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Why people are stocking up on ammo (1 Viewer)

In your amusement and disappointment, you don't have any problem with the rest of us arming ourselves, do you?

not so long as you are in compliance wit the legal restrictions imposed on the bearing of arms
as i have said time and again, we have a right to bear arms
but not a right to bear any armament
not so long as you are in compliance wit the legal restrictions imposed on the bearing of arms

Are you able to understand that Americans are telling you to shove your "legal restrictions on the bearing of arms" up your a$$?

That is why the ammunition shelves are empty.
I doubt that a conspiracy theory is the issue. It's the fact that every time talks of a gun ban gets thrown into the works, people freak out, buy firearms and ammunition at a much higher rate than normal. Ammunition is already starting to get stocked on the shelves again, and stock will normalize by April. Quit buying into fear mongering bull****.

Every time I see one of these threads I'm reminded of this article:

Why Obama Makes Americans Want to Stockpile Ammo | Cracked.com
Are you able to understand that Americans are telling you to shove your "legal restrictions on the bearing of arms" up your a$$?

That is why the ammunition shelves are empty.

and if they are non-compliant with the legal restrictions then they can tell that to me from their jail cells ... like the veteran in NY who possessed to sell the 30 round clip
i find it both amusing and disappointing that those who believe 'the government is going to take my guns away' dare discuss someone else drinking the koolaid
Really Bubba? Have you seen the lists of weapons being targeted? Did you miss the action in California, New York, proposals in Missouri, the recent proposed legislation in Washington state calling for Sheriffs to have warrantless access to your homes 1x per year, or the list of guns targeted in Minnesota? In other words...sure...they are targeting all semiautomatic weapons, all weapons with detachable magazines, all weapons with 1 or more military 'style' characteristic (with lists of over 160 specific types of firearms) AND those pronouncements have been made publicly...but...anyone that actually believes they intend to act on those proposals are just 'silly'? Are you REALLY stupid enough to believe there ARENT people making those proposals INCLUDING forced confiscation after 90 days, even though...again...their intent and legislation has been made public? Or are you just deliberately dishonest? Seriously...if you don't know there is actual legislation being proposed by real life people...well...that's either deliberate or organic. I don't think its organic.
Really Bubba? Have you seen the lists of weapons being targeted? Did you miss the action in California, New York, proposals in Missouri, the recent proposed legislation in Washington state calling for Sheriffs to have warrantless access to your homes 1x per year, or the list of guns targeted in Minnesota? In other words...sure...they are targeting all semiautomatic weapons, all weapons with detachable magazines, all weapons with 1 or more military 'style' characteristic (with lists of over 160 specific types of firearms) AND those pronouncements have been made publicly...but...anyone that actually believes they intend to act on those proposals are just 'silly'? Are you REALLY stupid enough to believe there ARENT people making those proposals INCLUDING forced confiscation after 90 days, even though...again...their intent and legislation has been made public? Or are you just deliberately dishonest? Seriously...if you don't know there is actual legislation being proposed by real life people...well...that's either deliberate or organic. I don't think its organic.

people want stupid **** to happen all the time
what will pass muster will have to be complaint with the Constitution
which is why i see those who are scared - but now well armed - to be quaffing the NRA koolaid
the gun and ammunition manufacturers are loving it. the recession is foreign to them
I'm so happy this country decided to go with a standing army rather than worry about what other lemming like behaviors the members of the citizen's militias would display during times of duress.
While many still hold Obama in high regard, general confidence in his foreign policy leadership has slipped by six percentage points or more in most countries since 2009.

Moreover, on a number of specific policy issues, Obama has failed to live up to expectations. In 2009, many around the world anticipated that Obama would consider their country’s interests when making policy, seek international approval before using military force, act fairly when dealing with the Israelis and Palestinians, and take significant steps on climate change. Today, considerably fewer think he has actually done these things.

So...those that cling to their 'faith'...I'm guessing they voted yes on that whole Peace Prize thing to. People DO love to cling to their ideology. Meanwhile...Russia wont return his phone calls, Israel is an island, anti American sentiment in Pakistan is growing, Same in Afghanistan, Egypt continues to be a mess as is Libya. Syria...meh...who needs a foreign policy stance. North Korea is doing what North Korea does, the EU has ignored Obama...and within their own administration no one knows who authorized what in mejico, no one knows who received the concerns of the ambassador in Libya...who may or may not have gotten whatever requests or who didn't deny support, assistance, or action. Oh yes...this is a foreign policy administration to really be proud of and to have great confidence in.

I think what the rest of the world likes the best about Obama is he has made the US pretty much irrelevant.
people want stupid **** to happen all the time
what will pass muster will have to be complaint with the Constitution
which is why i see those who are scared - but now well armed - to be quaffing the NRA koolaid
the gun and ammunition manufacturers are loving it. the recession is foreign to them
Wait...that wasn't quite an admission...you DO admit that politicians up to and including the white house are proposing gun ban legislation and it has been passed in New York and proposed in other states...correct? Dood...you are the only one pushing Koolaid. Luckily you have plenty of allies right here on this site to join you in a toast.
While many still hold Obama in high regard, general confidence in his foreign policy leadership has slipped by six percentage points or more in most countries since 2009.

Which is exactly what it says in my second link, which has the 2012 Pew numbers.

Moreover, on a number of specific policy issues, Obama has failed to live up to expectations. In 2009, many around the world anticipated that Obama would consider their country’s interests when making policy, seek international approval before using military force, act fairly when dealing with the Israelis and Palestinians, and take significant steps on climate change. Today, considerably fewer think he has actually done these things.

So...those that cling to their 'faith'...I'm guessing they voted yes on that whole Peace Prize thing to. People DO love to cling to their ideology. Meanwhile...Russia wont return his phone calls, Israel is an island, anti American sentiment in Pakistan is growing, Same in Afghanistan, Egypt continues to be a mess as is Libya. Syria...meh...who needs a foreign policy stance. North Korea is doing what North Korea does, the EU has ignored Obama...and within their own administration no one knows who authorized what in mejico, no one knows who received the concerns of the ambassador in Libya...who may or may not have gotten whatever requests or who didn't deny support, assistance, or action. Oh yes...this is a foreign policy administration to really be proud of and to have great confidence in.

I think what the rest of the world likes the best about Obama is he has made the US pretty much irrelevant.

None of this is relevant to the question I was responding to. :shrug:
Should this be a "legal" handgun in your opinion:

View attachment 67142968

The Taurus PT638 Pro SA .380 ACP Review
Bubba doesn't matter. The absolute fact of the matter is that gun is one of many that would be banned if many on the extremist left had their way. That's that "inconvenient truth" people like Bubba will try to wiggle away from. He lays down and wallows in the same **** pretending his stink is just a little less rank than theirs is because HE might not advocate for it, then in spite of the REALITY that the people he supports are pushing bans, he wants to make everything be the NRAs fault.
Which is exactly what it says in my second link, which has the 2012 Pew numbers.

None of this is relevant to the question I was responding to. :shrug:
The quote cited was taken from the 2012 Pew survey. Did you not read it?
Bubba doesn't matter. The absolute fact of the matter is that gun is one of many that would be banned if many on the extremist left had their way. That's that "inconvenient truth" people like Bubba will try to wiggle away from. He lays down and wallows in the same **** pretending his stink is just a little less rank than theirs is because HE might not advocate for it, then in spite of the REALITY that the people he supports are pushing bans, he wants to make everything be the NRAs fault.

He is already on record wanting a COMPLETE ban on handguns
The quote cited was taken from the 2012 Pew survey. Did you not read it?

What the hell are you talking about? I just specifically told you the quote came from the Pew survey.
He is already on record wanting a COMPLETE ban on handguns
Ah...then he IS the same kind of guy. Hell...no wonder he slops so well with them.

I always figured Bubba to be one of those guys that says stupid **** just to be a contrarian and then clings to it like a snapper.
He is already on record wanting a COMPLETE ban on handguns
now, while i am also opposed to long arms having a military purpose, here is what should be convincing evidence why hand guns should be outlawed:
graph homicides by weapon.jpg
now, while i am also opposed to long arms having a military purpose, here is what should be convincing evidence why hand guns should be outlawed:
View attachment 67142972

the number of people who use something ILLEGALLY does not establish that those who use it LEGALLY should be disarmed. YOu also are on record for wanting to ban rifles that have a "military purpose" which means most bolt action rifles and semi autos as well as machine rifles. In other words, you want to ban stuff that has almost NO history of misuse

YOu also seem to labor under the untenable conclusion that people who are already banned from doing something wrong with a weapon or even possessing one, will be impacted-law abiding citiznens of course will be more impacted
What the hell are you talking about? I just specifically told you the quote came from the Pew survey.
The 2012 survey...the one that showed an overall drop of 6% points and more...that 2012 survey. Right?

Funny...I posted quotes USING your survey which showed consistent drops in confidence and polarity...followed by some pretty clear examples...and you say..."none of that is relevant.". Oh...wait...I get it...I missed it. I didn't see that you were making the point his popularity is fading due to his sheer incompetence. We agree then...
now, while i am also opposed to long arms having a military purpose, here is what should be convincing evidence why hand guns should be outlawed:
View attachment 67142972
Someone said something about this just a few posts ago...

"people want stupid **** to happen all the time"

Chicago Homicides Outnumber U.S. Troop Killings In Afghanistan
The war zone-like statistics are not new. As WBEZ reports, while some 2,000 U.S. troops have been killed in Afghanistan since 2001, more than 5,000 people have been killed by gun fire in Chicago during that time, based on Department of Defense and FBI data.

Chicago's murder rate is also currently quadruple that of New York and double Los Angeles' rate. Gun violence Friday evening into Saturday took the lives of at least one person -- Antonio Buck, of the 5400 block of South Aberdeen -- and wounded at least seven others, including a 16-year-old boy shot in the lower back around 11 p.m. Friday.

I'll try to find the percentage of handguns in that figure, but I'd venture to say it is the overwhelming majority. Not exactly cities whose example I would want to follow.
the number of people who use something ILLEGALLY does not establish that those who use it LEGALLY should be disarmed. YOu also are on record for wanting to ban rifles that have a "military purpose" which means most bolt action rifles and semi autos as well as machine rifles. In other words, you want to ban stuff that has almost NO history of misuse
yes, in addition to banning handguns, i would want to ban the possession of long arms having a military purpose. hell, softball associations have a panel which reviews the data on softball bats to determine which are found reasonable and which are more prone to inflict injury. if the softball players can do it for bats, then the American government can do it for long guns

YOu also seem to labor under the untenable conclusion that people who are already banned from doing something wrong with a weapon or even possessing one, will be impacted-law abiding citiznens of course will be more impacted
both will be impacted
the legal owner of weapons determined to be illegal will have to give them up to remain law abiding
those who are not law abiding will not be so inclined
however, with absolute enforcement and severe penalties to include jail time, our LEOs will then be able to arrest anyone found having an illegal weapon in their possession. if you are found to have a hand gun on your person, then you are in deep ****. that is not the circumstance today
unlike you, i am not inclined to allow the perfect to become the enemy of the good
and if they are non-compliant with the legal restrictions then they can tell that to me from their jail cells ...

Apparently, you're not able to understand.

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