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Bulgaria urges return to nuclear (1 Viewer)

Maximus Zeebra

DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2006
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Western Europe
Political Leaning
BBC NEWS | Europe | Bulgaria urges return to nuclear

Yikes.. I sure hope that isnt going to happen.

bbc said:
Bulgaria's President Georgi Purvanov has suggested that a nuclear reactor deemed unsafe by the EU could be restarted to help cover gas shortages.

bbc said:
Kozloduy supplied about half of Bulgaria's electricity, before four of its six reactors were closed amid safety concerns. The US department of energy described Kozloduy as "one of the world's most dangerous nuclear installations".
lol, LET THEM! the USA ought to set up a nuclear plant in Bulgaria just to tick everyone off!

As if France will ever allow that. France OWNS the nuclear energy sector. :lol:

But this article wasnt talking about that, but some old soviet reactor... YIAHIIIKES.
As if France will ever allow that. France OWNS the nuclear energy sector. :lol:

But this article wasnt talking about that, but some old soviet reactor... YIAHIIIKES.
Long as they keep those in EU and out of the Americas, especially Central.... Oh well.
As if France will ever allow that. France OWNS the nuclear energy sector. :lol:

But this article wasnt talking about that, but some old soviet reactor... YIAHIIIKES.
what...a soviet reactor? and OLD soviet reactor? Oh Hellz no, we can't have that! Blast it them!
what...a soviet reactor? and OLD soviet reactor? Oh Hellz no, we can't have that! Blast it them!

Its deemed as a very unsafe reactor by the EU and by the US its deemed as one of the most dangerous nuclear reactors in the world.. And they want to restart it! Thats horrible news.
Then maybe the EU should sack up and do something about Russia being a petulant bitch.
Then maybe the EU should sack up and do something about Russia being a petulant bitch.

There are plenty of nuclear reactors waiting to be restarted instead of decommissioned. Thats the ONLY short term solution we have, as for medium term, Europe is steadily and have been for a long time increasing energy production in form of renewable sources, wave, sun and wind for example. The pace of this development will probably increase as a result of the Russian issue.

Or then we actually have another alternative, economic sanctions. Europe is the greatest trade partner of Russia, and they would be strangled if we used to correct trade sanctions on them to get their act together.. But by doing so we would risk higher likelihood of war as Russian would be more and more desperate..
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There are plenty of nuclear reactors waiting to be restarted instead of decommissioned. Thats the ONLY short term solution we have, as for medium term, Europe is steadily and have been for a long time increasing energy production in form of renewable sources, wave, sun and wind for example. The pace of this development will probably increase as a result of the Russian issue.

Or then we actually have another alternative, economic sanctions. Europe is the greatest trade partner of Russia, and they would be strangled if we used to correct trade sanctions on them to get their act together.. But by doing so we would risk higher likelihood of war as Russian would be more and more desperate..
If EU imposed sanctions, Russia may use that as justification to kick their ass.
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There are plenty of nuclear reactors waiting to be restarted instead of decommissioned. Thats the ONLY short term solution we have, as for medium term, Europe is steadily and have been for a long time increasing energy production in form of renewable sources, wave, sun and wind for example. The pace of this development will probably increase as a result of the Russian issue.

Or then we actually have another alternative, economic sanctions. Europe is the greatest trade partner of Russia, and they would be strangled if we used to correct trade sanctions on them to get their act together.. But by doing so we would risk higher likelihood of war as Russian would be more and more desperate..

Then I guess they should start them up, shouldn't they?

This entire issue stems from Russia refusing to deliver fuel. If they won't deliver, then Bulgaria will do what it has to do. If the EU doesn't want that to happen, they should offer Bulgaria a better option.
If EU imposed sanctions, Russia may use that as justification to kick their ass.

The likelyhood of war would still be low very low(almost non-existent), Russia would probably fall into an understanding with Europe if we put sanctions on them. But an increased risk of war is still a risk to assess in a total strategy.
Then I guess they should start them up, shouldn't they?

This entire issue stems from Russia refusing to deliver fuel. If they won't deliver, then Bulgaria will do what it has to do. If the EU doesn't want that to happen, they should offer Bulgaria a better option.

Well.. I dont think anyone want to see such dangerous reactors being started up. its not wise of Bulgaria either its their asses on the line, their fallouts etc.
There are lots of safer unused nuclear reactors in Europe, but the grid of Bulgaria is not well connected with the places where they are(France, Germany, UK for example).
Well.. I dont think anyone want to see such dangerous reactors being started up. its not wise of Bulgaria either its their asses on the line, their fallouts etc.
There are lots of safer unused nuclear reactors in Europe, but the grid of Bulgaria is not well connected with the places where they are(France, Germany, UK for example).

So what do you suggest they do?
So what do you suggest they do?

I have no idea. Europe is working on a solution together. Most likely it will be threats-santctions type of stuff which will encourage Russia to put it back on and supply those countries in the Southeast of Europe with enough gas again. Or else, we would have to liquify supplies to northern Europe and transport them there or commission some safe decomissioned nuclear plants around Europe and transport the energy to the places that needs it somehow.. Increased use of coal is possible..

I dont know what Europe is gonna do about this, but I certainly believe what I said in the start is the most likely solution and that Russia will bow under pressure.
More importantly is the medium and long term solutions, and I think we are quite on track on those.

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