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Why Western Countries Are More Developed (1 Viewer)


May 2, 2016
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
First of all, Western countries aren't more developed because they have more social programs. Western countries have more social programs precisely because they're richer and can afford them. Also, more social programs doesn't equal more economic regulation. Even though Western countries have more social programs, they have more liberalized economies. This index shows how economically restrictive each country is: Index of Economic Freedom: Promoting Economic Opportunity and Prosperity by Country. The Wealth of the West can be partly attributed to pro-market economic policies, but the primary reason they're richer: genetics. ALL 'IMF Advanced Economies' are either majority White or East Asian. Whites and East Asians have average IQs of 98 and 102, respectively. IQ is strongly correlated with national wealth. There are exceptions though, such as North Korea, where the average IQ 105, yet it is one of the poorest countries on Earth, precisely because of its centralized economy.
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...the primary reason they're richer: genetics. ALL 'IMF Advanced Economies' are either majority White or East Asian. Whites and East Asians have average IQs of 98 and 102, respectively. IQ is strongly correlated with national wealth. There are exceptions though, such as North Korea, where the average IQ 105, yet it is one of the poorest countries on Earth, precisely because of its centralized economy.


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First of all, Western countries aren't more developed because they have more social programs. Western countries have more social programs precisely because they're richer and can afford them. Also, more social programs doesn't equal more economic regulation. Even though Western countries have more social programs, they have more liberalized economies. This index shows how economically restrictive each country is: Index of Economic Freedom: Promoting Economic Opportunity and Prosperity by Country. The Wealth of the West can be partly attributed to pro-market economic policies, but the primary reason they're richer: genetics. ALL 'IMF Advanced Economies' are either majority White or East Asian. Whites and East Asians have average IQs of 98 and 102, respectively. IQ is strongly correlated with national wealth. There are exceptions though, such as North Korea, where the average IQ 105, yet it is one of the poorest countries on Earth, precisely because of its centralized economy.

Discussing superior genetics is beyond the grasp of liberals, they want to make us all equal, the lowest common denominator. Don't get me wrong I know they are doing it for the greater good of equality. But creating a Master Race is vehemently in opposition to the idea of equality, it is in pursuit of the superior. It is a tyrant they fear. But tyrants don't come from lands where the superior people live free.
Discussing superior genetics is beyond the grasp of liberals, they want to make us all equal, the lowest common denominator. Don't get me wrong I know they are doing it for the greater good of equality. But creating a Master Race is vehemently in opposition to the idea of equality, it is in pursuit of the superior. It is a tyrant they fear. But tyrants don't come from lands where the superior people live free.

So you have no clue what liberals want. Maybe you should educate yourself on things you choose to talk about...
Economic freedom has nothing to do with genetics or IQ.

Your link makes no such assertions - why must you?
First of all, Western countries aren't more developed because they have more social programs. Western countries have more social programs precisely because they're richer and can afford them. Also, more social programs doesn't equal more economic regulation. Even though Western countries have more social programs, they have more liberalized economies. This index shows how economically restrictive each country is: Index of Economic Freedom: Promoting Economic Opportunity and Prosperity by Country. The Wealth of the West can be partly attributed to pro-market economic policies, but the primary reason they're richer: genetics. ALL 'IMF Advanced Economies' are either majority White or East Asian. Whites and East Asians have average IQs of 98 and 102, respectively. IQ is strongly correlated with national wealth. There are exceptions though, such as North Korea, where the average IQ 105, yet it is one of the poorest countries on Earth, precisely because of its centralized economy.

Western countries are more developed mainly due to lack of war and oppression. Islamic countries lagged behind and the ottoman empire did the same to islam as the fall of rome did to european countries. Asia has always been a mixed bag, the japanese and koreans seem to thrive while much else stays poor and oppressed, china is trending towards breaking that but they are still not there.

Africa has been in constant war with itself since ever. No matter which religion exists there they always kill eachother, exception being when dictators run it, which we try to topple. Funny enough any person from africa I talk to says democracy is bad for them, and they need a cruel dictator to glue their civilization together, and without one they end up killing eachother and end up with even less freedom and more fear due to constant civil wars and militia uprisings.

And eastern europe, who now is gaining some ground in the world, historically stayed dirt poor going back forever simply because they were caught between asia, europe and the middle east, so any wars between the three marched through eastern europe. Later During the cold war they were soviet satellites who were used by russia. So after centuries or even longer of being pushed around and tore down constantly, it is easy to see why they lag behind, and always have until post cold war era, when they actually had enugh peace to build.
I don't think it's necessarily beyond the realm of possibility to suggest that one racial group may have - on average - a higher IQ than another. Such things are determined largely by genetics, after all, which is what forms the foundation for racial differentiation in the first place.

However, to suggest that this is definitively the case with regard to Western peoples in comparison to the rest of the world is dubious, and scientifically unproven, at best. As such, the suggestion that such an already dubious and unproven factor were the primary culprit behind the Western World's success would be something of a stretch to say the least.

One ultimately takes away from their reasoning what they put in. As they say, "garbage in, garbage out."
Ah, more "black people are inferior" garbage. Sweet.
First of all, Western countries aren't more developed because they have more social programs. Western countries have more social programs precisely because they're richer and can afford them. Also, more social programs doesn't equal more economic regulation. Even though Western countries have more social programs, they have more liberalized economies. This index shows how economically restrictive each country is: Index of Economic Freedom: Promoting Economic Opportunity and Prosperity by Country. The Wealth of the West can be partly attributed to pro-market economic policies, but the primary reason they're richer: genetics. ALL 'IMF Advanced Economies' are either majority White or East Asian. Whites and East Asians have average IQs of 98 and 102, respectively. IQ is strongly correlated with national wealth. There are exceptions though, such as North Korea, where the average IQ 105, yet it is one of the poorest countries on Earth, precisely because of its centralized economy.

Your thread will be sent to the basement soon. A lot of butts will be hurt by what you wrote here.
We have higher social costs because we choose not to send out a body cart every morning to pick up the dead.

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