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Antifa Attacks Christians in Portland. Cops Do Not Intervene. (1 Viewer)

I live a stones throw away from Gresham, and the Portlandia shit has started flowing in my neighborhood. Time to move.

Damn, that is a pretty long way out of downtown. Hell, Hood River isn't all that much further out.

Dude...you are going to have to move to Mount Hood!
So, you support foreign rabble-rousers?
Not if that is their intent. But then anyone can make that claim against any group who has any type of rally. Without absolute fact, I will not make a silly claim.

That's a very slippery slope.

To support the first amemdment means suppoirting the rights of those you disagree with to have their say.

Damn, that is a pretty long way out of downtown. Hell, Hood River isn't all that much further out.

Dude...you are going to have to move to Mount Hood!
I have a great view of Mt. Hood.
Not if that is their intent. But then anyone can make that claim against any group who has any type of rally. Without absolute fact, I will not make a silly claim.

That's a very slippery slope.

To support the first amemdment means suppoirting the rights of those you disagree with to have their say.

It was very obviously his intent.
It was very obviously his intent.
Can you prove that contention?

Even at that, maybe it's a good thing to expose the bad people like Antifa in out society.

I hope you aren't rationalizing support for Antifa.
Can you prove that contention?

Even at that, maybe it's a good thing to expose the bad people like Antifa in out society.

I hope you aren't rationalizing support for Antifa.

So it's okay as long as your side is doing it?
So it's okay as long as your side is doing it?
It's not my side. I simply disagree with your viewpoint on enabling the silencing of people.

Don't you ever say something out of principle rather than if you agree or disagree with something? Personally, I don't like being preached to. But as long as they aren't shoving it in my face, who cares?
Here's their official web page.

I'm sure it will be of more help to you than I can in this regard.
Any jackass can make a website. According to all intelligence organizations the biggest threat to American citizens now is right-wing, white supremacist terrorism.
Any jackass can make a website. According to all intelligence organizations the biggest threat to American citizens now is right-wing, white supremacist terrorism.
Oh, well, then you will probably want to join one of them, as well as, Antifa.
Oh, well, then you will probably want to join one of them, as well as, Antifa.
Nah.. I'll let the rw nuts blow themselves up. They definitely will eventually and clear-thinking folks can move on from attacks like the one on 1/6.
Can you prove that contention?

Even at that, maybe it's a good thing to expose the bad people like Antifa in out society.

I hope you aren't rationalizing support for Antifa.
The history of Feucht and Pawlowski prove they came looking for an interaction with Antifa and not for worship or music(although one source claimed that earlier in the evening of the 8th the PB and Antifa had stood together chatting and listening to the music )

Pawlowski didn't rent a quiet church.
He held his event at a site where PB and Antifa confront each other and fight.
Pawlowski has been arrested before for his crowd antagonizing events.
His organization is no longer recognized as a religious organization by Canadian officials.
He heckles the protestors that show up.
The event and the harassment were posted I'm

Fuecht held a concert in Portland last year in the same spot on the same day as this years concert/preaching
That concert ended in brawling, shooting paint balls, beatings etc.
Fuecht also did not rent space away from the disruptions that occur in McCall park
Fuecht preaches defiance and refusal to obey Covid restrictions among other right wing topics
His attitude is aggressive and antagonizing.
He came to the event with a 40 squad PB escort for "security"

PB and Antifa are both made up of people that like to get into physical altercations with other people. They are both public nuisances. But as the Chief of Police said,"We're not allowed to shut something down before it happens."
However, the Antifa is local it's made up of Portland's young male , anti-racist, politically active, hippy contingent. The Proud Boys are not local people, their leader is not local and they only been in Portland since the Trump administration.
You can read the details here.

Three points that capture my attention immediately:

1. This is simply further evidence (as if any additional evidence were required) that Antifa is genuinely an Un-American, fascist, violent organization.

2. Government cannot be counted on to protect our Constitutional rights even though that is the purpose of their existence.

3. The Second Amendment is more necessary now as in any time in America's past. If those Christians had been armed, this would never have happened.

I lived in Portland from November of 2012 to May of 2013.

It was a wonderful place to live, up until it wasn't.

It's now a cesspool of lawlessness...
I lived in Portland from November of 2012 to May of 2013.

It was a wonderful place to live, up until it wasn't.

It's now a cesspool of lawlessness...

It is a great place.
A great place for what? Protests and riots?
It is a great city. You are being manipulated......lied to by right wing media.

Go see for yourself.

Don't be so gullible, it's bad for your country.
It is a great city. You are being manipulated......lied to by right wing media.

Go see for yourself.

Don't be so gullible, it's bad for your country.

I live in Portlandia. Have since '94, and it used to be a great place, but is now a vile shithole. Lived near Portland all my life, except when I was in the Army.

I live in Portlandia. Have since '94, and it used to be a great place, but is now a vile shithole. Lived near Portland all my life, except when I was in the Army.
No. It's still a great city.

You should get out more.
No. It's still a great city.

You should get out more.
I do. I smell the stench of urine in the downtown streets in the daytime, and see all kinds of crap at night that didn't use to happen. I like the area in NW around 23rd, but the homeless are now rampant everywhere.
So, you support foreign rabble-rousers?
If they are within the borders of the US, they have their right to free speech protected. Citizenship has absolutely nothing to do with it. The First Amendment, as it plainly states, is about protecting "the right of the people," including foreigners.
Not if that is their intent. But then anyone can make that claim against any group who has any type of rally. Without absolute fact, I will not make a silly claim.

That's a very slippery slope.

To support the first amemdment means suppoirting the rights of those you disagree with to have their say.
The only "intent" government need concern itself with is whether or not there is the intent to incite violence or an insurrection. Otherwise the intent of the one expressing themselves is their own, and none of the government's business.

The First Amendment also protects more than just US citizens from government infringement. It protects everyone within the borders of the US, regardless of citizenship status.

But you are absolutely right about one thing, the purpose of the First Amendment is to protect the speech with which we disagree. If everyone agreed with the speech, then there would be no need for a First Amendment.
If they are within the borders of the US, they have their right to free speech protected. Citizenship has absolutely nothing to do with it. The First Amendment, as it plainly states, is about protecting "the right of the people," including foreigners.

Oh, foreigners have free speech here, though not for the exact reason you state:

Amendment 1
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or
of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition
the Government for a redress of grievances.

vs the second amendment

Amendment 2
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the
right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Now, the 2nd amendment doesn't apply to non-citizens, as citizens are what is referred to as "the people".

So foreigners have the rights of freedom of religion, speech, and the press.

As opposed to a "person" who gains all the listed rights given in amendments V.

Amendment 5
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime,
unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising
in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time
of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense
to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any
criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life,
liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be
taken for public use, without just compensation.

So we agree that a foreigner has the right to rabble rouse. My question was whether or not you approved of it?
You can read the details here.

Three points that capture my attention immediately:

1. This is simply further evidence (as if any additional evidence were required) that Antifa is genuinely an Un-American, fascist, violent organization.

2. Government cannot be counted on to protect our Constitutional rights even though that is the purpose of their existence.

3. The Second Amendment is more necessary now as in any time in America's past. If those Christians had been armed, this would never have happened.

Anarchists cannot be fascist, by definition. Fascist? The closest you'll find to that in this country are Trumpists.

ANTIFA is a barely-connected smattering of local groups of violent anarchist assholes across the country. But I can see why some people might feel the need to pretend they are.

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