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3-year-old raped by uncle, officials say (1 Viewer)

If I could highlight an "incident" involving myself that I think highlights how these things work, in regards to drunken sex.
After my best friends wedding, at which I had been drinking from noon until after midnight, my wife and I went back to our hotel room and had some great sex. At some point during the night, after we fell asleep I woke up and was ready to go again. So I caressed my wife, and she seemed to respond so I started going at it. She "woke up" while I was going through the motions, and was like "what the hell are you doing?" So she jokingly claims I took her against her will, even though I thought she was awake.
Had this been some college girl I had just met that night I could have been in some deep trouble, and she probably could have claimed rape even though my intention wasn't to force myself on her against her will.

Yeah you could've been in deep $hit if she were a stranger 'cause a girl "waking up" or "coming to" with a guy on top of her is very common and they almost always ultimately come to the end conclusion that they were raped. But what were you trying to do, really? You were trying to have sex which is my point exactly.
Yeah you could've been in deep $hit if she were a stranger 'cause a girl "waking up" or "coming to" with a guy on top of her is very common and they almost always ultimately come to the end conclusion that they were raped. But what were you trying to do, really? You were trying to have sex which is my point exactly.

Yeah. My intent wasn't to force myself upon anybody. I thought "we" were having sex. Not just me. At least my wife obliged me and let me finish :mrgreen:
Yeah. My intent wasn't to force myself upon anybody. I thought "we" were having sex. Not just me. At least my wife obliged me and let me finish :mrgreen:

Yeah, and see that's the problem with these college campuses and these parties where people get drunk and pass out with men and women they don't know well and they don't trust or have a relationship with. I know my husband wakes up with wood every morning. I know if he has extra time in the morning he's gonna start fondling me before I'm even fully awake. I know I can say no if I'm not interested and be done with it and I know he had no malicious or violent intentions for me. But you take a young woman who passes out with a young man who passes out with her and she wakes up from her druken stupor and he's touching her and she doesn't know him and freaks the fvck out and he thinks he was just continuing whatever "thing" they may have had going from their drunken good time and well the waters get very muddy. Unfortunately these situations are the "common" ones and I just think it does benefit young men and woman to teach them that "Hey man it's fairly unwise to try to fvck some drunken woman you just met and hey woman it's fairly stupid to pass out drunk with a guy you don't trust and don't know." I heard far more of these types of rapes than any other kind. These types are in fact avoidable and in my mind both parties are somewhat to blame. And they are 100% about sex.
I am not convinced that every guy who is guilty of rape got off on the violence of and power aspect of it. I suspect that many, the majority even, had to convince themselves that the girl wanted it deep down, in order to even justify doing so to themselves.

Certainly you are not telling me that every guy to ever commit rape wouldn't have been just as happy to have had sex if his victim had been willing?
I am not convinced that every guy who is guilty of rape got off on the violence of and power aspect of it. I suspect that many, the majority even, had to convince themselves that the girl wanted it deep down, in order to even justify doing so to themselves.

Certainly you are not telling me that every guy to ever commit rape wouldn't have been just as happy to have had sex if his victim had been willing?

Well most guys who get convicted probably really were guilty as most of the drunken "date rape" type of rapes never make it to trial since there's very little chance of such a case being successfully brought against the guy and it's not worth putting the woman through such an ordeal when the outcome is probably that he won't be convicted of anything. There are many men sitting in jail for having sex with underage girlfriends and that's a bit different depending on the case. But I'd think the guys who got convincted for RAPE where "age" wasn't a factor probably deserve to be sitting in jail and their RAPE probably was a very violent sexual assualt. But statistically most of what our culture calls "RAPE" is never brought to trial.
I would like to thank all posters that have contributed to this thread over the past 12 hours, and have saved it from being moved, and instead have focused comments on aspects of the thread title's content and the major issue surrounding the article.

Hey, jfuh! I was right, you were wrong! :2razz::2razz::2razz:
:surrenderYou get enough people in here to actually discuss the issues rather than to toss around sound bites with an obvious agenda constructive. :surrender Balance has been brought to force in this thread.
I just don't get why it's taboo to say sometimes rape is about sex. When did it become so PC to separate the two and start saying crap like "rape" has nothing to do with sex.

We are not saying that rape is not sex because it's taboo to "admit" that it is, or
because we're afraid- unlike you!- to break free of the "PC" status quo.
We are saying it because it is the truth.

You are not saying that rape is sex because you're an intellectual renegade, too independent to be reigned in by propriety.
You're saying it because you are a) ignorant about the realities of rape, or b) deliberately self-deluded.

In other words, it's "so PC" to say rape isn't sex, because it's true. Rape isn't sex.
And it's "taboo" to say that rape is sex, because that isn't true, and it's not only incorrect and stupid, but also cruel to victims, of which there are more than you can possibly imagine, most of whom wisely choose never to tell a soul, thereby avoiding further humiliation, victimization, and mistreatment by people like you.

Rape is a violent and unwanted assault, both internal and external, upon one's sexual organs. The weapon used might be a sexual organ, or it might be some other object, organic or otherwise. It really doesn't matter. It is a violent assault; the area of the body on which the assault is primarily concentrated does not change that.
You might as well say that getting smashed across the face with a lead pipe and having all of one's teeth knocking is the same as going to the dentist and having dental work done, since they both involve the same general portions of one's anatomy.
In other words, it's "so PC" to say rape isn't sex, because it's true. Rape isn't sex.
And it's "taboo" to say that rape is sex, because that isn't true, and it's not only incorrect and stupid, but also cruel to victims, of which there are more than you can possibly imagine, most of whom wisely choose never to tell a soul, thereby avoiding further humiliation, victimization, and mistreatment by people like you.

Yeah, talloulou is such a victimizer.:roll:

How is a non-hysterical assesment of the problem victimizing?

Rape is a violent and unwanted assault, both internal and external, upon one's sexual organs. The weapon used might be a sexual organ, or it might be some other object, organic or otherwise. It really doesn't matter. It is a violent assault; the area of the body on which the assault is primarily concentrated does not change that.

Oh, so if unwanted sexual intercourse isn't violent, it isn't rape? Good to know.:roll:

You might as well say that getting smashed across the face with a lead pipe and having all of one's teeth knocking is the same as going to the dentist and having dental work done, since they both involve the same general portions of one's anatomy.

Did she ever say that rape was the same as consenual sex? I don't think so.

To use your own analogy, you are saying that getting smashed across the face with a lead pipe and having all of one's teeth knocked is the same as finding out that your dentist gave you a filling that you hadn't asked for.

More to the point, you are saying that someone who gets their kicks smashing people in the face with a lead pipe is no different than a dentist who fills someone's tooth without their permission, not out of malice, but simply because seeing a cavity makes him want to fill it.

Should dentists be allowed to do whatever they want with peoples teeth without their permission? Obviously not.

Should they face consequences for doing so? Clearly.

Are they cupcakes? Not by a long shot.

Is a dentist who fills a cavity without permission the same as a sicko who gets their kicks knocking people's teeth in? Not hardly.
Did she ever say that rape was the same as consenual sex? I don't think so.

There is no other kind of sex.
There is no other kind of sex.

Then why is the term even there?

Perhaps due to your lack of an ability to discern meaning from context she should have said that sometimes rape is about the sexual gratification of the rapist through vaginal intercourse, and that the violence and power aspects of rape which are the primary incentives to some rapists are completely ancilliary to many others.

I don't see how your inability to discern this meaning from the context of her post makes her a humiliator, victimizer, and mistreater of rape victims.
Perhaps due to your lack of an ability to discern meaning from context she should have said that sometimes rape is about the sexual gratification of the rapist through vaginal intercourse, and that the violence and power aspects of rape which are the primary incentives to some rapists are completely ancilliary to many others.

Well, she could've said that, but she would've been wrong.
Rape isn't about "the sexual gratification of the rapist", through vaginal or any other type of intercourse.
It's about power, humiliation, coercion, force, and violence.
It is a violent assault.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Nothing else.
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I don't think i can be convinced that rape isnt somehow about sex. I think the whole "rape is about power" theory is some kind of weird pathology invented by gender studies women.
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I don't think i can be convinced that rape is somehow about sex. I think the whole "rape is about power" theory is some kind of weird pathology invented by gender studies women.

If rape's not about sex or power, then what's it about? Square-dancing? Chimney-sweeping? Blueberry-macadamia nut ice cream?
Well, she could've said that, but she would've been wrong.
Rape isn't about "the sexual gratification of the rapist", through vaginal or any other type of intercourse.
It's about power, humilition, coercion, force, and violence.
It is a violent assault.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
Nothing else.

So if all I want is to be sexually gratified, and I don't much care one way or the other about power, humiliation, coercion, force, or violence, and I ask a girl to have sex with me and she says no...

If I have sex with her (sorry, I mean to say "If I engange in an activity which is in every way identical to sex aside from being consensual) anyways while she is asleep, it isn't rape according to you?
If rape's not about sex or power, then what's it about? Square-dancing? Chimney-sweeping? Blueberry-macadamia nut ice cream?

sorry, typo. i meant to say isn't somehow about sex.

anyway, I think most rapists are just drunk and don't care if there date is into it or not. that's not about power.
sorry, typo.

Gosh, your opinion adds much heft and credibility to the "rape victims are whorish sluts" cause célèbre du jour.

With you on board, how can anyone fail to take Tallou (a known misogynist) and Panache (an irrelevant pissant) seriously?

I'll bet the entire psychiatric community will have to change their position on rape now.
I'm not commenting on the victims I'm commenting on the rapists.

I think in most instances of rape the victim is on some kind of social outing with the rapist, the rapist gets out of their senses and takes liberties.

That's not blaming the victim or calling them a whore.

But it's also not saying the rapist had some kind of insane premeditated power trip.

And how do you define rape? Have you never had sex you weren't totally completely 100% into?

(god i have a lot of typos today...foul, foul Saturdays)
Gosh, your opinion adds much heft and credibility to the "rape victims are whorish sluts" cause célèbre du jour.

Seriously, how do you jump from "Some guys rape girls just beacuse they are horny losers looking for sex." To "Rape victims are whorish sluts."?

Were you also one of those neo-cons who made a similar jump from "We should really look at the middle eastern policy that preceded the 9/11 attacks" to " I hate America."?

If I said that most cases of identity theft are about money rather than about violence, does that mean I am saying that vitims of identity theft are "whorish sluts?" Does it translate in your mind to mean that I think identity thieves are "cupcakes."

What if I had the gall to say that it would be a good idea to select a password that uses at least 8 alphanumeric symbols in both lower and upper case in order to give yourself some more protection against identity theft? Then I am "blaming the victim" right?

Give me a break.:roll:
I love women to death, but I think they're just irrationally reactionary when it comes to rape and sexual abuse.

And why does your tone suggest that you do not care about women? ;)

Seriously; I've known a lot of 21-year-old gay guys.
They generally exhibit myriad conflicting and convoluted feelings about "women" (as a demographic, not specific women in particular).
"Loving them to death", however, does not usually rank high on the list.
all my best friends are women, I don't know how I could have a closer relationship with the gender then that. But they all show the same consistent and mystifying obsession with rape.
all my best friends are women, I don't know how I could have a closer relationship with the gender then that. But they all show the same consistent and mystifying obsession with rape.

Yes, when I was your age, most of my "best friends" were gay and bi guys.
They're fun to party with. We had common interests.
But there was always a competitive edge to these relationships that was ultimately so antithetical to true affection that they never lasted very long.

A decade later, things are very different.
By 30, most everyone has come into their own- and come to terms with everyone else's- sexuality; things are much more chill. Less drama.
There is no other kind of sex.

That's ridiculous. Sexual intercourse (which is what is referred to when people say "sex") can be done with or without someone's consent. It can be good, bad, or somewhere in between. It can be done between people of the same, or different genders. It can be done wearing a variety of different clothes, or nothing at all. it can be done for, love, lust, money, or something else entirely.

None of these variables could make sexual intercourse not "sex".
That's ridiculous. Sexual intercourse (which is what is referred to when people say "sex") can be done with or without someone's consent. It can be good, bad, or somewhere in between. It can be done between people of the same, or different genders. It can be done wearing a variety of different clothes, or nothing at all. it can be done for, love, lust, money, or something else entirely.

None of these variables could make sexual intercourse not "sex".

Ice cream can be strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, banana-berry split, or a combination of all of the above.
It can be store-bought or homemade.
It can have chunks of fruit or candy in it.
It can be topped with sprinkles, or not.
It can be served in a dish or a cone. It can be regular or fat-free.
A very convincing ersatz version of it can even be made with soy or rice milk.
None of these variables change the fact that it's undeniably all ice cream.

But if you take chunks of meat, marinade them in oil and vinaigrette, put them on a skewer, and grill them over a hibachi, then that isn't ice cream.
Although it's edible, like ice cream, and although it might be tasty, like ice cream, it still isn't ice cream.
Not even if you serve it cold.
Ice cream can be strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, banana-berry split, or a combination of all of the above.
It can be store-bought or homemade.
It can have chunks of fruit or candy in it.
It can be topped with sprinkles, or not.
It can be served in a dish or a cone. It can be regular or fat-free.
A very convincing ersatz version of it can even be made with soy or rice milk.
None of these variables change the fact that it's undeniably all ice cream.

But if you take chunks of meat, marinade them in oil and vinaigrette, put them on a skewer, and grill them over a hibachi, then that isn't ice cream.
Although it's edible, like ice cream, and although it might be tasty, like ice cream, it still isn't ice cream.
Not even if you serve it cold.

Well of course not, because Shish Kababs aren't made of Frozen Creme, which is the only real requirement of being "Ice Creme"

Sexual intercourse without consent is still sexual intercourse, and is still carried out in the same way (unlike the preperation of shish kababs and ice creme).

Anyways, I would like a link to a credible source that says that rape isn't sex (I mean even the results are the same, aside from those thatresult from doing anything at all with/without consent).

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