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2016 - Biden (1 Viewer)

Would you vote for Biden in 2016?

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I voted third party and I won't vote for Biden. Depending on the Republican candidate...will depend on if I go third party again.

I refuse to vote for anyone like Santorum, Gingrich, etc. I would consider Rand Paul, but his policies aren't all to my liking either.
Biden? Not at gunpoint.

Now, come on, Gipper. You know full well that by 2014 nobody will be allowed to own guns!
I was more interested in him than in Obama, Kerry, or Hillary. I also respect his wife heavily, as I had Cindy McCain. I think Jill could potentially be more beneficial toward education matters and disability areas (same reason why I thought Cindy and John were potential partners in advancing some platforms.).
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Not at knifepoint.

Those are next on the agenda from what I read in my latest soldier of fortune magazine, Gipper.

By the time 2014 rolls around, it will be cotton swabs.
Those are next on the agenda from what I read in my latest soldier of fortune magazine, Gipper.

By the time 2014 rolls around, it will be cotton swabs.

Maybe if we keep electing these fools, we can go to the nearest baseball diamond and arrest whoever's up at bat with assault with a deadly weapon.
Depends on who is running against him.

My thoughts exactly. Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Martin O'Malley, Andrew Cuomo, and Deval Patrick are all possibilities at this point.

If Biden won the nomination, yes, I would vote for him, unless there were a viable third party candidate who was more liberal.
we can go to the nearest baseball diamond and arrest whoever's up at bat with assault with a deadly weapon.

You can have my piece of ash when you pry it from my cold, dead hands, Gipper!
I'd like to say I would never vote Republicrat, but if Oklahoma's ballot access remains borderline fascist, I'd vote Biden over, say, Rand Paul.
Maybe if we keep electing these fools, we can go to the nearest baseball diamond and arrest whoever's up at bat with assault with a deadly weapon.

This is true. I'll have to visit both my children in prison since they both play ball. Maybe we'll all get government issue bubbles to wander around in since just about anything could hurt us.
Didnt vote because i dont know who else will/is running.

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