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Where did the DP CC President get the power to make impromptu executive decisions? (1 Viewer)

Re: Where did the DP CC President get the power to make impromptu executive decisions

So you won't tell us which committee rule was broken?

That means no rules were broken

If you can't identify any rules that were broken, then I'm ruling this entire thread "Out of Order", consistent with Robert's Rules of Order

Rules now we have rules?
Re: Where did the DP CC President get the power to make impromptu executive decisions

Since no one can identify any rule that has been broken, I am declaring this thread Out of Order and requesting that members ignore it

Only if you can point to the by-laws that say you can judge something Out of Order.
Re: Where did the DP CC President get the power to make impromptu executive decisions

I hope this is the take away lesson from the forum, I truly do.

Think about the magnitude of all the "executive decisions" he has made just recently, and pretend they can come up with a good reason as to how this would not get abused down the road more than this arbitrary "entire thread out of order" nonsense.

So in short order we have seen vote manipulation to change vote results, awkward shifts of power on who is President, additional members added at will and now open participation, and now "out of order" thread ignore declarations all the while calling us problems.

Re: Where did the DP CC President get the power to make impromptu executive decisions

Only if you can point to the by-laws that say you can judge something Out of Order.

Dilatory motions and tactics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert's Rules of Order notes that a presiding officer has a duty to protect the assembly from the abuse of parliamentary processes for dilatory purposes.[12] If he becomes convinced that a member is using parliamentary processes for dilatory purposes, he can rule the motions out of order or refuse to recognize the member
Re: Where did the DP CC President get the power to make impromptu executive decisions

Why do I get the feeling that this flaming and baiting is perfectly acceptable to the current "officer(s)". Lol.

Because, in the games forum, it is acceptable.

Or, so I hear.
Re: Where did the DP CC President get the power to make impromptu executive decisions

IOW, if you think a rule makes sense, it's OK for someone to impose it unilaterally without a vote.

But only if *you* think it makes sense.

Not quite, rather I think its not ok for any single individual to impose a dictate to the entire convention without a vote, regardless of if I agree with it. See the difference?
Re: Where did the DP CC President get the power to make impromptu executive decisions

No, there is a poll, forum staff defined in general, whereby:
1. Flaming, baiting and trolling in a severe disruptive manner is prohibited.
2. If so, officers may issue warning.
3. Certainly members can report this to officers.
4. The member being warned can tell their side, including on the warning thread.
5. If that member continues to violate that rule after warnings and their side, the officers can decide if action in necessary.
6. If the officers (not one officer) decide that person is only being disruptive and violation the rule, they can ask a moderator to block the person.
7. The final authority then is a moderator - a power all moderators have anyway.

Why that procedure? Because that is the procedure defined and offered by forum staff. You may not like it, but for the entire forum, ALL final decisions and all rules are by the forum staff, not us.

You can form a committee, but the final say is forum staff like always, not any non-staff committee. If you don't like how that works, there is a board in the basement to complain of forum staff structure and authority. It would break Global Forum rules to do it on Convention thread.

Did you vote yes or no in that poll? If you voted no, then don't grumble about lack of rules.

Joke, you aren't part of the convention, your opinions of convention business are immaterial.
Re: Where did the DP CC President get the power to make impromptu executive decisions

The members voted on priorities, and setting rules came in third place so it is third on the list, not first

But if you ever get elected President, feel free to overrule the wishes of the members and declare a vote irrelevant and then do whatever you want

Ah so our dictatorial President see's that as his cue to do whatever he wishes. Because hey, he says so. :doh

You have already stated you are resigning, I encourage you to do this asap.
Re: Where did the DP CC President get the power to make impromptu executive decisions

I did not vote because the poll lacked detail. I cannot cast a vote not knowing the structure and the rules that the officers are bound by. That is the point of the rules to keep the officers in check. If I knew that the officers were in check from the collective authority of the delegates then I could most likely vote yes. But if I vote yes and then it turns out that the officers are not held to a set of rules of conduct then a yes vote created a dictatorship. ANd as it stands now that is what is going on. No one needs to get but hurt or feel that such criticisms are personal attacks because just every damn club in America requires a set of damn rules. ANd officers are bound by those rules. As it stands we have zero rules and the President already stated that he doesnt want any rules. Without those rules where does that leave us? It leaves us with a cart and no horse to pull it. ANd if it remains like this I give it about another two weeks before the whole thing explodes.

You nailed it. Look how quickly the dictators fangs were bared for all to see.
Re: Where did the DP CC President get the power to make impromptu executive decisions

This is your last chance to identify a rule that was voted on by the members that was broken by allowing new members into the convention. If you can not identify the rule that was broken, then I will declare the entire thread Out Of Order, per Robert's Rules of Order

Roberts rules of order were never voted in as a rule here, and as such are as null as your dictates.
Re: Where did the DP CC President get the power to make impromptu executive decisions

To be fair, open and honest, Robert's Rules of Order also provide that whenever and wherever a presiding officer or chair of an assembly rules, one or more members of the assembly may challenge the ruling of the presiding officer or chair at which point the presiding officer or chair must state categorically the by-law or rules of order provision being the basis of his/her ruling.

Clearly, from a procedural perspective, if you have no rules in place governing the acceptance of new members, that decision should be left to the body of the membership to decide either on a case by case basis or to decide on a rule going forward. There should be provisions in place that govern who and how new members may join and it should not be at the discretion of one individual unless the assembly as a whole has granted that person the authority in its place.

The above is, of course, dependent on whether or not your membership has adopted Robert's Rules of Order in the absence of your own set of rules/by-laws. Since you quote them as an authority, I assume they have.
Re: Where did the DP CC President get the power to make impromptu executive decisions

Think about the magnitude of all the "executive decisions" he has made just recently, and pretend they can come up with a good reason as to how this would not get abused down the road more than this arbitrary "entire thread out of order" nonsense.

So in short order we have seen vote manipulation to change vote results, awkward shifts of power on who is President, additional members added at will and now open participation, and now "out of order" thread ignore declarations all the while calling us problems.


This has become a microcosm of the road to serfdom, with a sprinkling of animal farm, and the open society and its enemies.
Re: Where did the DP CC President get the power to make impromptu executive decisions

Yes I am very familiar with Robert's Rules of Order. Its just one minute you are telling me that we need to get on with the convention and that the job of making the rules is #3 on the list. I want to know when we adopted Robert's Rules of Order. Could you please give us a link to that vote or the discussion or anything?
Re: Where did the DP CC President get the power to make impromptu executive decisions

The members voted on priorities, and setting rules came in third place so it is third on the list, not first

But if you ever get elected President, feel free to overrule the wishes of the members and declare a vote irrelevant and then do whatever you want

And this is exactly how you view the presidency isn't it?

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