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[W:286] Are US child migrant detainees entitled to soap and beds? (1 Viewer)

Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses ...” and we'll keep them that way

This ^^^ is part of Trump's vision of 'Make America Great Again. "
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

yea its all TRUMPS FAULT....never had this problem with Clinton W or Obama...PLEASE

Not for Republicans. They're the party of Never Accept Personal Responsibility. I've never seen anything like it in my life, maybe it's an Evangelical/Fundamental thing?

Such a shame to see that attitude develop in a once great country. Obviously there's no way to MAGA with so many people thinking like that.
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Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Did you intentionally miss the third link to NPR that quoted Evelyn Stauffer the press secretary at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services with those numbers?

Why exactly would all forms of crime include family detention arrangements? First, if both parents are caught we do have social services and foster homes to take care of any children if other family members can't. Second, it's a different situation at the border because obviously it's at the border and it's unique. No problem with trying to streamline the process instead of the current process of longer and longer hold times so the detention center operators get paid more.

Just throwing out a number does little to justify or explain it. The detention center is in Florida. The costs quoted probably include transport to the facility and away from it. There may have been changes to the physical plant to conform to regulation and there are myriad costs associated with this type of set up that are not simply a Red Roof Inn kind of a housing set up. Without knowing anything about it, it's difficult to know anything about it. The general tone of the piece has the general tone of a hit piece.

"All forms" of crime includes illegal immigration because it is one of the forms of crime. The families that are detained are entering the US illegally.

Legal Dictionary | Law.com
1) adj. in violation of statute, regulation or ordinance, which may be criminal or merely not in conformity. Thus, an armed robbery is illegal, and so is an access road which is narrower than the county allows, but the violation is not criminal. 2) status of a person residing in a country of which h...

Laws, Regulations, and Guides Immigration and Nationality Act | USCIS
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

"Whaddya mean humanitarian crisis? Just throw them some 15-cent toothbrushes and a vat of cheap soap. Problem solved." :roll:

Well, they couldn't be bothered to do even that. Or did you miss that part?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Just checking the level of your hypocrisy.

Do you know what hypocrisy means?

In what possible way is your question tangent to the treatment of immigrant children, this discussion or my status as a parent?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Yes, I know, it cannot be the fault of the Executive branch who is running these camps! They're just in charge of them, after all, and can't be held responsible for the conditions in facilities they control. That would be UNFAIR! Trump cannot do wrong, he can only BE wronged!

Has he been given the money to execute the plan that he recommended to solve the problem?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Has he been given the money to execute the plan that he recommended to solve the problem?

I agree, it's not the fault of those in charge of the camps. Can't be, because they're just in charge, and what can the people in charge do? Nothing apparently, which makes sense to me.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Costly process for getting toothbrush and soap for a few thousand detained?

I thought that Trump could find BILLIONS after declaring a national emergency to get his wall...

Apparently, you were wrong.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

I agree, it's not the fault of those in charge of the camps. Can't be, because they're just in charge, and what can the people in charge do? Nothing apparently, which makes sense to me.

I'd like to visit the Vatican this afternoon. I love great art. All I need is a private jet, a private car and driver once I get there. A guide would be a plus.

Sadly, I don't have the cash to do this and Congress won't give it to me. I guess I won't do it after all.

Trump asked for the money to execute a plan and the Congress denied the funding. He found cash elsewhere being wasted and Congress barred him from using that.

If money is to be spent, the lying a-hole idiots in Congress are required by law to allocate it. They have not. They sure do waste a bunch of it, but they can't find any to do what you want them to do in this case.

What do you suggest?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

yea its all TRUMPS FAULT....never had this problem with Clinton W or Obama...PLEASE

He threatens and spreads fear. I did not say it was all his fault.Immigration has been a problem for years. He has just made it worse.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Looks like much like Trump you need a quick simplistic tutorial in how a bill becomes a law.

You should watch it too, instead of whining that you don't control enough of Congress....
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Do you know what hypocrisy means?
Yes, you should also look it up and see how it is a perfect match to your position.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

I'd like to visit the Vatican this afternoon. I love great art. All I need is a private jet, a private car and driver once I get there. A guide would be a plus.

Sadly, I don't have the cash to do this and Congress won't give it to me. I guess I won't do it after all.

Trump asked for the money to execute a plan and the Congress denied the funding. He found cash elsewhere being wasted and Congress barred him from using that.

If money is to be spent, the lying a-hole idiots in Congress are required by law to allocate it. They have not. They sure do waste a bunch of it, but they can't find any to do what you want them to do in this case.

What do you suggest?

Trump can't find money for soap and toothbrushes? really?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Well, they couldn't be bothered to do even that. Or did you miss that part?
Who? The Obama administration? Or did you miss THAT part?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

You should watch it too, instead of whining that you don't control enough of Congress....

Hope you watched it and learned something for change. But I highly doubt it. Some things just can't be fixed.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Yes, you should also look it up and see how it is a perfect match to your position.

What is the position that you believe I hold?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Hope you watched it and learned something for change. But I highly doubt it. Some things just can't be fixed.

What the hell was the point of this post other than to insult me? When you start contributing to a conversation let me know.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

It is not a matter of belief, it is evident in your posts.

What is the position inferred by you to be evident in my posts?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

Why do people like you drone on about children being torn away from parents?

If the parent can prove that is their child, they are kept together.

If they can't, you don't want that children with strangers.

it is really very simple.

And if the parent after crossing a thousand miles on foot can't prove it, separate them. That's your stance?

If they can't the kids gets pulled away and put with strangers, you don't want that do you?

Line up twenty five females and the twenty five or so kids pulled away from them. Put the women on one side of the room with instructions to say nothing, keep silent. Have the kids in another room and tell them, when the door opens your mom can't say anything so you go run to them. Would that suffice as identification enough for you?

It really is very simple.
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

And if the parent after crossing a thousand miles on foot can't prove it, separate them. That's your stance?

If they can't the kids gets pulled away and put with strangers, you don't want that do you?

Line up twenty five females and the twenty five or so kids pulled away from them. Put the women on one side of the room with instructions to say nothing, keep silent. Have the kids in another room and tell them, when the door opens your mom can't say anything so you go run to them. Would that suffice as identification enough for you?

It really is very simple.

That is exactly what I want.

You have no idea where they got that kid or who that kid belongs to.

They get separated until parentage can be established.

If you don't do that it is very possible the kid will be with a trafficker or somebody that has no interest in the health of the child. You don't want that, do you?

What makes you think just because they crossed the border with that kid, that the kid traveled with them the whole way?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

That is exactly what I want.

You have no idea where they got that kid or who that kid belongs to.

They get separated until parentage can be established.

If you don't do that it is very possible the kid will be with a trafficker or somebody that has no interest in the health of the child. You don't want that, do you?

What makes you think just because they crossed the border with that kid, that the kid traveled with them the whole way?

I like to think most people are good. I would rather err on that side than separate kids indiscriminately to end up with strangers. I guess you didn't care for my suggestion to let the kids identify their mothers?
Re: Government argues that child migrant detainees are not entitled to soap and beds

I like to think most people are good. I would rather err on that side than separate kids indiscriminately to end up with strangers. I guess you didn't care for my suggestion to let the kids identify their mothers?

You can't relay on the kids identifying their parent. Most don't understand what you are trying to get at and some are too small to answer.

Even if the kid says that is his mother and there is no blood relationship, should that kid stay with that adult?

I would rather err on the side of protecting children.

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