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Chipotle bans guns in restaurants (1 Viewer)

I've been around plenty of events where you have firearms all around you openly carried(and occasionally one or two very stupidly). You just can't let that kind of thing make you frightened, if they were doing other things that were "off", okay sure, but a firearm isn't a big deal unless someone is either really dumb with it or wants to hurt someone.

I'd love to go to a restaurant with you, hang out and chat and have a meal because i know you're a good guy and a responsible gun owner. Now i don't know anything about the two guys in the picture other than they look like complete knobs who wouldn't know how to act responsible if their life depended on it so why would i be comfortable going anywhere near those clowns? They could be decent people but their actions in that instance certainly don't lead you to that initial conclusion.

That doesn't make me scared, that just makes me sensible to not want to be around dickheads.
I'd love to go to a restaurant with you, hang out and chat and have a meal because i know you're a good guy and a responsible gun owner. Now i don't know anything about the two guys in the picture other than they look like complete knobs who wouldn't know how to act responsible if their life depended on it so why would i be comfortable going anywhere near those clowns? They could be decent people but their actions in that instance certainly don't lead you to that initial conclusion.

That doesn't make me scared, that just makes me sensible to not want to be around dickheads.

And they were too stupid to understand that 'in your face' protests never have positive endings, and usually piss off people.

There is plenty of historical examples that show this.
I'd love to go to a restaurant with you, hang out and chat and have a meal because i know you're a good guy and a responsible gun owner. Now i don't know anything about the two guys in the picture other than they look like complete knobs who wouldn't know how to act responsible if their life depended on it so why would i be comfortable going anywhere near those clowns? They could be decent people but their actions in that instance certainly don't lead you to that initial conclusion.

That doesn't make me scared, that just makes me sensible to not want to be around dickheads.
I would watch a person carefully if I knew they were armed or suspected it, nothing wrong with that and it shows situational awareness. I don't tend to arm myself in public because I haven't broken down and gotten my CCW yet (I know, shame on me......................and shhhh, the bad guys don't need to know that :lol:)

I will say this, those two looked like absolute idiots. I would not let them anywhere near a firing line if I were a range master because to be perfectly honest they look like an accident waiting to happen.
I would watch a person carefully if I knew they were armed or suspected it, nothing wrong with that and it shows situational awareness. I don't tend to arm myself in public because I haven't broken down and gotten my CCW yet (I know, shame on me......................and shhhh, the bad guys don't need to know that :lol:)

I will say this, those two looked like absolute idiots. I would not let them anywhere near a firing line if I were a range master because to be perfectly honest they look like an accident waiting to happen.

Seriously!! No CCW!

Shame, shame.

It is quite comforting.

I have been carrying daily for 10 yrs now.
Seriously!! No CCW!

Shame, shame.

It is quite comforting.

I have been carrying daily for 10 yrs now.
Time, money, and pretty large gun considerations at the moment. Once I get caught up I'm fixing that, I currently carry a .40S
&W chambered Baby Eagle. Great gun but way too large to conceal, I'm going to look into micro 1911 for a conceal carry gun and go from there.
Time, money, and pretty large gun considerations at the moment. Once I get caught up I'm fixing that, I currently carry a .40S
&W chambered Baby Eagle. Great gun but way too large to conceal, I'm going to look into micro 1911 for a conceal carry gun and go from there.

I have a SA1911 3".

I carry a Kahr PM45, right front pocket.

You will never even know that I have my hand on it, if the time comes.

Excellent in summer.
I have a SA1911 3".

I carry a Kahr PM45, right front pocket.

You will never even know that I have my hand on it, if the time comes.

Excellent in summer.
I'm thinking SA, Kahr, or Kimber but probably the former of the three because I find Kimber is a good line but a bit pricey for what you get.
I'm thinking SA, Kahr, or Kimber but probably the former of the three because I find Kimber is a good line but a bit pricey for what you get.

You also have to get a SW642 .38+P with CT Laser Grips.

Weighs very little, and great for the summer.

Everyone whom I know who carries has one of these in the rotation.
You also have to get a SW642 .38+P with CT Laser Grips.

Weighs very little, and great for the summer.

Everyone whom I know who carries has one of these in the rotation.
I just don't trust sub-.357 unfortunately. I know the .38 is a good round 90% of the time, but with my luck I would run into a person so hopped up on something that I would regret going small.
I just don't trust sub-.357 unfortunately. I know the .38 is a good round 90% of the time, but with my luck I would run into a person so hopped up on something that I would regret going small.

Reloading speed sucks also.
Reloading speed sucks also.
If I did carry a .38 it would be as a "New York Reload" gun, it would literally be the gap gun and a last best effort to end aggression.
Dude, the AR-15 isn't anything special, it's a modular short barreled semi-automatic. I would be more worried about a cheap shotgun.

Exactly. Open carry isn't about carrying an AR-15 into a Chipotle. Shotguns are the best self defense. Chipotle isn't a dangerous place.
Chipotle bans guns after social media campaign

Saw this on the daily show so here's the story, a few days ok these two guys walked into a Chipotle and while I dont know if they were customers or just there to take a photo they unnerved several other customers and resulted in an online campaign that asked the restaurant to ban firearms in their buildings.


So topics for discussion:

1) Do you think that Chipotle should be allowed to do this?

2) Are these guys just attention whores? (The answer is yes)

3) How do you decide if these guys are just two regular dudes or some sort of criminal? I recall several people on these forums saying if they saw a robber come in with a gun they'd shoot right away because who know what he's willing to do for money, well if you saw these guys walk in would you start shooting? What if they just turned out to be looking for a dumb facebook photo?

4) Why the hell does this guy have a collapsible buttstock on a firearm with such a long barrel?

Seriously? Those two guys? Someone thought of them as a threat? Yeah, maybe if they were wrapped with dynamite and had to remember if the thumb button worked down or up, but with those rifles I'd worry more that they might hurt themselves.
And, along the way, they're sabotaging their own cause.
Chipotle bans guns after social media campaign

Saw this on the daily show so here's the story, a few days ok these two guys walked into a Chipotle and while I dont know if they were customers or just there to take a photo they unnerved several other customers and resulted in an online campaign that asked the restaurant to ban firearms in their buildings.


So topics for discussion:

1) Do you think that Chipotle should be allowed to do this?

Since it is a privately owned business, they have the right to do so. Even if it is not posted outside (of any establishment) any employees that work there have the right to ask an armed person to leave (excluding law enforcement). If they do not obey the command, they can be charged with trespassing.

2) Are these guys just attention whores? (The answer is yes)

Absolutely. While I am a firm supporter of the 2nd, I don't believe this behavior is necessary, nor smart. They look like idiots out to prove a point. Responsible gun owners don't need to prove points by carrying rifles around. There is no practical purpose for carrying those rifles around with them, legal or not. A handgun will suffice for self defense.

3) How do you decide if these guys are just two regular dudes or some sort of criminal? I recall several people on these forums saying if they saw a robber come in with a gun they'd shoot right away because who know what he's willing to do for money, well if you saw these guys walk in would you start shooting? What if they just turned out to be looking for a dumb facebook photo?

This one is a bit more difficult to answer. Unless they are in the commission of a crime, or someone is in imminent fear for their life, any use of lethal force will be held against the shooter. Now, seeing as these two "gentlemen" don't look like your average person (let alone average carry permit holder) I can see why it would be easy to freak out. Which is exactly what I find wrong with what they're doing here. It is too easy for someone to get the wrong impression and end a life or two, or more... These guys put themselves at unnecessary risk to prove a point that can be just as easily proved with a handgun, which would be nowhere near as alarming as the rifles they are holding (not to mention the WAY they are holding them. The guy on the left could pass, but the guy on the right is borderline brandishing).

4) Why the hell does this guy have a collapsible buttstock on a firearm with such a long barrel?

First response is, "These guys decided to carry assault rifles into a family food place to prove a point. What more sense could they possibly have given the circumstances?"
After 2 seconds of thought, perhaps that's his typical home defense weapon, in which case a collapsable stock makes sense. However, the length of the barrel offsets the stock's usefulness due to its length.
Final thought was maybe this kid just thought it looked cool.

In any case, I don't think Chipotle should have banned ALL legal carry permit holders from carrying in their establishments because of these two jokers. This is not commonplace behavior and the employees reserve the right to ask these people to leave if they feel unsafe around them. Honestly, I wouldn't want these guys eating around me with those firearms either. As I mentioned before, a handgun will suffice.
And they were too stupid to understand that 'in your face' protests never have positive endings, and usually piss off people.

There is plenty of historical examples that show this.

You make the mistake of assuming these kids had history lessons or bothered to take the time away from Facebook to look it up. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Exactly. Open carry isn't about carrying an AR-15 into a Chipotle. Shotguns are the best self defense. Chipotle isn't a dangerous place.
However, the rifles were what the agenda driven petitions were based on. The reason I'm not worried about the AR-15 present is that the person is most likely your typical owner, they aren't high powered, as a matter of fact they are one of the weakest rifle cartridges on the market. I'm worried about a cheap shotgun because a person likely to rob a place probably would choose that for it's wide margin of error in shot placement.
I'm thinking SA, Kahr, or Kimber but probably the former of the three because I find Kimber is a good line but a bit pricey for what you get.

Might I suggest a Sig SP 2022? comes in 9/357 sig/40. Or what's wrong with a Glock 23? You can get conversion kits for that from .22, 9mm, 357 sig, and 40. Both priced around 500-550. And it's Sig/Glock quality. Hard to beat.
However, the rifles were what the agenda driven petitions were based on. The reason I'm not worried about the AR-15 present is that the person is most likely your typical owner, they aren't high powered, as a matter of fact they are one of the weakest rifle cartridges on the market. I'm worried about a cheap shotgun because a person likely to rob a place probably would choose that for it's wide margin of error in shot placement.

Not to mention the guy who robs a place probably wouldn't be able to afford a decent AR, let alone the ammo for it.
Might I suggest a Sig SP 2022? comes in 9/357 sig/40. Or what's wrong with a Glock 23? You can get conversion kits for that from .22, 9mm, 357 sig, and 40. Both priced around 500-550. And it's Sig/Glock quality. Hard to beat.
I don't like Glocks, I am a fan of external safeties for my own carry needs. I'm not in the market right now, I will do more research into my conceal piece at a later date when I'm ready to buy another piece. Glock is a fine gun, just not for my own comfort. I do like the Sigs though, fantastic weapons.
Not to mention the guy who robs a place probably wouldn't be able to afford a decent AR, let alone the ammo for it.
Right, my guess is a person producing an AR is someone actually maintaining the weapon, shotguns are extremely low maintenance(unless you get a prima donna like the Bennelli) and that would be the guy I watch a bit more closely. Any idiot can fire a shotgun, AR-15s require a bit more time/money investment.
Looks like Open Carry Texas and a couple other organizations have decided to change tactics.

"We have decided the prudent path, to further our goals, is to immediately cease taking long guns into corporate businesses unless invited."

"Looking back, it has become clear that there is one area in which we have gotten the most resistance and suffered the largest setbacks: open carry of long arms into private businesses. This is not a new phenomenon."​

What do you guys think? Reasonable compromise, a cave-in, or not enough?
Looks like Open Carry Texas and a couple other organizations have decided to change tactics.

"We have decided the prudent path, to further our goals, is to immediately cease taking long guns into corporate businesses unless invited."

"Looking back, it has become clear that there is one area in which we have gotten the most resistance and suffered the largest setbacks: open carry of long arms into private businesses. This is not a new phenomenon."​

What do you guys think? Reasonable compromise, a cave-in, or not enough?

Rectal / cranial reversal.
Looks like Open Carry Texas and a couple other organizations have decided to change tactics.

"We have decided the prudent path, to further our goals, is to immediately cease taking long guns into corporate businesses unless invited."

"Looking back, it has become clear that there is one area in which we have gotten the most resistance and suffered the largest setbacks: open carry of long arms into private businesses. This is not a new phenomenon."​

What do you guys think? Reasonable compromise, a cave-in, or not enough?

I support legal open carry.

However... walking into a restaurant with an AR15 on a one-point sling in low-ready position is sufficiently out of the ordinary that:

1. It is asking to get shot by an armed citizen who assumes you have ill intentions...
2. It is more immediately threatening in appearance, especially to non-gun people, than a holstered sidearm...
3. It is overkill, like bringing a bazooka to a turkey shoot, and therefore sounds alarm bells even in observers who are familiar and comfortable with firearms...

Part of the reason for this is a long gun is INCONVENIENT to lug around while doing other things. It's not something you generally carry while doing ordinary work, or eating a meal, because it is bulky and gets in the way. Generally you only carry a long gun if you think you're going to NEED ONE... and if you walk into a restaurant and it looks like you've got an AR at low-ready (need only raise the barrel to open fire) a lot of people are going to find that FAR more threatening in appearance than a holstered handgun.

It loudly hints at an expectation of bloodshed in a way that a holstered handgun does not. Even people who aren't particularly accustomed to firearms in public are reasonably used to seeing a HOLSTERED handgun on cops' belts in public places... but in the US NOBODY is used to seeing someone walk into a city restaurant with an AR slung in low-ready.

Just because you CAN do something does not always mean it is a good idea.

So yes, I think they would be wise to dial the OC displays back a little and mainly stick to holstered handguns.
I support legal open carry.

However... walking into a restaurant with an AR15 on a one-point sling in low-ready position is sufficiently out of the ordinary that:

1. It is asking to get shot by an armed citizen who assumes you have ill intentions...
2. It is more immediately threatening in appearance, especially to non-gun people, than a holstered sidearm...
3. It is overkill, like bringing a bazooka to a turkey shoot, and therefore sounds alarm bells even in observers who are familiar and comfortable with firearms...

Part of the reason for this is a long gun is INCONVENIENT to lug around while doing other things. It's not something you generally carry while doing ordinary work, or eating a meal, because it is bulky and gets in the way. Generally you only carry a long gun if you think you're going to NEED ONE... and if you walk into a restaurant and it looks like you've got an AR at low-ready (need only raise the barrel to open fire) a lot of people are going to find that FAR more threatening in appearance than a holstered handgun.

It loudly hints at an expectation of bloodshed in a way that a holstered handgun does not. Even people who aren't particularly accustomed to firearms in public are reasonably used to seeing a HOLSTERED handgun on cops' belts in public places... but in the US NOBODY is used to seeing someone walk into a city restaurant with an AR slung in low-ready.

Just because you CAN do something does not always mean it is a good idea.

So yes, I think they would be wise to dial the OC displays back a little and mainly stick to holstered handguns.

The problem is that open carry of a (modern) handgun is now illegal in Texas even with a CHL. ;)

Here is the newest OC Texas plan:

Whereas, our mission is to get open carry of handguns passed in Texas, we must once again adjust in a way that shines a positive light on our efforts, our members, and our respective organizations. We have decided the prudent path, to further our goals, is to immediately cease taking long guns into corporate businesses unless invited. Black Powder revolvers have proven to be very effective and align with our goal of legalizing open carry with a handgun. We do understand that not everyone will be able to afford one, but if you can, we are requesting you do so. Almost every leader has gone to Black powder for a reason. It works.
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Looks like Open Carry Texas and a couple other organizations have decided to change tactics.

"We have decided the prudent path, to further our goals, is to immediately cease taking long guns into corporate businesses unless invited."

What do you guys think? Reasonable compromise, a cave-in, or not enough?

Whoever thought of that dumb idea of carrying semi auto rifles into restaurants should be booted from any leadership role in that organization- that idiot set them back quite a bit.

"Looking back, it has become clear that there is one area in which we have gotten the most resistance and suffered the largest setbacks: open carry of long arms into private businesses. This is not a new phenomenon."
Thank you, Capt. Obvious :roll:

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