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choosing the right church (1 Viewer)

The splits schisms wars and genocides are all just part of life's rich tapestry to her are they?
Or that god loves wondrous diversity.

This is how I see it. People have all sorts of personalities, ways of processing data, connecting to people, and what not. My buddy george likes a methodist church because he believes that the dignity of the worship honors god. I find it boring, but my personality is one that needs a lot of stimulation as I process information so quickly I am always looking for something to capture my attention for a while like very modern worship with lots of flashing lights and stuff like that.

alternatively, some people do better with lots of structure and some do better with no structure. For example, I don't do well with preachers who tend to have the attitude of "you should listen to me, even if you disagree" and do great in a small group situation where discussion can be had and I can take my time and process another's point of view. Other people need data and don't find as much meaning in the interpersonal aspect.

I fully believe that God uses whatever is at hand to reach people and God is smart enough to know that everyone has different needs and at different places in their lives.

aside from issues pertaining to doctrine, which is well documented as there being a right way (even though i don't personally know what they are, I do the best I can with what info I am able to learn as do we all), the way we go about church in terms of how it affects us individually and our individual needs, I am not sure there is a right or wrong way.
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The very existence of so many differing churches supposedly worshipping the same God suggest that the many worshippers select their God to fit their worldview/prejudices.

The same goes With many Things, politics, economic view Points, philosophies and so on, that doesn't mean there isn't a fact of the matter, or certain facts of the matter.
I want to get people's honest take on this as I struggle with it and am curious about other points of view.

I believe in God and Jesus, but I have trouble going to church for a few reasons.

1. The people, they are insufferable. I have been in 20 or so churches looking for a good fit and without a doubt, I find the same people in slightly different clothes. I am a person who is highly sensitive to people and my bull**** antenna is very good and I instinctively understand people very deeply very quickly (my friends think its a bit creepy when I tell them what they are thinking, but I tend to know what the people around me are thinking almost all the time and with a high accuracy). When I go to church, I find nothing but lies and bull****. The people put on a mask and never reveal who they are but instead what the expectations of the situation need them to be. There are exceptions of course, but its all so formulaic, certain types of support and love are expected and people put their game face on and go through the motions. The truth is, people are flawed and they should let themselves show that they are flawed or else there is nothing for people to connect to each other with. (I have a problem with this everywhere and its why I have been lonely most of my life, because I never had tolerance for social convention (instead, I go for truth) and ignoring that scares people and puts them way out of their comfort zone)
2. As a result, I am distracted and have trouble connecting to the moment and finding the spiritual feeling of church. Truth be told, I tend to do better in the shower in the morning when I have my me time and can pray and ask questions and get answers and wisdom. In the quiet times is when I do well, not in groups which distract me and throw off my center.
3. Whenever I pray for help to do this, I get this "its not my path and don't worry about it" feeling, but it still bothers me as as far as I can tell, its what I am supposed to be doing. I can tell when I ask over and over, I get an annoyed and shut up feeling back, so I am trying to find a way to get past it (in other words, get over myself and my doubts and do what is right for my path)

What is your take? I may or may not listen, but my experience thus far is that Churches take me away from God rather than closer because of the feelings of frustration I get from them. I would be happiest just being among friends with a nice cup of coffee and talking sincerely and spontaneously than some formulaic approach to things which may or may not happen to match up with my mood at the moment. Anyone else have experiences like this?

I am the creative, social, and spontaneous type that doesn't do well in structured environments (yet at the same time, I am well rounded, my right side tends to come up with my goals while my left side tends to get engaged in how to achieve those goals, I am also a good engineer, but I am dominant right side, slightly). I respond best to fluid and ever changing situations and I think that is my main problem in this realm.

Go to one of those new contemporary churches where they play the modern Christian rock like from the radio station K-Love. That is how I measure them by. Usually they may still have a Baptist lean in message, but with a more vibrant delivery. I think they are called New American Evangelist churches, at least here. I found one close by in Stockholm, and it has actually gotten me back to going on Sundays, even though I don't know if I really believe. The place is packed with over a thousand people, while other churches throughout the Nordic countries stand empty.
The same goes With many Things, politics, economic view Points, philosophies and so on, that doesn't mean there isn't a fact of the matter, or certain facts of the matter.

Which ones are which? Pick the wrong one and you're condemned to hell, with no way of knowing till it's too late.
Which ones are which? Pick the wrong one and you're condemned to hell, with no way of knowing till it's too late.

Depends on Your view of hell, but my point stands, the fact that there are many different opinions on something doesn't make the thing a worthless endevor.
My church is a small "hole in the wall" type church and I love it. I think that we should pray and seek out where God wants us to attend and not necessarily look for what we like. I think a church is not only a place to connect with believers, but also a place to use your spiritual gifts in service. We all have different needs and doctrines that may be important in selecting a church, but ultimately I think choosing a church should be based on prayer with God leading/confirming to us where we should attend.
Depends on Your view of hell, but my point stands, the fact that there are many different opinions on something doesn't make the thing a worthless endevor.

It's not my view, them's the rules of the game. "Nobody but me!" but which one?
You don't know the ten commandments?

Yes I know .... The Jews don't even believe in Hell .... and for Jews Gentiles don't need to follow the 10 commandments .... you're making these rediculous claims on soteriology theology without really knowing what Your talking about.

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