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Anti-Gun Movie Bombs at the Boxoffice (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 19, 2012
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Political Leaning
"Miss Sloane", an anti-gun movie that demonizes the NRA, has bombed at the box office, making just over 3 million in the first week. That comes out to 9 movie goers per theater per day for this dog.

That just goes to show that the whole gun control effort is a top down affair. There's no support for more regulations in the general public.

I sure hope these pinheads put their own money into this poodle. A whole raft of anti-war, anti-military movies cratered and they still kept making them. And now this. These guys have a fiduciary duty to put the money into movies that will make money, not to make their own little bleeding hearts go pitter-pat.
"Miss Sloane", an anti-gun movie that demonizes the NRA, has bombed at the box office, making just over 3 million in the first week. That comes out to 9 movie goers per theater per day for this dog.

That just goes to show that the whole gun control effort is a top down affair. There's no support for more regulations in the general public.

I sure hope these pinheads put their own money into this poodle. A whole raft of anti-war, anti-military movies cratered and they still kept making them. And now this. These guys have a fiduciary duty to put the money into movies that will make money, not to make their own little bleeding hearts go pitter-pat.

The problem with movies about the gun issue is that outside of the USA there is ver little market for it. A few years ago they made the Grisham novel RUNAWAY JOURNEY and watered it down from the book. It did pretty good in the USA at nearly $50 million but only took in about half of that overseas. And it had a pretty good cast - much better than MISS SLOANE.
The problem with movies about the gun issue is that outside of the USA there is ver little market for it. A few years ago they made the Grisham novel RUNAWAY JOURNEY and watered it down from the book. It did pretty good in the USA at nearly $50 million but only took in about half of that overseas. And it had a pretty good cast - much better than MISS SLOANE.

I think the other issue is that people don't really want to watch a wonky, boring policy movie. While Lowdown paints a picture of America's views on guns that completely denies reality (before launching into his usual, tired schtick), if the movie was actually good, it would have done better.
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"Miss Sloane", an anti-gun movie that demonizes the NRA, has bombed at the box office, making just over 3 million in the first week. That comes out to 9 movie goers per theater per day for this dog.

That just goes to show that the whole gun control effort is a top down affair. There's no support for more regulations in the general public.

I sure hope these pinheads put their own money into this poodle. A whole raft of anti-war, anti-military movies cratered and they still kept making them. And now this. These guys have a fiduciary duty to put the money into movies that will make money, not to make their own little bleeding hearts go pitter-pat.

yes I saw the same thing. doesn't surprise me.
I think the other ossue os that people don't really want to watch a wonky, boring policy movie. While Lowdown paints a picture of America's views on guns that completely denies reality (before launching into his usual, tired schtick), if the movie was actually good, it would have done better.

I agree - people will see issues movies providing they are good and entertaining.
It's sitting at a mediocre 69% on Rotten Tomatoes right now.
I think the other issue is that people don't really want to watch a wonky, boring policy movie. While Lowdown paints a picture of America's views on guns that completely denies reality (before launching into his usual, tired schtick), if the movie was actually good, it would have done better.

Yeah. I'd rather watch a explosion-filled masterpiece from Michael Bay than that.
"Miss Sloane", an anti-gun movie that demonizes the NRA, has bombed at the box office, making just over 3 million in the first week. That comes out to 9 movie goers per theater per day for this dog.

That just goes to show that the whole gun control effort is a top down affair. There's no support for more regulations in the general public.

I sure hope these pinheads put their own money into this poodle. A whole raft of anti-war, anti-military movies cratered and they still kept making them. And now this. These guys have a fiduciary duty to put the money into movies that will make money, not to make their own little bleeding hearts go pitter-pat.
Miss Sloane?

Never heard of it. If it was actually a good movie and had real marketing it would have did well regardless of it's message.
Old people do.

Not true hahaha when I went to starwars I felt like the old people it was mostly wall to wall teens with some families and 30 somethings sprinkled around.
"Miss Sloane", an anti-gun movie that demonizes the NRA, has bombed at the box office, making just over 3 million in the first week. That comes out to 9 movie goers per theater per day for this dog.

That just goes to show that the whole gun control effort is a top down affair. There's no support for more regulations in the general public.

I sure hope these pinheads put their own money into this poodle. A whole raft of anti-war, anti-military movies cratered and they still kept making them. And now this. These guys have a fiduciary duty to put the money into movies that will make money, not to make their own little bleeding hearts go pitter-pat.

as I noted in another thread, this movie was created based on the belief that the lying bitch was going to win and with her coronation, this movie would be launched to give her Bannerrhoid schemes a boost of public support. With the Lying Bitch losing, the main purpose of this move was lost as was the secondary purpose-to make the anti gun scum lickers who created it-money. The trailers I have seen were fraught with fibs-such as the lead character howling that you can by an assault rifle without any paperwork which is a lie since assault rifles made after 5/19/86 are illegal for anyone other than government agents and Title II manufacturers to possess and those made before then require a 11 month background check, a 200 dollar tax stamp, and (until recently) the approval (which may be withheld for ANY reason) of your chief local law enforcement officer.
"Miss Sloane", an anti-gun movie that demonizes the NRA, has bombed at the box office, making just over 3 million in the first week. That comes out to 9 movie goers per theater per day for this dog.

That just goes to show that the whole gun control effort is a top down affair. There's no support for more regulations in the general public.

I sure hope these pinheads put their own money into this poodle. A whole raft of anti-war, anti-military movies cratered and they still kept making them. And now this. These guys have a fiduciary duty to put the money into movies that will make money, not to make their own little bleeding hearts go pitter-pat.
dam you Dore Schary!
as I noted in another thread, this movie was created based on the belief that the lying bitch was going to win and with her coronation, this movie would be launched to give her Bannerrhoid schemes a boost of public support. With the Lying Bitch losing, the main purpose of this move was lost as was the secondary purpose-to make the anti gun scum lickers who created it-money. The trailers I have seen were fraught with fibs-such as the lead character howling that you can by an assault rifle without any paperwork which is a lie since assault rifles made after 5/19/86 are illegal for anyone other than government agents and Title II manufacturers to possess and those made before then require a 11 month background check, a 200 dollar tax stamp, and (until recently) the approval (which may be withheld for ANY reason) of your chief local law enforcement officer.

lol...man, you see the banner boogeyman everywhere. Don't you?

As for the film. It sounds like a Downer Debbie film. Who the hell wants to see that at Christmas? Fire me up some Die Hard.
lol...man, you see the banner boogeyman everywhere. Don't you?

As for the film. It sounds like a Downer Debbie film. Who the hell wants to see that at Christmas? Fire me up some Die Hard.

it used to be the anti gun left could pretend we were paranoid when we said gun bans were the real goal of the anti gun left. But we have massive gun bans in states that are the homes of a large number of US citizens. California, NY, CT, Maryland, New Jersey all have gun bans that are clear violations of the second amendment -yet Obama judges pretend that the second amendment only deserves an "intermediate" level of scrutiny. This will change with Trump judges I hope

but anyone who actually knows what is going on, those states with gun bans account for

12%+6%+2.75% + 1.8% +1.1% of the US population-almost a quarter of US citizens in the 50 states live in states that ban lots of commonly owned firearms. So when gun banners claim gun banning is not a serious threat, they are lying
lol...man, you see the banner boogeyman everywhere. Don't you?

As for the film. It sounds like a Downer Debbie film. Who the hell wants to see that at Christmas? Fire me up some Die Hard.

If you gave me a choice between watching this boring crap and Rogue One, it's not hard to see which one I'd rather watch.
it used to be the anti gun left could pretend we were paranoid when we said gun bans were the real goal of the anti gun left. But we have massive gun bans in states that are the homes of a large number of US citizens. California, NY, CT, Maryland, New Jersey all have gun bans that are clear violations of the second amendment -yet Obama judges pretend that the second amendment only deserves an "intermediate" level of scrutiny. This will change with Trump judges I hope

but anyone who actually knows what is going on, those states with gun bans account for

12%+6%+2.75% + 1.8% +1.1% of the US population-almost a quarter of US citizens in the 50 states live in states that ban lots of commonly owned firearms. So when gun banners claim gun banning is not a serious threat, they are lying

So? Infant mortality in Red states is twice that in Blue ones. Should we all suddenly go Blue?
If you gave me a choice between watching this boring crap and Rogue One, it's not hard to see which one I'd rather watch.

I think there is a new Grinch flick out there...or maybe it was Bad Santa. I need to keep up with these things.
So? Infant mortality in Red states is twice that in Blue ones. Should we all suddenly go Blue?

what relevance does that have? this is the gun forum and I am pointing out that gun bans are an actual reality in the USA
what relevance does that have? this is the gun forum and I am pointing out that gun bans are an actual reality in the USA

Both sides have their issues. People can ignore one for the other, but that just makes them partisan hacks or one trick ponies.
So? Infant mortality in Red states is twice that in Blue ones. Should we all suddenly go Blue?

Since red states aren't homogeneous, is the high rate in the red or blue population?
Since red states aren't homogeneous, is the high rate in the red or blue population?

Probably the poor side of town. That's usually how it goes.
Well, this thread didn't have much promise, but now it's ruined.

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