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Beck Enters Full-Fledged Mad Max Mode (1 Viewer)

I did.

You just don't like the answer.

One man wrangling union friends can't pull it off -- call it delusions of grandeur -- so, I guess he's mentally unstable.

But the market is manipulated by Goldman Sach and others all the time -- egomaniacs, narcissists, but insane? No.

Good. I'm glad you don't htink it's a good idea.
Good. I'm glad you don't htink it's a good idea.

If you think it's a bad idea, then I would write your reps about more wall street regs.

Because it will happen again -- and the unions won't be shorting stocks.
Theres like 5 threads on this topic
Beck Enters Full-Fledged Mad Max Mode

This is Beck's response to the suggestion of a boycott by another union leader.

For Beck, Rosa Parks must be the anti-Christ.

What the hell is he even talking about there? How does this guy have a job? That was a paragraph of nonsense. How does this preacher have a pundits spot on a "news" channel? I don't know.
What the hell is he even talking about there? How does this guy have a job? That was a paragraph of nonsense. How does this preacher have a pundits spot on a "news" channel? I don't know.

It's the real life version of the classic film Network.
What the hell is he even talking about there?

Lerner's plan to destroy JP Morgan and crash the stock market. What do you think the US and world would look like if that actually happened?
Honestly, that link does nothing but hurt your argument that he's not crazy. Last I checked with my lefty friends (plenty of whom are members of community groups, students, unionized, etc.) none had gotten wind of this latest "terrorism plan" (REALLY?) to destroy capitalism, America and apple pie.

I guess they're just all out of the loop though.

Of course we will not tell you. It is a sekrit, that only radical leftists know. :ninja:

But of course, if someone finds out.... :shoot
Lerner's plan to destroy JP Morgan and crash the stock market. What do you think the US and world would look like if that actually happened?

Intelligent discussion only please.... let's live the hyper-fringe out of this and not suggest it is credible or worthy of debate.

Glenn Beck IS Howard Beal

Of course we will not tell you. It is a sekrit, that only radical leftists know. :ninja:

:shrug: becks' not claiming there is some kind of Leftist Activist Illuminati. Like arab leaders who talk about he need for peace in english and the need for blood in arabic, these people are generally open in front of their own about their intent; it's just that now thanks to the internet they can recieve mass exposure.

and frankly i wouldn't be surprised at all if we started getting alot of activist pressure on those evil rich banks demanding higher interest payments on state and local debt
Lerner's plan to destroy JP Morgan and crash the stock market. What do you think the US and world would look like if that actually happened?

1929 - 1939 with cell phones and bigger buildings to jump off.

We got smart, put regs in place to control/monitor the banks and markets. But in 1980 we got dumb and thought we could trust the 'invisible hand' to keep us safe from human nature. And thus began the greatest transfer of wealth in human history.
:) there, fixed it for you.

Not really.

The 'creation' of new wealth came later -- economies of scale -- during the last bubble.

And they made out like bandits with TARP.
Not really.

The 'creation' of new wealth came later -- economies of scale -- during the last bubble.

And they made out like bandits with TARP.
That is what I love about "asshats of the year" like you. You mock the audience of Beck. Though you closely imitate Beck and resemble his "manic" style on just as daily a basis. Just from the opposite side of the political "asshat" spectrum. Only where Beck is making money at his gig, you are here making nothing for you 456 plus "full fledged" Beck=Satan post. Though you mock Beck's audience, you are an audience member yourself. Only your "messiah" is Media Matters or whomever is saying something derogatory Beck. Or Fox, or right wing bias. In other words people just like you and Beck!

Only a poster with nearly identical traits as those of Beck could be unhinged to the degree with him that you are. Which is why you have started over 400 post about Beck. The rest are about Fox News or a Fox News anchor or host. Interchangeable morons! Aping each other and truly worthy of the "Asshat of the Year" in a poll of your peers.

I bet you take the title again. I also bet you take it as a badge of honor too. Just like last time, right Becknuts? Or am I wrong? You sought out that honor? It makes you feel like a sane and reasonable Beck fan? You are fighting the good fight by imitating Beck and making a complete "asshat" of yourself.

Beck could not make his nut financially without your attention. Too bad all you get for your identical "imitation" of his asshatery is the icon of two buttocks crowned with a hat.:roll:
Lerner's plan to destroy JP Morgan and crash the stock market. What do you think the US and world would look like if that actually happened?

Like a fairy tale ;)

Because the whole thing does not reflect reality.
Many people thought putting a man on the moon was a fairy tale too. Who would've thought 19 people would've taken over airplanes and slammed them into buildings?

I don't dismiss things so quickly as some people here do. We don't know how much influence this guy has or where he got his ideas.
Lerner also says explicitly that, although the attack will benefit labor unions, it cannot be seen as being organized by them. It must therefore be run by community organizations.
So even though this benefits unions (but not really) it does benefit community orgnanizers. What do we know about community organizers?
Not really.

yes, really.

The 'creation' of new wealth came later -- economies of scale -- during the last bubble.

in the 2000's? you think (for example) Walmart became big in the 2000's?

And they made out like bandits with TARP.

the big banks surely did. which is one of the reasons i opposed that program.

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