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Bill Maher defends Rush Limbaugh for 'slut' apology (1 Viewer)

I will grant you that Im not great at that search engine thing and may have missed the numerous times you went after Maher for using the slut, ****, whore, etc descriptors. If that is the case (and maybe you could steer me to one of those threads) I will gladly accept you arent 'that guy'.

Actually, all you have to do is read THIS thread. I have already attacked Maher twice in it.

Reading is fundamental.
perhaps you should simply stop labeling people, so you don't make such silly mistakes.

its just a thought.
So...Danarhea is NOT a POS hypocrite. OK then...and you?
Actually, all you have to do is read THIS thread. I have already attacked Maher twice in it.

Reading is fundamental.
Like the good rev pointed out...the Maher cat was out of the bag a loong loong time ago. Do you happen to have anything relevant to when he actually USED the slurs?
Like the good rev pointed out...the Maher cat was out of the bag a loong loong time ago. Do you happen to have anything relevant to when he actually USED the slurs?

Look, bub - I began blasting Maher before practically anybody else, left or right, was doing so. He really pissed me off when he referred to those who attacked on 911 as being more courageous than us. That was more than 10 years ago. But here we go again. This is just yet another case where one of my detractors chooses to be dishonest by trying to change the issue, and making it about me, and not what I posted, which was how people are pidgeonholed as Liberal or Conservative, when it really depends on the issue itself. This argument results from the original scope of the thread, which is Bill Maher supporting Rush Limbaugh on a freedom of speech issue. Please speak to that, and stop the silly snide remarks, and your silly attempts to make me the issue, before I put your ass on ignore. I am NOT the issue here. This thread is NOT about me.
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Look, bub - I began blasting Maher before practically anybody else, left or right, was doing so. He really pissed me off when he referred to those who attacked on 911 as being more courageous than us. That was more than 10 years ago. But here we go again. This is just yet another case where one of my detractors chooses to be dishonest by trying to change the issue, and making it about me, and not what I posted, which was how people are pidgeonholed as Liberal or Conservative, when it really depends on the issue itself. This argument results from the original scope of the thread, which is Bill Maher supporting Rush Limbaugh on a freedom of speech issue. Please speak to that, and stop the silly snide remarks, and your silly attempts to make me the issue, before I put your ass on ignore. I am NOT the issue here. This thread is NOT about me.
Oh noes...not that!!!
I stated very clearly that I would TOTALLY accept I was wrong and that you were all over Bill Maher about using the slut, whore, **** references, unlike the others here. All I asked for is a little direction to where you had done that...and look at how it got you all spun up. Intriguing...
Look, bub - I began blasting Maher before practically anybody else, left or right, was doing so. He really pissed me off when he referred to those who attacked on 911 as being more courageous than us. That was more than 10 years ago. But here we go again. This is just yet another case where one of my detractors chooses to be dishonest by trying to change the issue, and making it about me, and not what I posted, which was how people are pidgeonholed as Liberal or Conservative, when it really depends on the issue itself. This argument results from the original scope of the thread, which is Bill Maher supporting Rush Limbaugh on a freedom of speech issue. Please speak to that, and stop the silly snide remarks, and your silly attempts to make me the issue, before I put your ass on ignore. I am NOT the issue here. This thread is NOT about me.

Wow, what a douchy thing to say! LOL
So...Danarhea is NOT a POS hypocrite. OK then...and you?

Like the good rev pointed out...the Maher cat was out of the bag a loong loong time ago. Do you happen to have anything relevant to when he actually USED the slurs?

and you call others "hypocrites".
oh, I know you aren't about to call me such a name.
Are you? I mean...would you blame the guy putting the glass slipper on Cinderella just because the shoe happened to fit her? But...as long as it doesnt fit...it doesnt apply. Does it?
Bill Maher defends Rush Limbaugh for 'slut' apology - UPI.com

We'll be hearing stories of liberals jumping off buildings now, and millions of liberal heads just exploded.


Good luck with your Rush-hatefest guys.

What? I cannot stand Bill Maher and would have absolutely no problem if his show was off the air. In fact, many liberals I know can't stand him so his opinion obviously doesn't hold the weight you think it does.
and you call others "hypocrites".
Please do tell...what is hypocritical there? Im TOTALLY willing to accept Danarhea at his word...was merely asking if he could point to where he lambasted Maher for calling women sluts, ****s, and whores. I extend to you the same courtesy...did you? Have you? Cuz...Im not seeing it. What I DID see is a rather weak ass excuse about...well...its not the SAME after all...because Maher is a comedian. Really? really?
Whether he is a 'text book liberal' is irrelevant. What IS relevant is he has used the same language and far worse and was never attacked by the people that have tripped over each other to attack Limbaugh. Maher...Limbaugh...ANYONE...they are free to use whatever language and descriptors they see fit to use. Who they 'are' is already well known.
What? Bill Maher has gotten so much crap from people for some of the ridiculous things he has said from some of the same people who criticize Limbaugh.
what is your problem?
Que? No problemo. That was a pretty direct and straightforward response to your posed question. Dont like the response, dont ask the question.
What? Bill Maher has gotten so much crap from people for some of the ridiculous things he has said from some of the same people who criticize Limbaugh.
Then finding those many threads and condemnations should be no problem.
Bill Maher defends Rush Limbaugh for 'slut' apology - UPI.com

We'll be hearing stories of liberals jumping off buildings now, and millions of liberal heads just exploded.


Good luck with your Rush-hatefest guys.


Good to know you're a Maher fan, but really why do you guys always think this type of quoting makes a difference? Do you really believe that someone who doesn't like what Rush said is going to all of the sudden go "Well, if Bill says it's OK, it's OK gosh darn it!!!!!!"


Bill Maher hosts a politically driven talk show and has since 2003. The President s adviser is an upcoming guest. He has hosted politically driven shows since the 90's. He and Limbaugh are precisely the same person with regard to job description and format. That you draw that as your distinction and excuse is comical.

Still waiting...

Except every time the pill junkie speaks, Republicans crap their pants hoping he's saying nice things about them. He is, after all, the head of the party. Maher, on the other hand, is a foul-mouthed, opinionated Far Left/Libertarian combination that has a lot of money and not much else.
Oh noes...not that!!!
I stated very clearly that I would TOTALLY accept I was wrong and that you were all over Bill Maher about using the slut, whore, **** references, unlike the others here. All I asked for is a little direction to where you had done that...and look at how it got you all spun up. Intriguing...

Yea, right.

Try baiting someone else now. You are now on ignore. Buh bye!!
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What? I cannot stand Bill Maher and would have absolutely no problem if his show was off the air. In fact, many liberals I know can't stand him so his opinion obviously doesn't hold the weight you think it does.

I'm a liberal and I hate Maher. He's foul mouthed and crude - in fact, the other half of Limbaugh. Except, of course, unlike the junkie Limbaugh, he isn't in control of an entire political party.
I'm a liberal and I hate Maher. He's foul mouthed and crude - in fact, the other half of Limbaugh. Except, of course, unlike the junkie Limbaugh, he isn't in control of an entire political party.

I don't know one person who watches Maher on a regular basis, let alone to get their news and talking points. Find one person on the board who said, "On Maher the other day..." LOL. It'll never happened.
Well, I can't speak for anyone else but I've never denied that I have partisan or even hackish tendencies. If Fluke gave convincing, well articulated reasons for her position, than nothing anyone says can make a fool out of her, only she has that power. I also think, though, folks have a right to decide for themselves if her arguments are convincing and it's not really fair to say that disagreeing with her makes someone a hack. I don't think anyone means to defend Rush's comments, heck, Rush doesn't defend his comments, but I think people would just like to see some parity. If what Rush said was wrong and worthy of outrage, then it's wrong for anyone to say it (or things like it). Otherwise, I'd prefer people be honest that the problem they have with Rush is not what he said, but who he is.

Don't get me wrong, X. I don't agree with religious organizations having to provide birth control pills for their employees unless there is medical necessity. I think it violates church/state separation. I thought she clearly articulated how those 14% who do need them for other reasons are effected by Georgetown's policy of interrogating students in person for their medical need.

The sole problem I have with Rush Limbaugh is his targeting a private citizen who gave articulate and reasonable testimony as being a slut and a prostitute -- and spending three days doing it. Those who disagree with her testimony? Hell, I disagree in principle, so I have no problem with that.

For the most part, though, I rather agree with you.

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