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Will Obama's Cairo speech motivate a new set of terror attacks in the ME? (1 Viewer)

Will Obama's cairo speech motivate a new set of terror attacks in the ME?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • No

    Votes: 23 88.5%

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  • Poll closed .
Isreal has been like a guardian in that part of the world. They kicked Arab ass all over the desert. IMO, the US likes it's friends to be powerful and on our side.

That's it?

Jeez. I figured it'd be a little bit more indepth but okay.
Does US/Israel do something secret together? Does US gets anything?
We're working on a secret project to turn the whole planet into one big cheese cake!
But you haven't heard this from me...

Besides the technologies sharing, the democracy beacon in the mideast and an occasional support in the international politics stage, I think there's some kind of cultural alliance between the two nations.

I also thought Obama is going to cut the ties between the two nations, but after I've heard his speech in Cairo, I dunno, there might be something bigger to this alliance.
I've never really understood the close ties.
Historically when Israel was first created it was in fact Europe who was closer to Israel. Why did it change?
It's not like UK/US alliance [We'd love a few extra billion a year as well thanks :p]
Does US/Israel do something secret together? Does US gets anything?

Shared values and I think we're impressed frankly with their ability to maintain being the only really free country in the area.
We're working on a secret project to turn the whole planet into one big cheese cake!
But you haven't heard this from me...

Besides the technologies sharing, the democracy beacon in the mideast and an occasional support in the international politics stage, I think there's some kind of cultural alliance between the two nations.

I also thought Obama is going to cut the ties between the two nations, but after I've heard his speech in Cairo, I dunno, there might be something bigger to this alliance.

Should have figured, well i love cheesecake so go right ahead!

Ohh i see, so nothing really in particular just it's in both your interests? Fair enough.

US will never choose Muslims over Israel. Relax. Hell would freeze over before US deserts Israel
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Shared values and I think we're impressed frankly with their ability to maintain being the only really free country in the area.

Damn ...
So no chance of a cheque coming to us then?

I always just figured it was because US had power over ME through Israel but that makes sense too
Well it's interesting to me that we don't give some type of ultimatum. If Bush thought the settlements were wrong, Obama thinks they're wrong, most Jewish Americans don't support them, etc then tell them point blank to stop or else.

But telling them point blank to stop while inserting the caveat that our support for Israel is unbreakable turns it all instantly to empty rhetoric.
You cannot tell Israel about how they should accept Hamas, a terrorist organization, as a player in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and justify it by saying that it was democratically elected, and then on the same time counter the decisions of the democratically elected government in Israel (Which happens not to be a terrorist group). That's just hypocrisy.
You cannot tell Israel about how they should accept Hamas, a terrorist organization, as a player in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and justify it by saying that it was democratically elected, and then on the same time counter the decisions of the democratically elected government in Israel (Which happens not to be a terrorist group). That's just hypocrisy.

No but you can tell them the settlements are almost unanimously understood to be illegal by the UN, international laws, and most global groups. We could demand that they stop, but only if we're willing to have some consequence happen upon receiving their "no." Which we're not.
Damn ...
So no chance of a cheque coming to us then?

I always just figured it was because US had power over ME through Israel but that makes sense too

In large part sharing a similar culture is no small thing.
No but you can tell them the settlements are almost unanimously understood to be illegal by the UN, international laws, and most global groups. We could demand that they stop, but only if we're willing to have some consequence happen upon receiving their "no." Which we're not.

Well then that makes US pretty much worthless in being a honest broker doesn't it?

If they say one thing then do not enforce it, why bother to begin with? Seems stupid imo.
The settlements will come down one day. A Palestinian state will be formed some time in the future, better sooner than later.
Well then that makes US pretty much worthless in being a honest broker doesn't it?

If they say one thing then do not enforce it, why bother to begin with? Seems stupid imo.

That is her point, and on this rare occasion, I think she is 100 % right.
In large part sharing a similar culture is no small thing.

US shares culture with alot of countries, it hardly influence them to the extent of Israel does it?
Maybe it's just some love affair we outsider will never understand
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That is her point, and on this rare occasion, I think she is 100 % right.

Well, it seems hypocritical on Israel's part.
The right wing Government and others bitch that Muslims do not recognise Jewish Israel but it seems they want their pie and eat it too. Land or peace, you cannot have both simultaneously.
Well, it seems hypocritical on Israel's part.
The right wing Government and others bitch that Muslims do not recognise Jewish Israel but it seems they want their pie and eat it too. Land or peace, you cannot have both simultaneously.
The current Israeli government mainly doesn't want to end those issues as unconditional compromises before a peace agreement is signed, which is what the US asks for.
The current Israeli government mainly doesn't want to end those issues as unconditional compromises before a peace agreement is signed, which is what the US asks for.

A peace agreement will never happen or be agreed to without Israel taking down it's illegal settlements.
As i said, Israel wants both without making any sacrifices. They say they want peace and then go and build posts for what i can only describe as crazy settlers.
US shares culture with alot of countries, it hardly influence them to the extent of Israel does it?
Maybe it's just some love affair we outsider will never understand

Israel is a country that has a shared similar culture surrounded by hostility.
A peace agreement will never happen or be agreed to without Israel taking down it's illegal settlements.
As i said, Israel wants both without making any sacrifices. They say they want peace and then go and build posts for what i can only describe as crazy settlers.
New settlements haven't been built for years now.
The Israeli government has already said that it won't build any new settlements.
What the US demands is that Israel would halt the progress of the already existing settlements.
Which is just like telling Israel to destroy the settlements without saying the word destroy. :2razz:
New settlements haven't been built for years now.
The Israeli government has already said that it won't build any new settlements.
What the US demands is that Israel would halt the progress of the already existing settlements.
Which is just like telling Israel to destroy the settlements without saying the word destroy. :2razz:

That's ok with me. Israel wants US aid and support, it can comply or do without.
New settlements haven't been built for years now.
The Israeli government has already said that it won't build any new settlements.
What the US demands is that Israel would halt the progress of the already existing settlements.
Which is just like telling Israel to destroy the settlements without saying the word destroy. :2razz:

No, it'll just expand its existing ones using what they call "natural growth" - Which is basically creating new settlements, call it what it is.

As it should.
It is not Israel's land. It's Palestinians
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That's ok with me. Israel wants US aid and support, it can comply or do without.
This ain't a one-sided alliance.
US wants Israel's support as well, it wouldn't give it away because the Israeli government is pro-settlements.
By the way the aid money mainly goes to US weapons and technologies, and to Israeli researches that develop new technologies given later to the US. (The Arrow system, for example)

The aid also makes a bit less than 1/6th of Israel's military budget.
The aid also makes a bit less than 1/6th of Israel's military budget.

But no veto votes in UN.

Without US, Israel would be a pariah state. US is what stands between it and Isolation.
Especially when it comes to resolutions, can you imagine the sanctions othat could have occured on Israel over the last 60 years if US never had the power of veto ... Because none of the others would do what US is willing to do. Russia? Nah. China? Nope. UK? I don't think so.
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No, it'll just expand its existing ones using what they call "natural growth" - Which is basically creating new settlements, call it what it is.

As it should.
It is not Israel's land. It's Palestinians
Natural growth is just as it is, a natural growth.
People have kids, they want a school.
It can't be called "creating new settlements".

It is Palestinian land, there is no doubt about it, it'd be used as the territory of the future Palestinian state, and they can take the settlements with them.
The Zionist Jews had no problem to take the Arabs in after the 1948 war.
Natural growth is just as it is, a natural growth.
People have kids, they want a school.
It can't be called "creating new settlements".

It is Palestinian land, there is no doubt about it, it'd be used as the territory of the future Palestinian state, and they can take the settlements with them.
The Zionist Jews had no problem to take the Arabs in after the 1948 war.

It is called building new settlements.
Hand them condoms. If they want children, leave and go into a city. Why is it so difficult to comprehend that is NOT their land to play with?

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Jewish settler attack injures Palestinians
Settlers set fire to Palestinian field in West Bank - Haaretz - Israel News

Oh yeah, the settlers/Zionists seem so sane .... i can just imagine Palestinians would love to live next to that :roll:
But no veto votes in UN.

Without US, Israel would be a pariah state. US is what stands between it and Isolation.
Especially when it comes to resolutions, can you imagine the sanctions othat could have occured on Israel over the last 60 years if US never had the power of veto ... Because none of the others would do what US is willing to do. Russia? Nah. China? Nope. UK? I don't think so.
We've seen how the US vetoed the resolutions during the Gaza operation or the second Lebanon war.
Israel wouldn't be isolated over the settlement issue, be sure about that.
If we'd ever be isolated it will be because we became paranoid and obliterated Iran or something.
We've seen how the US vetoed the resolutions during the Gaza operation or the second Lebanon war.
Israel wouldn't be isolated over the settlement issue, be sure about that.
If we'd ever be isolated it will be because we became paranoid and obliterated Iran or something.

Israel would be isolated over that and much more
Who do you have?
Europe? Hell no. They have been your biggest critic
Asia? Nope.
Africa? Not a hope in hell.

Israel would be nothing if it didn't have US.
It is US that protects Israel and makes it slightly relevant to the International Community ... let's be serious.
If US didn't veto, where would Israel be? The amount of resolutions that would have passed would be huge
It is called building new settlements.
Hand them condoms. If they want children, leave and go into a city. Why is it so difficult to comprehend that is NOT their land to play with?

BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Jewish settler attack injures Palestinians
Settlers set fire to Palestinian field in West Bank - Haaretz - Israel News

Oh yeah, the settlers/Zionists seem so sane .... i can just imagine Palestinians would love to live next to that :roll:
Wasn't it you who agreed that those headlines are nonsense and it's absurd they make it to the BBC?
Settlers have radicals, that's no secret.
Israeli Arabs have radicals as well.

If the Palestinians can't live with Jews, it's their xenophobic problem.
We lived with Arabs in our lands 61 years so far, and it wasn't a problem at all.
They can do whatever they wish to with the settlers, they're not Israeli citizens anyway.

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