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China lands spacecraft on ‘dark’ side of moon in world first (1 Viewer)

No one's asking them to win a superbowl. Everyone recognizes that it's a 'rebuilding year'. I'd be happy if they would show up to a game. Maybe quit milling about the practice field aimlessly for a decade, and build/buy/rent a bus to get the team to the stadium.

The US government decided that getting to space should be done by private enterprise. The US has two major launch companies that do so. Neither can yet launch humans into space but at least one is working on it (Musk's company).

The exploration part of space is stilling being done by NASA and the US government. So the commercial aspects are being done by private companies, while the non commercial is being done by the government. A good way to do it
You guys should just forgo the wall. Put the money into your space program and move to Mars. That'd show the Mexicans... ;) :lol:

We could admit that we have no plans to move to Mars (or check out the dark side of the moon) and use some of those funds to better secure the border and enforce immigration laws within the US interior.
We could admit that we have no plans to move to Mars (or check out the dark side of the moon) and use some of those funds to better secure the border and enforce immigration laws within the US interior.

You are no fun today. Wah wah. :(
Oh, snap, philosophical crisis. Are aliens considered illegal if they are in space? If aliens live on Mars already, would America be the illegal alien?

Need to find a quiet place to count elastics and hum the them from Gilligan's Island. I'll check back periodically (every 7 seconds) for your reply.

Not illegal when they are in space or on mars. But when on earth (in the US) they are illegal alien aliens (ie Superman, who should be deported

Now if and when the US claims Mars, then according to US laws, any pre existing residents their who do not get US citizenship, or PR status would be illegal aliens, but not illegal alien aliens.
If aliens live on Mars already, would America be the illegal alien?

Not if we kill them all. Can't trust Martians anyway.
Not illegal when they are in space or on mars. But when on earth (in the US) they are illegal alien aliens (ie Superman, who should be deported

Now if and when the US claims Mars, then according to US laws, any pre existing residents their who do not get US citizenship, or PR status would be illegal aliens, but not illegal alien aliens.

Thank you for clearing that up, I can breathe again.
Not if we kill them all. Can't trust Martians anyway.

The US would never kill them all. Just claim they are brutal savages standing in the way of civilization, kill a bunch, move the rest to a reservation, where valuable resources would be found, then starve them out, and relocate them all to the sun.
Or we could just project the US Flag on the bright side of the moon, lol. That'll show the world who's boss!

Like from the comic book "The Tick" where the evil "Chairface" tried to laser his name on the moon but got stopped part way...

The US would never kill them all. Just claim they are brutal savages standing in the way of civilization, kill a bunch, move the rest to a reservation, where valuable resources would be found, then starve them out, and relocate them all to the sun.

Hey! There's plenty of great real estate on the sun. They'll be very happy there.
No one's asking them to win a superbowl. Everyone recognizes that it's a 'rebuilding year'. I'd be happy if they would show up to a game. Maybe quit milling about the practice field aimlessly for a decade, and build/buy/rent a bus to get the team to the stadium.

They would, no doubt, assert that would require more funding. We still have a Rural Electrification Administration that has been at it since 1936 and shows no signs of ever being done. Once a federal government project, program, agency or depatrtment gets started it gains (creates?) a following of folks dependent upon it and thus remains forever. Eventually, it spends up to 100% of its 'budget' on keeping its staff and dependents happily employed and thus needs more funding to do anything beyond that.
We could admit that we have no plans to move to Mars (or check out the dark side of the moon) and use some of those funds to better secure the border and enforce immigration laws within the US interior.

How about universal pre-K instead.
You guys should just forgo the wall. Put the money into your space program and move to Mars. That'd show the Mexicans... ;) :lol:

Or just send the Mexicans to Mars. They get a job as an astronaut when they enter.
You know the Chinese are up to something. The far side of the moon can't be observed from Earth, perfect for those commie bastards. Maybe they are putting up an iPhone factory with no employee protections. Or maybe not even a minimum wage!
It costs you less than your Netflix subscription.

Yep, but Netflix produces desirable content and if that ceases to be the case then I can unilaterally cancel my subscription.
Can't tell if serious.

NASA news just isn't front page anymore. China landed on the moon in 2019. We've been on Mars for years and have two spacecraft that have exited the solar system and have other craft examining smaller fly-by asteroids in deep space.

And now we have privatized flights to the edge of space and back.

SpaceX is throwing up rockets left and right and is about to put thousands of satellites up for a constellation that will provide world-wide gigabit internet service. And landing their booster rockets in the process for reuse. SpaceX just broke a record by successfully launching 64 satellites out of one rocket.

I was referring to manned space flight. In just over a decade we went from the first man in space to the last man on the moon. And that was almost 50 years ago. Now we have to hitch a ride to the space station. Thats disappointing.

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