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Why does President Obama take so much credit for killing Osama bin Laden[W:533, 612] (1 Viewer)

Re: Why does President Obama take so much credit for killing Osama bin Laden

As with everything in politics, everything in life is either blamed for or credited to one person, ignoring the fact that thousands of people put on millions of hours of work to make it happen
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

"Veterans for a strong America"

they even sound a little... sad.

It is just another Koch Brothers front I bet.

Facts will prevail... All they have to do, to discredit these morons is show a bit of Bush and his cronies from the 2004 election... very few times did they actually thank the troops, but there was plenty of praise for Bush..
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

I'm sure Bush would be very proud to have you as his worshipper.

For the rest of us, we're glad there are term limits set for presidents.

Meh, even if the term limits were 3, I am not overly convinced Bush would have won again considering he barely beat a incredibly weak Kerry. As for the topic on hand, Obama does deserve the credit, and so does Bush to an extent.
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

He should have taken a page from Bush's playbook. :D

Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

Right. So, the only counter thus far is that "Bush Did It!!!"?

Good to go. :) I'll mark this down as something likely to bite Obama come November.
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

I remember watching the Press Conference where President Obama officially announced the death of Osama Bin Laden - it was a room full of intelligence and infantry Marines. Celebration became tinged with disbelief as the President spoke - he's taking credit for it! It was America's moment and he thinks it's about him! A couple of guys threw some trash at the television, and then we turned it down and commenced to drinking.

Later I wondered about the guys on the raid - what if they had lost anyone? How would they have felt in the light of that about a guy back in Washington trying to paint himself in the glory they'd earned? Honestly, I'll admit, I figured they were probably used to being used like that; occasional co-opting by the President just being part of what comes with being a Tier One guy.

Turns out, of course, that the SEALs took a rather dim view of how the President acted, and who really has a leg to stand on to tell them they shouldn't? A movie? Really?

Then the President did everything up to and including flying to Afghanistan on the anniversary in order to try to tie himself to that raid. Shameless and stupid. If you want to make your campaign include overhyped reflections on your own awesomeness, you have lackey's do that; you don't do it yourself.

And now Veterans for a Strong America is out with this:

They picked up on the exact same repeated use of the word "I" that we did in that room.

Obama may want to move on to other distraction issues. I realize he can't exactly talk about any other part of his record, but I'm thinking he may do better with the War On Women or Filling Up Your Tires than by looking like he's trying to take credit for the actions of others.

Quite whining and try to tell the truth. It would take no more than linking on to Stewart's show to see the president giving all kinds of credit. And compared to Bush spiking the football before the game ever started, you guys are just looking silly.
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

Right. So, the only counter thus far is that "Bush Did It!!!"?

Good to go. :) I'll mark this down as something likely to bite Obama come November.

It will bite him that he managed to kill the most hated man in America, where as his opponents party never managed to do so? Man that is some twisted logic...
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

It will bite him that he managed to kill the most hated man in America, where as his opponents party never managed to do so? Man that is some twisted logic...

They are likely going to try and do some swift boaters for untruth type of deception, as it worked so well before. Sad.
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

It will bite him that he managed to kill the most hated man in America, where as his opponents party never managed to do so? Man that is some twisted logic...

Don't underestimate political ignorance in the US... nothing actually 'matters'. Credit and merit will flip from side to side as american flip flop and subjective reality just warps and twists with the flavor of the day.
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

I don't see what the big deal is with this. Anyone in Obama's position would have done the exact same thing as far as telling the public. Of course he is going to take credit for it...Why wouldn't he? Any Republican or Democrat president would do that.

Republicans are pointing out things that are wrong, but they would do the EXACT SAME THING! It is infuriating to see them cast a blind eye to history.

Obama is going to use the killing of OBL because it was one of his few successes in office.
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

It is just another Koch Brothers front I bet.

Facts will prevail... All they have to do, to discredit these morons is show a bit of Bush and his cronies from the 2004 election... very few times did they actually thank the troops, but there was plenty of praise for Bush..

You mean soros group like "moveon"?
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

because your only a hero to a lib if you mock the USA... very simple.
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

Right. So, the only counter thus far is that "Bush Did It!!!"?

Good to go. :) I'll mark this down as something likely to bite Obama come November.

I suppose if you ignore what people said and made up your own claim, then yes, that would be true. However, what is actually said is that Bush and other presidents do it(all of them in fact) and that it is not inherantly wrong. That last is an important thing: there is nothing wrong with claiming your accomplishments as accomplishments. Also pointed out was your selective outrage, and the laughability of a group called "Veterans for a strong America".
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

MHO, these guys are free to do as they please with their thoughts and their money, just like everyone else. I don't see what the bug tussle is about.
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

MHO, these guys are free to do as they please with their thoughts and their money, just like everyone else. I don't see what the bug tussle is about.

Is any one saying they cannot "do as they please with their thoughts and their money"?
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

I suppose if you ignore what people said and made up your own claim, then yes, that would be true. However, what is actually said is that Bush and other presidents do it(all of them in fact) and that it is not inherantly wrong. That last is an important thing: there is nothing wrong with claiming your accomplishments as accomplishments. Also pointed out was your selective outrage, and the laughability of a group called "Veterans for a strong America".

If Obama had supported GWB or had voted for what got us OBL..maybe to us non libs we could stomach "I"bama... but we dont ..its ripe with hypocrisy and luckily most people understand that..
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

because your only a hero to a lib if you mock the USA... very simple.

Well, that was amazingly stupid. Keep making conservatives look bad, I appreciate it.
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

If Obama had supported GWB or had voted for what got us OBL..maybe to us non libs we could stomach "I"bama... but we dont ..its ripe with hypocrisy and luckily most people understand that..

Please try and make sense in your posts. What the **** are you talking about?
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

Is any one saying they cannot "do as they please with their thoughts and their money"?

sure.. can you get salt in NYC? do I have to pay for Obamacare, will I be fined if I dont? or worse..
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

sure.. can you get salt in NYC? do I have to pay for Obamacare, will I be fined if I dont? or worse..

Which has what to do with Veterans For a Strang America, and what the **** are you talking about?
Re: Vets for Strong America: Why Does Obama take so much credit for OBL?

Please try and make sense in your posts. What the **** are you talking about?

Obama did not support the mean and tactics it took to get Obama.. he voted against it.

is this confusing? my post was very clear.. what part is confusing?

I think the I-bama part is clear from the first posts in the tread.. and his use of "I"..not we

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