imagine lots of oral exams and anal-retentive study habits...

(I'm sorry, but I have an automatic pun switch, I can't help it.)

Don't forget the pop(up) quizzes!
One word, and one word only, describes the motivation for all medically unnecessary procedures.


How does money play into this situation?

You mean - from the Doctors? They'd get more money if they made it a lengthier process, actually.
I don't think circumcision counts as genital mutilation. I think it's protected by freedom of religion and should not be infringed upon. San Francisco is just a backwards city so it doesn't surprise me that they want to do this.
I don't think circumcision counts as genital mutilation. I think it's protected by freedom of religion and should not be infringed upon. San Francisco is just a backwards city so it doesn't surprise me that they want to do this.

Yes it is mutilation.

As for the protection by freedom of religion then one could assume you would approve of the Christian Scientist members who have shunned medical attention and let a child die that could have been saved by medical attention.

You sure wouldn't want to infringe on their right to practice their religion no matter the cost to the child.
Circumsision and denying medical care to your child due to religious conviction aren't even close being in the same category. Stop trying to blur the issues.
Yes it is mutilation.

As for the protection by freedom of religion then one could assume you would approve of the Christian Scientist members who have shunned medical attention and let a child die that could have been saved by medical attention.

You sure wouldn't want to infringe on their right to practice their religion no matter the cost to the child.
Yes it is mutilation.

As for the protection by freedom of religion then one could assume you would approve of the Christian Scientist members who have shunned medical attention and let a child die that could have been saved by medical attention.

You sure wouldn't want to infringe on their right to practice their religion no matter the cost to the child.

How is circumcision equated to denying a child medical attention because some parent believes God is against it? So if an adult wants to be circumcised to hospitals have to define the procedure as "male genital mutilation"? Going through a transgender surgery literally is genital mutilation to an extreme, I don't see San Francisco screaming against that either.
your son's penis is not yours to sacrifice. genital mutilation, especially at that age, is never justified - regardless of what any religion might say.

Wow, I didn't realize the foreskin was the entire penis. :roll:

Some parents get their kids ears pierced, should that be outlawed next?

Those of you making a big deal about circumcision are being ridiculous.

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