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Al Gore Accused of "Unwanted Sexual Contact" in 2006, Authorities Say (1 Viewer)

Wow, Rev... for Al's sake, I hope you are not judge and/or jury (if it ever comes to that).

I haven't convicted him yet, consider me though, in line with the prosecutions contention for now....

All to often the canary in the cage is the egress of the wife. ;)
I haven't convicted him yet, consider me though, in line with the prosecutions contention for now....

All to often the canary in the cage is the egress of the wife. ;)

I was really hoping for the Goracle to be placed in a cell over his huge scam to the tune of Trillions world wide rather than some sex scandal, but I'll take it. If for nothing else than to stop the damage he is doing to the world.

I haven't convicted him yet, consider me though, in line with the prosecutions contention for now....

All to often the canary in the cage is the egress of the wife. ;)

Thing is, Rev, there is a difference between cheating and commiting a crime. Two different reason why a spouse would leave, so I wouldn't jump the gun if I were you.
Thing is, Rev, there is a difference between cheating and commiting a crime. Two different reason why a spouse would leave, so I wouldn't jump the gun if I were you.

Not always. Sometimes cheating involves a crime. John Edwards is learning that.
Not always. Sometimes cheating involves a crime. John Edwards is learning that.

In Gore's case, he's being accused of sexual assault. How does that involve donation money again?
In Gore's case, he's being accused of sexual assault. How does that involve donation money again?

Where did I make that claim ???? :roll:

Edwards is accused of abusing campaign contributions, Gore is accused of sexual assault........both crimes.
Where did I make that claim ???? :roll:

Edwards is accused of abusing campaign contributions, Gore is accused of sexual assault........both crimes.

You said that John Edwards was learning that sometimes cheating involves a crime.
I haven't convicted him yet, consider me though, in line with the prosecutions contention for now....

All to often the canary in the cage is the egress of the wife. ;)

It need not be because of a crime for the wife to want a divorce, ya know.
It need not be because of a crime for the wife to want a divorce, ya know.

I don't know, who would want to divorce this? :pimpdaddy:

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You said that John Edwards was learning that sometimes cheating involves a crime.

Did I make the claim that Gore misused campaign money ????

Answer: NO
Did I make the claim that Gore misused campaign money ????

Answer: NO

That's not what she said. She asked what campaign money had to do with sexual assault. You're the one who made the comparison between the two.
That's not what she said. She asked what campaign money had to do with sexual assault. You're the one who made the comparison between the two.

NO, I did not. I said cheating sometimes involves a crime. Sexual assault in Gore's case, campaign money abuse in Edward's case.

Try reading a bit closer instead of jumping in and muddying the water.
Al Gore Accused of "Unwanted Sexual Contact" in 2006, Authorities Say

Eeesh. The whole story seems a bit strange - her lawyer went to the police in 2006 to complain of a sexual assault, but never did anything about it. Then she herself talked to the police in 2009, but the police never went forward with it. Now in 2010, she's...doing what exactly? It's not clear what precipitated this story.

Either way, the National Enquirer once again breaks a story. Pretty damn impressive.

I do not mean to sound like I am sticking up a for a eviro-loon wacko religious nut but I heard that his accuser tried selling the story to the National Enquirer. If this is true then how can this woman's word be trusted?(just in case no one else brought this up)Seems to me that she is just trying to scam people for money and fame.
I do not mean to sound like I am sticking up a for a eviro-loon wacko religious nut but I heard that his accuser tried selling the story to the National Enquirer. If this is true then how can this woman's word be trusted?(just in case no one else brought this up)Seems to me that she is just trying to scam people for money and fame.

Or she's making the best of a bad experience. :shrug:
Or she's making the best of a bad experience. :shrug:

I say con artist trying to make a buck or get fame. If she really was sexually assulted or got unwanted sexual contract I would think that she would have been telling her story to everyone if the police didn't do anything about it.IF ABC,CBS,NBC,PBS,FOX,CNN, or any of their other affiliates didn't listen then seeing how she went to the National Enquirer she could have went to every loony site that jumped onto the Obama is not a natural born citizen tabloid news site with her story. I find it hard to trust people trying to seek monetary gain instead of seeking justice over what some might view as a horrible event.
I say con artist trying to make a buck or get fame. If she really was sexually assulted or got unwanted sexual contract I would think that she would have been telling her story to everyone if the police didn't do anything about it.IF ABC,CBS,NBC,PBS,FOX,CNN, or any of their other affiliates didn't listen then seeing how she went to the National Enquirer she could have went to every loony site that jumped onto the Obama is not a natural born citizen tabloid news site with her story. I find it hard to trust people trying to seek monetary gain instead of seeking justice over what some might view as a horrible event.

Maybe she can get a Penthouse gig like Paula Jones did.
I say con artist trying to make a buck or get fame. If she really was sexually assulted or got unwanted sexual contract I would think that she would have been telling her story to everyone if the police didn't do anything about it.IF ABC,CBS,NBC,PBS,FOX,CNN, or any of their other affiliates didn't listen then seeing how she went to the National Enquirer she could have went to every loony site that jumped onto the Obama is not a natural born citizen tabloid news site with her story. I find it hard to trust people trying to seek monetary gain instead of seeking justice over what some might view as a horrible event.

I think she did, then the paper quashed it, no? The same one that quashed stories for another democrat no? ;)
I think she did, then the paper quashed it, no? The same one that quashed stories for another democrat no? ;)
Those are not the only media sources she could have went to. I find it hard to believe that the same woman who would go to the national Enquirer would not go to world net daily or some other site with a ax to grind against democrats regardless of how absurd the story may sound.
Those are not the only media sources she could have went to. I find it hard to believe that the same woman who would go to the national Enquirer would not go to world net daily or some other site with a ax to grind against democrats regardless of how absurd the story may sound.

Dunno, we'll see. That said though its an odd way to "make money"/
NO, I did not. I said cheating sometimes involves a crime. Sexual assault in Gore's case, campaign money abuse in Edward's case.

Try reading a bit closer instead of jumping in and muddying the water.

No, you said cheating sometimes involves a crime, something that John Edwards was learning. As if his campaign money had some relevance to cheating. If John Edwards had been convicted of sexual assault, your statement would have made sense. As it is, it made no sense at all.
I think she did, then the paper quashed it, no? The same one that quashed stories for another democrat no? ;)

Al Gore gets treated by a massage therapist everywhere he travels. A local newspaper in the area where this "incident" happened, got wind of this, and tried for a year to find others (all over the US) who have been victimized by Al. Nothing but crickets, so they gave up. According to this conservative newspaper, it's an non-story.

I find this bit of information interesting, don't you?
Al Gore gets treated by a massage therapist everywhere he travels. A local newspaper in the area where this "incident" happened, got wind of this, and tried for a year to find others (all over the US) who have been victimized by Al. Nothing but crickets, so they gave up. According to this conservative newspaper, it's an non-story.

I find this bit of information interesting, don't you?

what your anecdote and unverified evidence?

I think calling for a "massage" at 11pm is kinda shady. :shrug:
what your anecdote and unverified evidence?

I think calling for a "massage" at 11pm is kinda shady. :shrug:

It is a tad shady but then again many people don't keep normal hours. I know that I personally do a lot of things late at night when most people are asleep, and if I had the money I would probably call in a masseuse at some strange hour of the night, because that's when I'm awake and doing things.
It is a tad shady but then again many people don't keep normal hours. I know that I personally do a lot of things late at night when most people are asleep, and if I had the money I would probably call in a masseuse at some strange hour of the night, because that's when I'm awake and doing things.

Just make sure you negotiate up front. :ssst:

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