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Christian Islamophobia (1 Viewer)

Not really sure where here is anymore as never been outside the continental 48. As a Christian Nation Christianity is little more than cross conditioned way beyond therapy to kill any & all which prove their economic US Constitutional manipulations are little more than organized crime rewriting history to their suicidal super egos homicidal thirsts advantage. Better never than late certainly applies to the Christiananality pedophilia Islamophobia of "serve the Pope or die" "death to the infidels" burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda health care plan business as even SCOTUS standing with immaculate drug conceptions for Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate Mengele concentration camp defamations baptize thine eyes by urinations of one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants prior to exterminations Freudian slips who passed away certainly received that no equal justice under law constitutionally higher than one nation under God self centered mass murder lynching enforcement standing.

Then why not talk like you are from here?:roll:
Then why not talk like you are from here?:roll:

Abortion is murder, but when it came to SCOTUS immaculate drug conceptions for Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate Mengele concentration camp baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations prior to exterminations of one of Ike's WW II Pentagon staff sergeants in D.C. while talking Washington sports teams at lunch having to endure Freudian slips of Al Qaeda business with them to nuke Temple Mount who passed away prior to 9/11 so Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate Menegele baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations after 9/11 exterminations claim to be "man is God" in some "serve the Pope or die" Christian Nation suicidal pedophilia Islamophobia abortion of Washington, D.C. born natives. SCROTUS that supreme swastika up Uranus master race who along with the Vatican business of mass murder ought to be aborted for humanity once & for all.
There's no reason to read that "serve the Pope or die" biased business history contract which the burning Bush's failed to take into account when attempting to have Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" Muslims destroy Temple Mount Mosque for 9/11; which more than likely escalated Islam hatred from killing millions of Muslims because a few chose not to destroy their own religion. But then again that's all this not so master race seems to do for irrational gratification as those Christiananality pedophilia Islamophobia WW II Nazis business ventures.
There's no reason to read that "serve the Pope or die" biased business history contract which the burning Bush's failed to take into account when attempting to have Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" Muslims destroy Temple Mount Mosque for 9/11; which more than likely escalated Islam hatred from killing millions of Muslims because a few chose not to destroy their own religion. But then again that's all this not so master race seems to do for irrational gratification as those Christiananality pedophilia Islamophobia WW II Nazis business ventures.


Thanks for your avoidance-acceptance confession to 9/11. Just as those burning Bush's business contract with Muslim Al Qaeda to nuke Temple Mount didn't work so goes debate of "serve the Pope or die" politics of the Fourth Reich.
Thanks for your avoidance-acceptance confession to 9/11. Just as those burning Bush's business contract with Muslim Al Qaeda to nuke Temple Mount didn't work so goes debate of "serve the Pope or die" politics of the Fourth Reich.

Confession? Where?
Confession? Where?

Still holding onto that Christiananality pedophilia Islamophobia pseudo science of this Christian Nation SCOTUS no equal justice under law politics.
Still holding onto that Christiananality pedophilia Islamophobia pseudo science of this Christian Nation SCOTUS no equal justice under law politics.


Guess I'll choose to not even bother with the video as it's more than likely still holding onto that SCOTUS issued immaculate drug conception license to lynch as those Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops Mengele concentration camp baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations prior to exterminations of a Washington, D.C. born WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower for some "serve the Pope or die" immaculate churchstate property Muslim for that second coming & Fourth Reich of the burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" health care patriot act. So cross conditioned way beyond therapy couldn't care less how gratification from inability to distinguish keeps & maintains that beyond the pleasure principle "man is God" super ego.
What language are you originally typing in, and what free translation program are you using to convert it to English?????

What part of Judaism do you see in the Communist doctrine? Do Communists wear those little hats? Equate Jews with communism is more of that "serve the Pope or die" communism of Christiananality pedophilia Islamophobia that in 21st century doctrine translated is won't be too far in the future there won't be any churches or mosques in Israel & a swastika on top the Christian Nations' Capital Hill Dome along with the Vaticans as if one cross is a swastika then all the crosses are swastikas.

Ya know, if you'd answer my question honestly you'd get more slack for posting nonsensical gibberish.

If you won't answer it honestly, I'll just assume you're a troll/sock/poe and ignore everything you post from here on out.

Your call.

I'll ask once more. What language are you MOST comfortable speaking?
Still holding onto that Christiananality pedophilia Islamophobia pseudo science of this Christian Nation SCOTUS no equal justice under law politics.

Confession? Where? Quote me.
Guess I'll choose to not even bother with the video as it's more than likely still holding onto that SCOTUS issued immaculate drug conception license to lynch as those Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops Mengele concentration camp baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations prior to exterminations of a Washington, D.C. born WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower for some "serve the Pope or die" immaculate churchstate property Muslim for that second coming & Fourth Reich of the burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" health care patriot act. So cross conditioned way beyond therapy couldn't care less how gratification from inability to distinguish keeps & maintains that beyond the pleasure principle "man is God" super ego.

What is your first language?
Guess I'll choose to not even bother with the video as it's more than likely still holding onto that SCOTUS issued immaculate drug conception license to lynch as those Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops Mengele concentration camp baptize thine eyes by urinations defamations prior to exterminations of a Washington, D.C. born WW II Pentagon staff sergeant to Eisenhower for some "serve the Pope or die" immaculate churchstate property Muslim for that second coming & Fourth Reich of the burning Bush's 9/11 Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" health care patriot act. So cross conditioned way beyond therapy couldn't care less how gratification from inability to distinguish keeps & maintains that beyond the pleasure principle "man is God" super ego.

What is your first language?

Well it's not more of that talk to the hand that's got a SCOTUS immaculate drug conception lynching enforcement license to kill like those burning Bush's Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops business with Al Qaeda Muslims to nuke Temple Mount Israel for 9/11. This Christian Nation hatred towards Israel in SCOTUS granting Islam dhimmitude servitude over Israel after such a Christiananality pedophilia Mengele concentration camp patriot act of thieving US Constitution - old glory -old testament arsonists "serve the Pope or die" megalomaniacal crusade was noted about 2 decades ago.
Ya know, if you'd answer my question honestly you'd get more slack for posting nonsensical gibberish.

If you won't answer it honestly, I'll just assume you're a troll/sock/poe and ignore everything you post from here on out.

Your call.

I'll ask once more. What language are you MOST comfortable speaking?

Plain English since had too many old testaments stolen to be proficient in Hebrew & only got a couple of college semesters each of Latin & German; which seems to be foreign to those like on another political forum that have mostly confessed to exactly how Christianity pulled off 9/11 for Islam dhimmitude servitude in the 21st century; which of course is of no interest to America's problems in Christian Nation politics so it seems.
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"Sir, [this] preaching is like a dog's walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all."
Well it's not more of that talk to the hand that's got a SCOTUS immaculate drug conception lynching enforcement license to kill like those burning Bush's Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops business with Al Qaeda Muslims to nuke Temple Mount Israel for 9/11. This Christian Nation hatred towards Israel in SCOTUS granting Islam dhimmitude servitude over Israel after such a Christiananality pedophilia Mengele concentration camp patriot act of thieving US Constitution - old glory -old testament arsonists "serve the Pope or die" megalomaniacal crusade was noted about 2 decades ago.

So it's not English.
So it's not English.

Sounds as boggling this autistic Christian MAGA infatuation with Trump when it's National Religion KKK churchstate is still entrenched in it's 60 years old drugs in the synagogue Catholic Church master plan business of "serve the Pope or die" which failed having Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" Muslims put a nuke in Temple Mount Israel super ego master race; but so goes American problems in politics.
Sounds as boggling this autistic Christian MAGA infatuation with Trump when it's National Religion KKK churchstate is still entrenched in it's 60 years old drugs in the synagogue Catholic Church master plan business of "serve the Pope or die" which failed having Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" Muslims put a nuke in Temple Mount Israel super ego master race; but so goes American problems in politics.

Problem American religion Maga failed Muslims nuke Pope entrenched boggling national KKK Israel mount master within not out of.
Sounds as boggling this autistic Christian MAGA infatuation with Trump when it's National Religion KKK churchstate is still entrenched in it's 60 years old drugs in the synagogue Catholic Church master plan business of "serve the Pope or die" which failed having Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" Muslims put a nuke in Temple Mount Israel super ego master race; but so goes American problems in politics.

The castle grounds snarled with a wave of magically magnified wind. The sky outside was a great black ceiling, which was full of blood. The only sounds drifting from hagrid's hut were the disdainful shrieks of his own furniture. Magic: it was something that Harry Potter thought was very good.

Leathery sheets of rain lashed at Harry's ghost as he walked across the grounds towards the castle. Ron was standing there and doing a kind of frenzied tap dance. He saw Harry and immediately began to eat Hermione's family. Ron's Ron shirt was just as bad as Ron himself.

"If you two can't clump happily, I'm going to get aggressive," confessed the reasonable Hermionie. "What about Ron magic?" offered Ron. To Harry, Ron was a loud, slow, and soft bird. Harry did not like to think about birds.

Botnik Studios

In other words....

The castle grounds snarled with a wave of magically magnified wind. The sky outside was a great black ceiling, which was full of blood. The only sounds drifting from hagrid's hut were the disdainful shrieks of his own furniture. Magic: it was something that Harry Potter thought was very good.

Leathery sheets of rain lashed at Harry's ghost as he walked across the grounds towards the castle. Ron was standing there and doing a kind of frenzied tap dance. He saw Harry and immediately began to eat Hermione's family. Ron's Ron shirt was just as bad as Ron himself.

"If you two can't clump happily, I'm going to get aggressive," confessed the reasonable Hermionie. "What about Ron magic?" offered Ron. To Harry, Ron was a loud, slow, and soft bird. Harry did not like to think about birds.

Botnik Studios

In other words....


That's so heavy man.

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