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Breitbart Spokesman Resigns Over Trump Aide Assault (1 Viewer)

C'mon...... you know that is how the world is. Some people will go over the line and it will always be that way. No party is clean when it comes to what has happened in the past.

Which GOParty has posters who have threatened to use guns on the left today?

Wouldn't that be the same GOPukes who are so fond of their "2nd amendment remedies" for DEM Congressman/woman like Gabby Giffords ?
NO scab is blind to a picket line dude. He knows what he's doing.

Just like Trump thugs know what they're doing and so did Breitbart.

Truck drivers pick up loads all over the country and deliver to anywhere in the country. Are they expected to read local papers of the town they are delivering to?

How in the hell are they supposed to know about some local with a hard on for the company?
Fools get what they are asking for.......eventually. If the intellectuals have all the answers, then why does it continue to be a problem?

I'd say the pansy elbow throwing buckwacker Trumper is getting a little of what he asked for, would have gotten his ass kicked if the two cops hadn't wrestled the guy who got sucker punched to the ground and let the angry old white guy who did the sucker punch just stand there... :doh

Ahhh coz the dim bulbs of the world don't pay attention??? Coz some have anger issues??? Coz some feel they are allowed to hit people who aren't looking??? Coz some angry old white guys think they don't have to obey the law if they claim- Religion, Patriotism, some other delusion... :peace
Which GOParty has posters who have threatened to use guns on the left today?

Wouldn't that be the same GOPukes who are so fond of their "2nd amendment remedies" for DEM Congressman/woman like Gabby Giffords ?

I have no idea...... I actually spend more time building boats than I do looking for the bad on other people.
Truck drivers pick up loads all over the country and deliver to anywhere in the country. Are they expected to read local papers of the town they are delivering to?

How in the hell are they supposed to know about some local with a hard on for the company?

Oh might be because those union goons are standing outside the company they are protesting carrying signs with their complaints. Are you saying the poor truck driver is illiterate or deaf? Can't read or hear the shouts?
I'd say the pansy elbow throwing buckwacker Trumper is getting a little of what he asked for, would have gotten his ass kicked if the two cops hadn't wrestled the guy who got sucker punched to the ground and let the angry old white guy who did the sucker punch just stand there... :doh

Ahhh coz the dim bulbs of the world don't pay attention??? Coz some have anger issues??? Coz some feel they are allowed to hit people who aren't looking??? Coz some angry old white guys think they don't have to obey the law if they claim- Religion, Patriotism, some other delusion... :peace

Plenty of non whites out there creating their own violent situations. You make it racist by following the party line.

OLD WHITE GUY punches a black guy........ it's gotta be racist.......................right?

March on fool!
Oh might be because those union goons are standing outside the company they are protesting carrying signs with their complaints. Are you saying the poor truck driver is illiterate or deaf? Can't read or hear the shouts?

Poor truck driver stops short of the protest and calls his company to ask what is going on.

Ahhhh.....too late. Windows broken and he is already assaulted.
Obama's words:

If they bring a knife...........then you bring a gun!

The white mans greed runs a world in need.

People cling to their guns and religion when confronted with beliefs other than theirs

My grand mother........a typical white lady

Latino's need to punish their enemies (immigration speech)

Obama made those remarks at a fundraiser in Philadelphia during the 2008 presidential campaign. He was paraphrasing a quote from the 1987 mob movie "The Untouchables."

Obama, Guns and ‘The Untouchables’

Anything else?
Obama made those remarks at a fundraiser in Philadelphia during the 2008 presidential campaign. He was paraphrasing a quote from the 1987 mob movie "The Untouchables."

Obama, Guns and ‘The Untouchables’

Anything else?

He used it in reference to getting base his active.

, June 13, 2008: He [Obama] warned that the general election campaign could get ugly. “They’re going to try to scare people. They’re going to try to say that ‘that Obama is a scary guy,’ ” he said. A donor yelled out a deep accented “Don’t give in!”

“I won’t but that sounded pretty scary. You’re a tough guy,” Obama said.

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”
He used it in reference to getting base his active.

, June 13, 2008: He [Obama] warned that the general election campaign could get ugly. “They’re going to try to scare people. They’re going to try to say that ‘that Obama is a scary guy,’ ” he said. A donor yelled out a deep accented “Don’t give in!”

“I won’t but that sounded pretty scary. You’re a tough guy,” Obama said.

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

News flash...Obama isn't running for president and this thread isn't about Obama.
Plenty of non whites out there creating their own violent situations. You make it racist by following the party line. OLD WHITE GUY punches a black guy........ it's gotta be racist.......................right? March on fool!

Actually I was citing the angry old white man who, like a coward, used a flying elbow on someone who was being escorted by the police and never saw it coming. He then is recorded threatening to kill him, and later when interviewed wants to make the guy an ISIL Terrorist... :doh

Using facts in front of us, not vague arm waving, but keep yanking that rope... :peace
He used it in reference to getting base his active.

, June 13, 2008: He [Obama] warned that the general election campaign could get ugly. “They’re going to try to scare people. They’re going to try to say that ‘that Obama is a scary guy,’ ” he said. A donor yelled out a deep accented “Don’t give in!”

“I won’t but that sounded pretty scary. You’re a tough guy,” Obama said.

“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said. “Because from what I understand folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.”

Oh - he was using a metaphor with respect to arguments between Dems and Repubs.


You're just being hyperbolic and trying to tie in something that has nothing to do with Trump's thugs.
Spokesman say that Bietbart is lying in order to support Trump

Breitbart Spokesman Resigns Over Trump Aide Assault: 'This S**t Just Sucks'

He pointed to an "escalating pattern of behavior" at Trump rallies that is "incredibly dangerous."

This is a great story and just shows how the right-wing media manipulates things to suit their agenda

Well, OBVIOUSLY he was a left-wing mole in the Breitbart organization...because as we all know, no right-winger would ever, ever initiate violence against someone else for any reason whatsoever unless the right-winger was attacked first, right? Right! 'Cause we know how incredibly violent leftists are - heck, they're so violent that they've run out of people to kill in blue states, so they go to the red states and kill people, which is why red states generally have higher homicide rates! Right? Right!
In today's society with an ever increase in passive aggressive and rude behavior, I find myself tickled pink when those who walk through life thinking that they can do and say whatever, like they've got a moat built around them, turn yellow in the face of true aggression, no matter how slight an increase that might be...
It's very clear why he left. A Breitbart journalist was injured at one of Trumps Beer Hall brawls, Breitbart did not support her and acted like apologists for violence and lied about the whole thing. Breitbart is not a credible news source; many of us have known that and this incident just proves it.

That is what he said but of course that is what he was going to say no matter what the real reason is. Breitbard is in a bad place here and so they are not going to correct him, the last thing they need to do is undercut yet another "employee" (it is not clear who is paid and who is a volunteer at this place).
No, Trump has created some backlash and HIS people are not very stable. What Chicago shows is 'his people' are quick to violence.

Some would opine history would be much different if a few good people stood up to one little corporal... take your pick on which as history has a few of them... :peace

"His people" were not the problem, George Soros's people (we are told that is who they are) were the problem, and they intended to be.
And you claim to be so highly educated?

You understood me perfectly. THis is the kind of elitist BS a lot of the nation has had enough of. The lack of ability to be kind and considerate to others along with the lack of ability to prioritize which has so ****ed over this nation must be corrected.
"His people" were not the problem, George Soros's people (we are told that is who they are) were the problem, and they intended to be.

The Orange guy's people ARE the violent ones, try and stick with what happened. (yelling fits right in with several of the PUB debates. ;) )

Now who told you the protesters are 'Soros's people' ????
"His people" were not the problem, George Soros's people (we are told that is who they are) were the problem, and they intended to be.

Soros! Everybody drink!
C'mon...... you know that is how the world is. Some people will go over the line and it will always be that way. No party is clean when it comes to what has happened in the past.

Well, sure, that's true.

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