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You Suck Microsoft: I'm getting a Mac (1 Viewer)

You won't ever have to pay a subscription for a Windows OS, but there are MS products you can pay a subscription for: Office, Skype, OneDrive, etc.

Now, there are deals to be had, I got a free year of Office when I bought my tablet, I've gotten hundreds of GB's of OneDrive storage for free, etc.

And, of course, there are always alternatives to those MS products that cost little to nothing.

And no, MS doesn't make laptops though they like to think the Surface 3 can replace a laptop.
I've had MS Office for 13 years and have never had to pay a subscription. I've never even been asked. You just buy the product and install, and away it goes. I just performed a factory restore on my laptop and installed MSOffice2010 I found in storage. It installed just fine, updated itself, too, I was never asked for money.

I wonder what OP is doing that he's being asked for a subscription.
More appropriately, when people can download stuff illegally for free, hard to claim to be a victim when your illegal downloads contain malware.

My wife's computer is always getting some sort of virus or malware etc etc. She doesn't know the first thing about downloading. She has me do all of her downloading. And generally about he only thing I download onto her computer is updates for things like Adobe and Java and Microsoft updates and occasionally a online bought game. She gets most of her virus's from Facebook which other than Youtube, Netflix, and Hulu is about the only sites she ever goes to.
1.) yes operator error or a ****y laptop
2.) weird i use my laptop however i want too and i dont have issues with any of that, so again its operrator error or a ****y laptop
3.) no clue what you are talking about here
4.) so far nothing you have said points to windows
5.) nothign wrong with thatm i use mine the same way and dont have the issues you speak of
6.) this sentence alone tells me you are confused about something . . . why do you keep saying "laptop" system
7.) again operator error or hardware.
yes windows does infact have its faults but typically under normal operations its pretty solid. Especially as a media player and search device. Under normal conditions that doesn't even drive a SYSTEM that hard let alone windows.

Of course you are free to "blame" windows but id bet fist full of dollars the issue is elsewhere


I have picked up 2 very nice not-very-old Toshiba laptops in the last several months.

Both were deemed to be POSs by their ostentatious owners, who quickly bought replacement machines.

Both machines were loaded with Malware and BS software,

I replaced the HDD in one with a 1TB for $64, and reloaded WIn7.

I simply stripped the other OS Win7 and reloaded it.

Both machines now run perfectly, and I am quite pleased.

The previous owners were very wrong, but had no patience nor common sense.
I've had MS Office for 13 years and have never had to pay a subscription. I've never even been asked. You just buy the product and install, and away it goes. I just performed a factory restore on my laptop and installed MSOffice2010 I found in storage. It installed just fine, updated itself, too, I was never asked for money.

I wonder what OP is doing that he's being asked for a subscription.

I was speaking more about Office 365.

Microsoft Office For Home, Students, & Professionals - Microsoft Store

But yeah...I don't know what the OP is doing.
My wife's computer is always getting some sort of virus or malware etc etc. She doesn't know the first thing about downloading. She has me do all of her downloading. And generally about he only thing I download onto her computer is updates for things like Adobe and Java and Microsoft updates and occasionally a online bought game. She gets most of her virus's from Facebook which other than Youtube, Netflix, and Hulu is about the only sites she ever goes to.

I'm a bit...shall we say...adventurous in my surfing activities. I do this knowing full well the dangers involved. But I take precautions and I don't get crap on my computer.

It's really not all that hard to take care of yourself if you educate yourself.
I've had MS Office for 13 years and have never had to pay a subscription. I've never even been asked. You just buy the product and install, and away it goes. I just performed a factory restore on my laptop and installed MSOffice2010 I found in storage. It installed just fine, updated itself, too, I was never asked for money.

I wonder what OP is doing that he's being asked for a subscription.

Office2013 is subscription based, it is what I use because it has new features I like.
It's pretty amusing to see someone say they'll buy an Apple because a Windows computer is a rip off, considering the fact that equivalent hardware on an Apple computer tends to be double the price, or more.

Even triple, compared to a homebuilt desktop machine.
1.) yes operator error or a ****y laptop
2.) weird i use my laptop however i want too and i dont have issues with any of that, so again its operrator error or a ****y laptop

Simply going on the Internet means you must use spyware protection. Do you use that? What about virus protection? How often do you scan?

Is that more or less than you would on a Mac?

no clue what you are talking about here

Ever here of office 365? You realize you have to pay for all that crap? Right? You know it comes standard on a Mac?

4so far nothing you have said points to windows
5.) nothign wrong with thatm i use mine the same way and dont have the issues you speak of
6.) this sentence alone tells me you are confused about something . . . why do you keep saying "laptop" system
7.) again operator error or hardware.
yes windows does infact have its faults but typically under normal operations its pretty solid. Especially as a media player and search device. Under normal conditions that doesn't even drive a SYSTEM that hard let alone windows.

Of course you are free to "blame" windows but id bet fist full of dollars the issue is elsewhere

5) I do. Windows sucks as a media player. Apple has done it better for a while.

6) Vs desktop. Windows is better for gaming. That is really it.

7) except I've been on windows long enough to see it crash from the most ridiculous of things. I've been using my girlfriends MacBook here for a while and have yet to see it crash. Plus it is just faster.
It's pretty amusing to see someone say they'll buy an Apple because a Windows computer is a rip off, considering the fact that equivalent hardware on an Apple computer tends to be double the price, or more.

Even triple, compared to a homebuilt desktop machine.

Quality is worth it in this case. I buy one MacBook that I can use for the same length of time as 3 laptops that will cost me the same price in the same time frame...PLUS I won't have to pay for all the programs that are standard on a Mac.

I have picked up 2 very nice not-very-old Toshiba laptops in the last several months.

Both were deemed to be POSs by their ostentatious owners, who quickly bought replacement machines.

Both machines were loaded with Malware and BS software,

I replaced the HDD in one with a 1TB for $64, and reloaded WIn7.

I simply stripped the other OS Win7 and reloaded it.

Both machines now run perfectly, and I am quite pleased.

The previous owners were very wrong, but had no patience nor common sense.

Yep and I have done the same. No kidding, like 4-5 years ago i still had a pentium II 450MHz windows 98 machine running. I stripped it down and had it hooked up to my home network and basically used it for storage.
Yep and I have done the same. No kidding, like 4-5 years ago i still had a pentium II 450MHz windows 98 machine running. I stripped it down and had it hooked up to my home network and basically used it for storage.

Yea, it is a sweet way to score technology.
1.)Simply going on the Internet means you must use spyware protection. Do you use that? What about virus protection? How often do you scan?
2.)Is that more or less than you would on a Mac?
3.) Ever here of office 365? You realize you have to pay for all that crap? Right? You know it comes standard on a Mac?
4.) I do. Windows sucks as a media player. Apple has done it better for a while.
5.) Vs desktop. Windows is better for gaming. That is really it.

7) except I've been on windows long enough to see it crash from the most ridiculous of things. I've been using my girlfriends MacBook here for a while and have yet to see it crash. Plus it is just faster.

1.) again on my main PC i do have norton, on my other two and on my uncles that im basically responsible for I have avg :shrug:
2.) the same. Understand this fact MACs are not anywhere near virus proof or free. The reality is people dont write as many virus for them because the are the inferior computer NUMBERS wise. DO I want to write a virus that crash 4 computers or 4 million computers. But macs are every bit as vulnerable.
3.) heard of it? yes. DOn't know what it is and Im not familiar with it. DOnt use it at home nor does my company. Between work and home I had 3 PCs in my house that came with office 2003, 2007, 2011. But now they all have 2011. Work has 2011. :shrug: no problems dont have to pay for anything.
4.) again you are free to have this opinion, i have no problem with windows or windows based media players and prefer them over apple changing the files or making them the format they want or them always trying to force association with itunes. to each their own but again i have had ZERO problems.
5.) oh i get you were comparing it vs a desktop but the thing is they aren't really different
6.) again i suspect operator error or bad hardware. Good luck with your mac hope it makes you happy, I'm already happy and never had the issues you have.
Quality is worth it in this case. I buy one MacBook that I can use for the same length of time as 3 laptops that will cost me the same price in the same time frame...PLUS I won't have to pay for all the programs that are standard on a Mac.

You know, people keep saying this, yet I have never seen any evidence produced for it. The kinds of people who are really into Apple replace their machine basically every time Apple releases an update, so how would they know anyway?

Can't say that's ever been my experience. I remember our poor layout girl who was constantly stuck in a revolving door of repairs with her brand new Mac, despite the fact that the thing had such an easy life (basically just lived in the office). We dropped Macs completely in our office. Just too many problems with them. My personal experience owning Apple electronics hasn't been any better than my experience with other brands -- they seemed to be pretty average to me, in terms of life expectancy. Worse than the good brands and better than the terrible ones. Meh.

A good PC has lasted me 5 years, and I am heavily abusive towards my electronics. It survived trips down flights of stairs, slamming into concrete, many spilled drinks... You seriously trying to tell me a Mac would survive 15 years of that? I doubt it would survive any single event, let alone years of it. The best of the PC's are more expensive, but they're still half what a Mac is, and I have yet to see any concrete evidence Apple products last longer.

Beyond that, you can have all the benefits of Mac without any of the drawbacks on a PC anyway. It's called Linux, and even a luddite can use it these days. And it's free. Gaming is still hit or miss, but it's not like Mac is any better for that.
Anti-trust Litigation. MSFT has been the subject of it since the early 90's. They just won a 10 year long case over whether or not they were blocking out competition from Wordperfect by delaying giving them access to windows to make it more functional. If Word were standard package software on windows, they would have been back in the same boat they were in with netscape suing them over explorer being a standard program on windows. I am convinced in my heart that the only reason Gates saved Apple was so they would have a competitor to help avoid more lawsuits like these. But for antitrust threats, MSFT would be the only game in town across the board by now.

I didn't realize Corel was still around. I use to use WordPerfect many years ago, really liked it.
Yea, it is a sweet way to score technology.

agreed, I have only come across one actual bad PC and again it was operator error. Some genius forced the wrong memory into it lol
Funny thing is I'm not even any PC expert.
agreed, I have only come across one actual bad PC and again it was operator error. Some genius forced the wrong memory into it lol
Funny thing is I'm not even any PC expert.

Heh, heh - neither am I.

Common sense, tenacity, and nerve is all it takes!
I didn't realize Corel was still around. I use to use WordPerfect many years ago, really liked it.

Yep. I think X6 is there newest version. It actually comes with a disc though it is only licensed for 3 installs (and periodically looks for updates which I assume is their license enforcement mechanism unlike Word that is a box with only a download key in it)
Heh, heh - neither am I.

Common sense, tenacity, and nerve is all it takes!

yep all it takes is paying attention and actually caring instead of just blindly click click click clicking
Yep and I have done the same. No kidding, like 4-5 years ago i still had a pentium II 450MHz windows 98 machine running. I stripped it down and had it hooked up to my home network and basically used it for storage.

You just have to be careful. There was an era of Dell in which the machines were made to be virtually unupgradable as far as memory goes.
You just have to be careful. There was an era of Dell in which the machines were made to be virtually unupgradable as far as memory goes.

in my experience compaq before they were bought was the worst with thier proprietary stuff and inability to upgrade without jumping through crazy hoops
in my experience compaq before they were bought was the worst with thier proprietary stuff and inability to upgrade without jumping through crazy hoops

I have been told that the compaq's the government used were the biggest POS that were even worse when networked but I don't have any personal insight to them.
I have been told that the compaq's the government used were the biggest POS that were even worse when networked but I don't have any personal insight to them.

Avoid bid-boxes whenever possible.

These are the boxes which were a part of a lowest bid.

Multiple vendors make them.
Just remember that there's tons of free programs out there, you dont need MS office, Macafee, Adobe and all that: Gizmos Freeware Reviews

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