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Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting[W:226] (1 Viewer)

Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

I know you have to pretend that it is, but that just goes further to prove my point.

Thanks again for predictably running away from your claims. I've come to expect it from you.

I can't produce evidence to a troll. You ignored context and tried to troll. I'm putting you on ignore now. Good bye. Thanks for outing yourself and making it easy.

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Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

I can't produce evidence to a troll. You ignored context and tried to troll. I'm putting you on ignore now. Good bye. Thanks for outing yourself and making it easy.

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You just can't help but keeping proving my point. Sorry that you can't back up your claims, and I hope you're going to be OK in your safe space.
Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

This is trolling. Thanks for the
Victory. Let me know when you want to discuss how and why police responses are a product of the communities they police. Until then you are just trolling. Bye now.

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I know you have to pretend that it is, but that just goes further to prove my point.

Thanks again for predictably running away from your claims. I've come to expect it from you.

Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting


You realize I produced evidence and he avoided it right? Trolls always do.

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Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

The "tough on crime" crap. We increase the punishments year over year on the proven-false-by-reality delusion that it will deter crime.

Take a look at those "evil socialist states" like Sweden and Denmark. They are /extremely/ 'soft' on crime. And the result? They have almost no crime.

We like to brag about being very "tough" on crime by being one of the last 'Western' nations to still have the death penalty, and throwing people in jail for decades. And the result? We continue to have a much higher-than-our-contemporary-nations rates of crime and violence.

You are the very definition of ignorant when you make a statement that contradicts the readily accessible and researchable effects of 'tough on crime' nations like ours versus 'soft on crime' nations like the Scandinavian countries.

Sweden and Denmark...lol. There's virtually no crime in our white, non-hispanic population here either. Why not look at Venezuela when pointing out socialist Utopias?
Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

You realize I produced evidence and he avoided it right? Trolls always do.

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Why are you still running from your claims and why do you hate cops?

What's so difficult about backing up your statements?

What's got you so afraid?
Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

What a disgusting display last night. It was like a party atmosphere. Those savages weren't protesting anything. This was a bunch of losers who took the opportunity to loot, riot, attack the police, and enjoy scaring the **** out of law abiding citizens. All I can say is I hope none of my sons ever want to be a police officer. If one of my kids was on that line last night, it would have taken everything in me not to go down there and throw **** at those disgusting bastards who were doing that.

Video is surfacing of a white man being beaten in a parking garage. Trying to throw an unconscious photographer into a fire. Beating a valet and first-floor employees at the Hyatt. Stopping and attacking cars on the highway. Men on motorcycles riding up in front of police, pretending to have a gun in their hands and pointing right at police officers and gesturing to fire at them. Massive looting and destruction. Spray painting "Black Lives Matter" everywhere.

The police just need to start spraying bullets. These people don't need to be above ground.
Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

What? Was that in English?

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**** hitting the fan?
Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

**** hitting the fan?

Thanks. That works. What the hell is a dindus?

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Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

Yet more people taking advantage of a situation to enrich themselves, while claiming to be protesting police abuse. How long until another ambush of police happens like in Texas? Where innocent people are killed in the name of black lives mattering? BLM does not endorse this, but it sure isnt helping by organizing protests which turn into riots. And the media certainly isnt helping by spreading this false narrative that police are bad, and return violence will be highlighted and celebrated.

Can BLM have just one protest,that does not turn into stealing/looting? They hate the police, ok, so you can at least understand why they get into confrontations with the police. The Soro's paid thugs be thugs.
Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

Video is surfacing of a white man being beaten in a parking garage. Trying to throw an unconscious photographer into a fire. Beating a valet and first-floor employees at the Hyatt. Stopping and attacking cars on the highway. Men on motorcycles riding up in front of police, pretending to have a gun in their hands and pointing right at police officers and gesturing to fire at them. Massive looting and destruction. Spray painting "Black Lives Matter" everywhere.

The police just need to start spraying bullets. These people don't need to be above ground.

Seems more like we need federal intervention at this point. Riots in a major city? Thats a job for the military. Can you imagine Obama sending in federal forces to quell black riots?
Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

Excuses for disregarding facts are irrelvant. The fact you do so is relevant to the integrity of your character and your value in a debate.
Comedy gold.:lol:

The only one disregarding facts here is you. When you refuse to acknowledge that comparing a country of less than 10 million people to a country of 300+ million people with a much more ethnically diverse population is an invalid comparison it just SCREAMS ideologically driven blowhard.

Please... continue, though. I'd love to hear about how population densities and ethnic diversity are irrelevant when studying crime statistics.
Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

Video is surfacing of a white man being beaten in a parking garage. Trying to throw an unconscious photographer into a fire. Beating a valet and first-floor employees at the Hyatt. Stopping and attacking cars on the highway. Men on motorcycles riding up in front of police, pretending to have a gun in their hands and pointing right at police officers and gesturing to fire at them. Massive looting and destruction. Spray painting "Black Lives Matter" everywhere.

The police just need to start spraying bullets. These people don't need to be above ground.

Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

Can BLM have just one protest,that does not turn into stealing/looting? They hate the police, ok, so you can at least understand why they get into confrontations with the police. The Soro's paid thugs be thugs.

You had a point until that last sentence.
Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

Yet more people taking advantage of a situation to enrich themselves, while claiming to be protesting police abuse. How long until another ambush of police happens like in Texas? Where innocent people are killed in the name of black lives mattering? BLM does not endorse this, but it sure isnt helping by organizing protests which turn into riots. And the media certainly isnt helping by spreading this false narrative that police are bad, and return violence will be highlighted and celebrated.

BLM is a racist group that incites riots and violence . Did this gentle giant college boy have a gun and refused to drop it ? Are all the whites getting beaten for walking down the street at fault ? How does STEALING and destroying other peoples property and businesses help their cause , if they even have a cause ? Or is it just time for another free TV , beer , and Jordan's ?
Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

BLM is a racist group that incites riots and violence . Did this gentle giant college boy have a gun and refused to drop it ? Are all the whites getting beaten for walking down the street at fault ? How does STEALING and destroying other peoples property and businesses help their cause , if they even have a cause ? Or is it just time for another free TV , beer , and Jordan's ?

You'd think federal troops would be sent in to help these outnumbered police officers.

But this is Obama's wet dream. He's front and center with popcorn no doubt.
Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

You'd think federal troops would be sent in to help these outnumbered police officers.

But this is Obama's wet dream. He's front and center with popcorn no doubt.

good grief
Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

You'd think federal troops would be sent in to help these outnumbered police officers.

But this is Obama's wet dream. He's front and center with popcorn no doubt.

The less the FED is involved in anything, the better off we all are.
Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

according to the police chief, there was a gun found at the scene of the shooting
this indicates the victim was not "unarmed"

According to the accused, he didn't do it.... this indicates we have the wrong guy.

Sorry, this contrary to other eyewitness accounts, and thus must be investigated (police have been known to use throw-downs and other tools to protect themselves from situations that let get out of hand).

Look, you can attempt to dismiss these things one by one (granted, SOME of these are less righteous than others), but doing so only soothes your need to be denial. The preponderance of these incidents speaks for itself. If you think we do not have a problem with excessive use of force in our black communities, you are exceptionally naive or just like living in a fantasy world. If you think the black community would not feel a lack of justice in such circumstances, you are exceptionally insensitive. If we do not correct this problem, its going to come to your fantasy world as well.

Until this problem is embraced and we, as a nation, take steps to remedy the situation... the problem will continue and the response increasingly ugly.

"......A riot is the language of the unheard...."

This is the time to be listening.
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Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

According to the accused, he didn't do it.... this indicates we have the wrong guy.

Sorry, this contrary to other eyewitness accounts, and thus must be investigated (police have been known to use throw-downs and other tools to protect themselves from situations that let get out of hand).

According to a local TV station, a source in the police department told them that a video does exist and shows the man exiting his vehicle with gun in hand.

If we've learned anything the last few years, witnesses lie... Ferguson is the perfect example... But videos don't.

Re: Charlotte faces aftermath of protests ignited by fatal police shooting

Upsideguy, it's difficult to hear when distracted by looting, burning, and shooting.

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