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2019 Is 2nd Hottest Year On Record, Hottest Ocean Temps On Record - NOAA / NASA / UAH / RSS Edition (1 Viewer)

[h=1]A new method for correcting systematic errors in ocean subsurface data[/h][FONT=&quot]News Release 8-Apr-2020 A homogeneous, consistent, high-quality in situ temperature data set covering some decades in time is crucial for the detection of climate changes in the ocean. Systematic errors in the global archive of temperature profiles pose a significant problem for the estimation and monitoring of the global ocean heat content, a most reliable indicator…
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2020 could become the warmest year on record.

"Federal scientists announced Thursday that 2020 has nearly a 75% chance of being the warmest year on record for the planet Earth.
Already, through the first three months of the year, it's the second-warmest on record, trailing only the El Niño fueled year of 2016, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said...

Even if 2020 ends up not being the warmest year, NOAA said there's a 99.9% chance that 2020 will end among the five warmest years on record.

The warmth has been nearly global so far this year: "Record-hot January-through-March temperatures were seen across parts of Europe, Asia, Central and South America, as well as the Atlantic, Indian and western Pacific Oceans," NOAA said. "No land or ocean areas had record-cold temperatures during this period.""

Global warming: 2020 expected to be warmest year on record, NOAA said
2020 could become the warmest year on record.

"Federal scientists announced Thursday that 2020 has nearly a 75% chance of being the warmest year on record for the planet Earth.
Already, through the first three months of the year, it's the second-warmest on record, trailing only the El Niño fueled year of 2016, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said...

Even if 2020 ends up not being the warmest year, NOAA said there's a 99.9% chance that 2020 will end among the five warmest years on record.

The warmth has been nearly global so far this year: "Record-hot January-through-March temperatures were seen across parts of Europe, Asia, Central and South America, as well as the Atlantic, Indian and western Pacific Oceans," NOAA said. "No land or ocean areas had record-cold temperatures during this period.""

Global warming: 2020 expected to be warmest year on record, NOAA said

Nope. Headed downhill.

UAH Global Temperature Update for March 2020: +0.48 deg. C

April 1st, 2020The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for March, 2020 was +0.48 deg. C, down substantially from the February, 2020 value of +0.76 deg. C.
The northern extratropics (poleward of 20 deg. N) experienced the 12th largest drop in tropospheric temperature out of the 495 months of the satellite record.
Nope. Headed downhill.

UAH Global Temperature Update for March 2020: +0.48 deg. C

April 1st, 2020The Version 6.0 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for March, 2020 was +0.48 deg. C, down substantially from the February, 2020 value of +0.76 deg. C.
The northern extratropics (poleward of 20 deg. N) experienced the 12th largest drop in tropospheric temperature out of the 495 months of the satellite record.


Only a denialist like you who is bent on misinforming the public would point out a single month of decline in temperatures while he completely ignores the year and a half trend of warming temperatures that are actually happening.

Only a denialist like you who is bent on misinforming the public would point out a single month of decline in temperatures while he completely ignores the year and a half trend of warming temperatures that are actually happening.

2019 was an El Nino year. I said from the beginning that El Nino years would pause the cooling, as happened in 2019. In 2020 cooling has resumed.
2019 was an El Nino year. I said from the beginning that El Nino years would pause the cooling, as happened in 2019. In 2020 cooling has resumed.

So what? Just because there was a weak El Nino in the first half of 2019(that has been over for 8 months) that does not make your mischaracterizations of the planets warming trends any less dishonest.
So what? Just because there was a weak El Nino in the first half of 2019(that has been over for 8 months) that does not make your mischaracterizations of the planets warming trends any less dishonest.

Not dishonest at all. And apparently you didn't absorb any of the Shaviv material on temperature that I recently provided. Makes you look uninformed.
Not dishonest at all. And apparently you didn't absorb any of the Shaviv material on temperature that I recently provided. Makes you look uninformed.

Oh please... None of Shaviv's "material" justifies your dishonest mischaracterizations of the Earth's temperature trends.

But feel free to quote and link to the specific materials that you think would justify your BS.


Don't worry... I won't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
It has been cooling since 2016, despite a steady growth of total atmosphere CO2.
Oh please... None of Shaviv's "material" justifies your dishonest mischaracterizations of the Earth's temperature trends.

But feel free to quote and link to the specific materials that you think would justify your BS.


Don't worry... I won't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

Already linked last time we talked. Your denial tries my patience.
It has been cooling since 2016, despite a steady growth of total atmosphere CO2.

You are just as ignorant(or dishonest) of what the Earth's temperatures are doing as Jack is.

Or did you just happen to miss the last year and a half trend of warming temps in the UAH temperature record like Jack seems to be oblivious of?
Already linked last time we talked. Your denial tries my patience.

Sorry, Jack... but your often repeated links don't cut it. I have learned long ago that you frequently get your facts wrong(or lie) about what your links say. So... if you want to back up your BS you are going to have to quote the specific points that back you up.
You are just as ignorant(or dishonest) of what the Earth's temperatures are doing as Jack is.

Or did you just happen to miss the last year and a half trend of warming temps in the UAH temperature record like Jack seems to be oblivious of?

.88C 2016

.48C 2020

Is it hotter or cooler since 2016?

Math is very hard for warmists/Alarmists
Sorry, Jack... but your often repeated links don't cut it. I have learned long ago that you frequently get your facts wrong(or lie) about what your links say. So... if you want to back up your BS you are going to have to quote the specific points that back you up.

You have a poor memory since Jack DID give you specific quotes and link on Dr. Shaviv.
.88C 2016

.48C 2020

Is it hotter or cooler since 2016?

Math is very hard for warmists/Alarmists

Only a denialist like you would rely on just two data points to determine what the global temps were doing over the last four years.

You clearly have an agenda to push more than an argument to make.

You have a poor memory since Jack DID give you specific quotes and link on Dr. Shaviv.

Really? Where did that happen?
Not dishonest at all. And apparently you didn't absorb any of the Shaviv material on temperature that I recently provided. Makes you look uninformed.

Shaviv have so little credible, after almost twenty years of peddling his fake theories, that fossil fuel companies that have a strong motivation to disprove the manmade global warming don't believe his crackpot theories of global cooling. Instead the fossil fuel companies have to publicly acknowledge the urgent need for action on climate change because the evidence is so overwhelmng.

Statements on Paris climate agreement | ExxonMobil

That after almost twenty years Shaviv have so little credibility that even many deniers don't believe in his theory of global cooling. That you are deniers are still all over the place. There some like you claim it will be global cooling, while other deniers acknowledge that global warming is real but claim it not mainly from human causes. You also have deniers acknowledging manmade global warming but claims it will not be that bad.
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Only a denialist like you would rely on just two data points to determine what the global temps were doing over the last four years.

You clearly have an agenda to push more than an argument to make.

Really? Where did that happen?

It become even more absurd from the fact that those two data points is from indirect measurement of temperature in the atmosphere from satellites. That if you instead look at land and ocean data March was the second warmest on record.

March 2020 Was Earth's Second-Warmest March on Record, NOAA Says | The Weather Channel

There the three first month of this year also there the second warmest months on record.

State of the climate: First quarter of 2020 is second warmest on record
Sorry, Jack... but your often repeated links don't cut it. I have learned long ago that you frequently get your facts wrong(or lie) about what your links say. So... if you want to back up your BS you are going to have to quote the specific points that back you up.

Your denial merits no response.
Shaviv have so little credible, after almost twenty years of peddling his fake theories, that fossil fuel companies that have a strong motivation to disprove the manmade global warming don't believe his crackpot theories of global cooling. Instead the fossil fuel companies have to publicly acknowledge the urgent need for action on climate change because the evidence is so overwhelmng.

Statements on Paris climate agreement | ExxonMobil

That after almost twenty years Shaviv have so little credibility that even many deniers don't believe in his theory of global cooling. That you are deniers are still all over the place. There some like you claim it will be global cooling, while other deniers acknowledge that global warming is real but claim it not mainly from human causes. You also have deniers acknowledging manmade global warming but claims it will not be that bad.

Shaviv doesn't argue the planet is cooling, but he explains quite clearly why warming can continue while solar output declines, without undermining the climate primacy of the sun. You are only exposing yourself as uninformed.
Buzz writes:

Only a denialist like you would rely on just two data points to determine what the global temps were doing over the last four years.

You clearly have an agenda to push more than an argument to make.

Says the typical hypocritical warmist/alarmist who has gone crazy over a SINGLE month or year temperature data before

Ha ha ha, I see that can't show where I was wrong, sure I used just 4+ years, however it IS cooling, which you can't refute, which is why you are so upset.

I know that from 1979 to 2020 is a warming trend, even the Satellite data show a .13C/ decade rate, I never dispute it.

I pointed that out to YOU many times before, so your usual personal attack on me is dead on arrival.

You keep calling people here liars and denialists over and over, not a nice way to reply to people, why don't YOU calm down?
Sorry, Jack... but your often repeated links don't cut it. I have learned long ago that you frequently get your facts wrong(or lie) about what your links say. So... if you want to back up your BS you are going to have to quote the specific points that back you up.

You have a poor memory since Jack DID give you specific quotes and link on Dr. Shaviv.

Sometimes my generosity overwhelms my common sense. Here's Shaviv again.

Solar Debunking Arguments are Defunct

. . . The next point to note is that Shepherd claimed that because solar activity stopped increasing from the 1990’s it cannot explain any further warming. This is plain wrong. Consider this example in false logic. The sun cannot be warming us because between noon and 2pm (or so), solar flux decreases while the temperature increases. As a Professor of meteorology, Prof. Shepherd should know about the heat capacity of the oceans such that assuming that the global temperature is something times the CO2 forcing plus something else times the solar forcing is too much of a simplification.Instead, one can and should simulate the 20th century, and beyond, and see that when taking the sun into account, it explains about 1/2 to 2/3s of the 20th century warming, and that the best climate sensitivity is around 1 to 1.5°C per CO2 doubling (compared with the 1.5 to 4.5°C of the IPCC). Two points to note here. First, although the best estimate of the solar radiative forcing is a bit less than the combined anthropogenic forcing, because it is spread more evenly over the 20th century, its contribution is larger than the anthropogenic contribution the bulk of which took place more recently. That's why the best fit gives that the solar contribution is 1/2 to 2/3s of the warming. Second, the reason that the best fit requires a smaller climate sensitivity is because the total net radiative forcing is about twice larger. This implies that a smaller sensitivity is required to fit the same observed temperature increase. . . .

And here:

My experience at the German Bundestag's Environment Committee in a pre-COP24 discussion

. . . 2) Rising temperatures with falling solar activity from the 1990's. The argument here is of course that the negative correlation over this period tells us that the sun cannot be the major climate driver. This too is wrong.First, even if the sun was the only climate driver (which I never said is the case), this anti-correlation would not have contradicted it. Following this simple logic, we could have ruled out that the sun is warming us during the day because between noon and say 2pm, when it is typically warmest, the amount of solar radiation decreases while the temperature increases. Similarly, one could rule out the sun as our source of warmth because maximum radiation is obtained in June while July and August are typically warmer. Over the period of a month or more, solar radiation decreases but the temperature increases! The reason behind this behavior is of course the finite heat capacity of the climate system. If you heat the system for a given duration, it takes time for the system to reach equilibrium. If the heating starts to decrease while the temperature is still below equilibrium, then the temperature will continue rising as the forcing starts to decrease. Interestingly, since the late 1990’s (specifically the 1997 el Niño) the temperature has been increasing at a rate much lower than predicted by the models appearing in the IPCC reports (the so called “global warming hiatus”).Having said that, it is possible to actually model the climate system while including the heat capacity, namely diffusion of heat into and out of the oceans, and include the solar and anthropogenic forcings and find out that by introducing the the solar forcing, one can get a much better fit to the 20th century warming, in which the climate sensitivity is much smaller. (Typically 1°C per CO2 doubling compared with the IPCC's canonical range of 1.5 to 4.5°C per CO2 doubling). You can read about it here: Ziskin, S. & Shaviv, N. J., Quantifying the role of solar radiative forcing over the 20th century, Advances in Space Research 50 (2012) 762–776 . . . .
It become even more absurd from the fact that those two data points is from indirect measurement of temperature in the atmosphere from satellites. That if you instead look at land and ocean data March was the second warmest on record.

March 2020 Was Earth's Second-Warmest March on Record, NOAA Says | The Weather Channel

There the three first month of this year also there the second warmest months on record.

State of the climate: First quarter of 2020 is second warmest on record

You are being funny, when you use a SINGLE month and a 4 month period. You didn't try to show the trend from 2016-2020 at all, could it be because it is COOLING, and you know it which is why you ignored it?


Here is this chart using ALL of the common temperature database together:



Next time try being honest in your reply.
Originally Posted by Buzz View Post
So what? Just because there was a weak El Nino in the first half of 2019(that has been over for 8 months) that does not make your mischaracterizations of the planets warming trends any less dishonest.

Not dishonest at all. And apparently you didn't absorb any of the Shaviv material on temperature that I recently provided. Makes you look uninformed.

Despite the 97% consensus, you'll always find a few like Nir Shaviv with his Electroverse theory. Awhile back he was touting cosmic rays as a crucial player for current climate change.

Evidence shows that solar activity can explain very little of the observed warming since the Industrial Revolution.

Inadequate support: The claim that cosmic rays are a "crucial player" for the climate is not representative of published research on the topic.

Equals = Quack

Claim that cosmic rays are a crucial player for current climate change is unsupported – Climate Feedback

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