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Why do MAGAs think that Trump should be special when it comes to the law (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Nov 3, 2023
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They call it lawfare and political when he is judged by four grand juries of 23 citizens each seeing the evidence about his crimes, and he is indicted by each of the juries of more than one crime each. Most MAGAs have never been on a grand jury or even been in court, and yet they listen to right wing media of all kinds trying to say it is all lawfare and political. They excuse Trump of everything he has done and believe that he is special and should get special treatment and in actuality he has been getting special treatment. Look at his present trial, anyone else would have already been in jail for violating the judge's court order concerning his statements about the jury, the witnesses and the other members of the court including their wives and children. So called gag orders are often used in trials, but of course, Trump is special, so he should have the right to try and intimidate those jurors and witnesses and then having his MAGAs send hate mail to them. Like I have said, they think Trump should be treated specially and they know he certainly should be above the law.
They see him as a modern day Robin Hood who gives tax cuts to the rich.

This article, by a fan of his, is pretty amusing, simply because the author doesn't seem to realize that the "higher law" is really just himself.


Why do MAGAs think that Trump should be special when it comes to the law​

They don't.

But they also don't think he should be the target of lawfare.
They call it lawfare and political when he is judged by four grand juries of 23 citizens each seeing the evidence about his crimes, and he is indicted by each of the juries of more than one crime each. Most MAGAs have never been on a grand jury or even been in court, and yet they listen to right wing media of all kinds trying to say it is all lawfare and political. They excuse Trump of everything he has done and believe that he is special and should get special treatment and in actuality he has been getting special treatment. Look at his present trial, anyone else would have already been in jail for violating the judge's court order concerning his statements about the jury, the witnesses and the other members of the court including their wives and children. So called gag orders are often used in trials, but of course, Trump is special, so he should have the right to try and intimidate those jurors and witnesses and then having his MAGAs send hate mail to them. Like I have said, they think Trump should be treated specially and they know he certainly should be above the law.

Q: Why do MAGAs think that Trump should be special when it comes to the law
A: Because it's a ****ing CULT.​

BTW, I've mentioned this before but there are a lot of similarities between Trump and "a citizen above suspicion."

"A recently promoted police inspector...kills his mistress...and leads the investigators toward himself to prove that he is "above suspicion" and can get away with anything, even while being investigated. ...he eventually desperately confesses to the crime in front of his superiors, in an effort to not subvert the essence of authority, but they all refuse to believe him, forcing him to recant his confession, with the approval of the police commissioner."

The Investigation of a Citizen above Suspicion

Great movie. Highly recommended.

Why do MAGAs think that Trump should be special when it comes to the law​

They don't.

But they also don't think he should be the target of lawfare.
Can you define what the term "lawfare" means, in this case?

Edit: Are all the cases against Trump "lawfare?"
They call it lawfare and political when he is judged by four grand juries of 23 citizens each seeing the evidence about his crimes, and he is indicted by each of the juries of more than one crime each. Most MAGAs have never been on a grand jury or even been in court, and yet they listen to right wing media of all kinds trying to say it is all lawfare and political. They excuse Trump of everything he has done and believe that he is special and should get special treatment and in actuality he has been getting special treatment. Look at his present trial, anyone else would have already been in jail for violating the judge's court order concerning his statements about the jury, the witnesses and the other members of the court including their wives and children. So called gag orders are often used in trials, but of course, Trump is special, so he should have the right to try and intimidate those jurors and witnesses and then having his MAGAs send hate mail to them. Like I have said, they think Trump should be treated specially and they know he certainly should be above the law.

Because he's revenge for Clinton not going to prison. The whole point is for him to openly break laws and not suffer any consequences for it.
Can you define what the term "lawfare" means, in this case?

Edit: Are all the cases against Trump "lawfare?"
They'll never agree that any case against him is valid. Evidence doesn't matter to them. Remember, Trump is on audio recording umanbiguously and knowingly violating the Espionage Act and half of them are still trying to argue that um actually those documents belong to him and were declassified. They know he is guilty. They just don't care and are just completely full of shit.
Look up the definition of the word. It's in the dictionary, you know.
I'm not asking what the dictionary says, I want to know how you define it.

The current ones...yes.
Ok then. I disagree, but if you really want to paint with a brush that broad...
I heard from a few of his cult members that they earnestly believe Trump was sent by God to save the white race.
I am not kidding.
I'm not asking what the dictionary says, I want to know how you define it.

Unlike other people, I don't make up my own definitions for words.

Ok then. I disagree, but if you really want to paint with a brush that broad...
It's not a broad brush. It's a very specific identification of the current actions.
They call it lawfare and political when he is judged by four grand juries of 23 citizens each seeing the evidence about his crimes, and he is indicted by each of the juries of more than one crime each. Most MAGAs have never been on a grand jury or even been in court, and yet they listen to right wing media of all kinds trying to say it is all lawfare and political. They excuse Trump of everything he has done and believe that he is special and should get special treatment and in actuality he has been getting special treatment. Look at his present trial, anyone else would have already been in jail for violating the judge's court order concerning his statements about the jury, the witnesses and the other members of the court including their wives and children. So called gag orders are often used in trials, but of course, Trump is special, so he should have the right to try and intimidate those jurors and witnesses and then having his MAGAs send hate mail to them. Like I have said, they think Trump should be treated specially and they know he certainly should be above the law.
Trump said it himself: "I am your retribution". Trump is the racists' revenge for America electing a black person twice and for the increasing diversity in the racial makeup of America's population. Trump rose to fame leading the racist birther movement and then gave the CWN's a severe "hate-erection" with his speech at the bottom of the escalator in 2015 calling Mexican people "rapists bringing crime". <-- that kind of shit is music to the many fans of Tucker.

Unlike other people, I don't make up my own definitions for words.
Ok, so you're saying that in this case, "lawfare" means something like the following (I assume definition 1?):
in British English
(ˈlɔːˌfɛə IPA Pronunciation Guide)
1. the strategic use of legal proceedings to intimidate or hinder an opponent
2. the use of the law by a country against its enemies, esp by challenging the legality of military or foreign policy

It's not a broad brush. It's a very specific identification of the current actions.
Why do you think all the cases are lawfare?
What is the method used to determine that a case is lawfare?

How does someone differentiate legitimate cases from cases brought for political reasons?

Is it possible for legitimate legal cases to also have a political motivation?
And if so, does that political motivation remove the legitimacy of the case in part or in whole?

Edit: Are there legitimate uses of lawfare, such as by the USA against it's opponents?
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They call it lawfare and political when he is judged by four grand juries of 23 citizens each seeing the evidence about his crimes, and he is indicted by each of the juries of more than one crime each. Most MAGAs have never been on a grand jury or even been in court, and yet they listen to right wing media of all kinds trying to say it is all lawfare and political. They excuse Trump of everything he has done and believe that he is special and should get special treatment and in actuality he has been getting special treatment. Look at his present trial, anyone else would have already been in jail for violating the judge's court order concerning his statements about the jury, the witnesses and the other members of the court including their wives and children. So called gag orders are often used in trials, but of course, Trump is special, so he should have the right to try and intimidate those jurors and witnesses and then having his MAGAs send hate mail to them. Like I have said, they think Trump should be treated specially and they know he certainly should be above the law.
Why do libruls think Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden should be above the law?
Why do libruls think Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden should be above the law?
Name a single thing that Hillary or Biden have been accused of, with evidence of their guilt, and for which they have been criminally indicted for.
And it is not like the far right has not tried.
Name a single thing that Hillary or Biden have been accused of, with evidence of their guilt, and for which they have been criminally indicted for.
And it is not like the far right has not tried.
I cannot take you too seriously with that ridiculous question. Hillary has legal scandals going all the way back to the 80s and one of her gripes is that former FBI director Comey clearly stated that she was guilty of sending and receiving government emails on her unsecure private email server. He simply chose not to prosecute her. Same with the Special prosecutor who investigated Joe Biden over the classified documents he stored at his house after he left the vice presidency. Again, he was judged to have committed crimes, but the SP chose not to prosecute Joe because he is an old man with poor memory. Evidence applied in both cases, as to them not getting indicted, does not mean they did not commit crimes.
Obama kept classified documents in an unsecured location. biden kept classified documents he wasnt even entitled to keep in unsecured locations. Trump kept classifie documents in a secured Location.

Trump is charged.

Every developer on the planet follows the same business model that trump followed. The Gov of New York has to come out and assure those developers that THEY wont be charged in the same manner Trump was harged. Trump was chaeged...even though every independent developer agrees the property was UNDER valued...not overvalued.

Trump is charged.

NDAs are commonplace. Trumps lawyer set the billing....

Trump is charged.

Democrats falsified documents and the FBI used them to fabricate charges...the charges failed. Nothing was done to the FBI agents or the rat party that colluded.

Just try equal application of the law. Start there.
The current ones...yes.
So you know he's been accused of felonies supported by mountains of irrefutable evidence.
Donald is definitely a felon.
Donalds gullible halfwitted sycophants just don't care that he's a felon and a traitor.
Obama kept classified documents in an unsecured location. biden kept classified documents he wasnt even entitled to keep in unsecured locations. Trump kept classifie documents in a secured Location.

Trump is charged.

Every developer on the planet follows the same business model that trump followed. The Gov of New York has to come out and assure those developers that THEY wont be charged in the same manner Trump was harged. Trump was chaeged...even though every independent developer agrees the property was UNDER valued...not overvalued.

Trump is charged.

NDAs are commonplace. Trumps lawyer set the billing....

Trump is charged.

Democrats falsified documents and the FBI used them to fabricate charges...the charges failed. Nothing was done to the FBI agents or the rat party that colluded.

Just try equal application of the law. Start there.
Donald installed fake electors in multiple states.
He doesn't deny he did it.
And since in no way can that be misconstrued as an official act, he's been indicted for it.

This was an act you can't reasonably explain away as anything but felony election interference.

And it proves that Donald is a felon and a traitor.
I cannot take you too seriously with that ridiculous question. Hillary has legal scandals going all the way back to the 80s and one of her gripes is that former FBI director Comey clearly stated that she was guilty of sending and receiving government emails on her unsecure private email server. He simply chose not to prosecute her. Same with the Special prosecutor who investigated Joe Biden over the classified documents he stored at his house after he left the vice presidency. Again, he was judged to have committed crimes, but the SP chose not to prosecute Joe because he is an old man with poor memory. Evidence applied in both cases, as to them not getting indicted, does not mean they did not commit crimes.
So you can not name a single crime that either Hillary or Biden has done.
I heard from a few of his cult members that they earnestly believe Trump was sent by God to save the white race.
I am not kidding.
I have family members who, frighteningly, say shite like that in front of me.
My typical response to them is something off the wall like " Oh my goodness, Allah be praised", just to defuse the attack.

I'm constantly reminded that MAGA and religion have a lot in common, since they both require a disconnect from reality in order to participate.

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