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Catholic school girls (1 Viewer)

Again, it is weird that you know about some esoteric "rule" about porn......but had never heard of or exposed to uniform fetish.

:shrug: I knew about it. I also knew that the depiction of a skirted school uniform as a universal sex symbol is inaccurate.
I knew about it. I also knew that the depiction of a skirted school uniform as a universal sex symbol is inaccurate.
The question wasn't whether it was "universal", the question was how you did not know that it was big in Japan.

"no one (in Japan) thought it had anything to do with sex."
:shrug: I knew about it. I also knew that the depiction of a skirted school uniform as a universal sex symbol is inaccurate.

It's also relatively new, isn't it?

Not that freaks haven't always gotten their freaks on, and I'm thinking here of Lewis Carroll, but the uniform-thing surely isn't a universal, is it?
I don't think that high school aged girls trying to look sexy is anything new. Like I said, they are realizing the power their sexuality has over the boys. The only problem is that these girls are trying to look sexy for the cute boys and not the old man perverts that are leering at them, and let's face it, when you're a teenager, anything over 25-30 is considered old. :lol:
It's also relatively new, isn't it?

Not that freaks haven't always gotten their freaks on, and I'm thinking here of Lewis Carroll, but the uniform-thing surely isn't a universal, is it?

I don't know - it at least is as old as Britney Spears album of her dancing around dressed as a schoolgirl, with the implicit message that this was innocence sexualized deeply enough imprinted in the culture that the people who put the album together never questioned that it would get picked up on. Or maybe older - Billy Joel recorded "Only The Good Die Young" in 1977.
I don't think that high school aged girls trying to look sexy is anything new. Like I said, they are realizing the power their sexuality has over the boys.

Female sexuality has power over teenage boys?

Are you sure?

The only problem is that these girls are trying to look sexy for the cute boys and not the old man perverts that are leering at them, and let's face it, when you're a teenager, anything over 25-30 is considered old. :lol:

True, and one of the things I intend to impress upon my daughter growing up. When you dress in such a manner as to catch the attention of a boy... realize you are also catching the attention of everyone.
Female sexuality has power over teenage boys?

Are you sure?
You just confirmed they do in the very next breath:

True, and one of the things I intend to impress upon my daughter growing up. When you dress in such a manner as to catch the attention of a boy... realize you are also catching the attention of everyone.
It's also relatively new, isn't it?

Not that freaks haven't always gotten their freaks on, and I'm thinking here of Lewis Carroll, but the uniform-thing surely isn't a universal, is it?

Have you seen what female teen and young adults wear for Halloween? It seems to me that a uniform fetish is mainstream in the USA. Just Google image search college girl Halloween costume for plenty of evidence. (I don't know if there is as much interest outside the USA except for Japan) Women's love of men in uniform has driven many men into the military and certain professions.

Have you seen what female teen and young adults wear for Halloween? It seems to me that a uniform fetish is mainstream in the USA. Just Google image search college girl Halloween costume for plenty of evidence. (I don't know if there is as much interest outside the USA except for Japan) Women's love of men in uniform has driven many men into the military and certain professions.


Lol, the girs without pockets are carrying their phone in one hand.

It reminds me of this.

Where the guys are holding up their pants with one hand.

Pretty soon we'll evolve. Anyone with three arms will suddenly become highly desired breeding stock.
Lol, the girs without pockets are carrying their phone in one hand.

It reminds me of this.

Where the guys are holding up their pants with one hand.

Pretty soon we'll evolve. Anyone with three arms will suddenly become highly desired breeding stock.

You took a post with hot, half-naked jailbait and ruined it with a response. Thanks.
You took a post with hot, half-naked jailbait and ruined it with a response. Thanks.

I must be getting old when all I'm really noticing is their phones. :)

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