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Trump says his ‘extremely tough’ immigration policies would have prevented 9/11 (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 16, 2014
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Pennsylvania, USA
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If he had been president, Donald Trump said Sunday, his immigration policies would have prevented the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. He also said fellow GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush should stop defending his brother over the Sept. 11 attacks, as the two rivals took their feud to the airwaves on Sunday.

“I am extremely, extremely tough on illegal immigration. I’m extremely tough on people coming into this country. I believe that if I were running things, I doubt those people would have been in the country,” Trump said on “Fox News Sunday.”


So he's going to do away with international student visas? Or what?
Well, liberals have claimed for 14 years that Bush could have and should have prevented 9/11. Trump, apparently, agrees.
Good of you to point out that Trump is as stupid as every other liberal[/e a toQUOTE]

He's as stupid as everyone who wants to rewrite the past is.

He'll never be able to prove his claim because he doesn't have a time machine.
So he's going to do away with international student visas? Or what?
Is there an urgent need of students in the United States from extremist muslim countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan? If that were true, your country truly IS doomed.
Would the US be ruled worse by Trump than by any of the other idiots?

or more accurate

Could the US be ruled worse by Trump than by any of the other idiots?

Oh, no, he's going to make Mexico build a fence on their northern border. What he plans to do about our own northern border, or about access from the two oceans he doesn't say.
But one thing for sure: He wouldn't have let any of those dang furriners here in the first place, no siree.

The Canadians will pay for the northern wall the Chinese the western wal the Europeans the eastern wall and Cuba the Gulf of Mexico wall. Problem solved.
Would the US be ruled worse by Trump than by any of the other idiots?

or more accurate

Could the US be ruled worse by Trump than by any of the other idiots?

Absolutely yes.
Let's just say each his or her opinion.

Here is the way I look at it. Yes, our politicians suck. But I make a good living, have a roof over my head, my kids go to a good school, and I haven't had a nuclear bomb dropped on my head. So yeah, it could definitely be worse. :)
Here is the way I look at it. Yes, our politicians suck. But I make a good living, have a roof over my head, my kids go to a good school, and I haven't had a nuclear bomb dropped on my head. So yeah, it could definitely be worse. :)
If that's the criterion for being well governed, the bar has dropped real low. Seems like the standard for politicians around most of the world though.

I wonder how Trump could ensure your kids are uneducated and instead of a roof, there's a mushroom cloud over your head.
No way anyone should want someone as thin skinned as Trump dealing with the Putin's of the world while Trump has his finger on the nuclear button? God NO!!
In case you haven't been watching the news, he was more okay with Russia being in Syria than the others who would unleash World War III to "defend" the airspace of Turkey, a muslim country not worth 2 cents which happens to be in NATO.
In case you haven't been watching the news, he was more okay with Russia being in Syria than the others who would unleash World War III to defend Turkey, a muslim country not worth 2 cents which happens to be in NATO.

So? I'm talking about a guy who can't take any kind of criticism. He doesn't let anything go. Dealing with Russia, and other countries and leaders is a lot more complicated then just the ME.
So? I'm talking about a guy who can't take any kind of criticism. He doesn't let anything go. Dealing with Russia, and other countries and leaders is a lot more complicated then just the ME.

You mean like Reagan.
Lol. Wow. You think Trump is anything like Reagan? Careful. Talk like that will get you thrown out of the Republican Party.
He does have Sainthood. While Isis has stronger punishments for blasphemy, the republican party might just kick you out for that.
Lol. Wow. You think Trump is anything like Reagan? Careful. Talk like that will get you thrown out of the Republican Party.

I already left, years ago. However, I have re-registered recently so I could vote for trump in the primaries. And yes, there are many corollaries.
He's as stupid as everyone who wants to rewrite the past is.

He'll never be able to prove his claim because he doesn't have a time machine.

Like he said: liberals.

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