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Trump Finally Standing Up to the PC Bullies (1 Viewer)

No, I understand what it is, a 250 year old document, nothing more. It isn't some inerrant holy writ. Bowing down to it or its authors is ridiculous. Stop being ridiculous.

We live in a constitutional republic. The difference between a constitutional republic and a dictatorship is the constitution. It may not be holy writ, but it does contain a formula for keeping the government under control, should we choose to follow it.
Political correctness:

Refraining from suggesting that a woman reporter is being pissy because she's on her period.
Refraining from calling your wife a "nice piece of ass."
Refraining from saying that Mexico is sending us its drug dealers and rapists.
Not claiming that all of the women on The View are flirting with him.
Refraining from publicly claiming to have a long schlong.
Not claiming that being greedy is good.
Refraining from intimating that you have something on your opponent's wife.

OMG! How could we be so PC as to avoid all of the above? Why, The Donald has shown us the way to freedom of speech! I think I'll go next door right now and tell my neighbor what an ugly wife he has. That's un PC, isn't it?
Only PC Police types think it's wrong to compare your opponent to a child molester, or insinuate that their dad is an assassin :roll:

OP makes the error of assuming that fighting other bullies means one isn't a bully ones self. Dumb.

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Yes-sir, P.C. as in requiring one cease from expressing ANYTHING one might personally find offensive.

You have a right to feel offended. You do NOT have a right to be free from exposure to things you might find offensive.

In the second case you DO have the right to express yourself by ignoring it, responding in counter-point, or walking away.
You are confusing "Rights" with "what is right". I have the RIGHT to scream obscenities, making loud references about the incredible size of the overused vagina of that euro-whore mail order golddigger who Trump calls his wife when he isn't sleeping with younger women at every Trump event, or place where she could be found.

It would just be wrong.

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Where I come from those things are called common sense known by people who aren't of sub-par IQ and one generation removed from white trash.

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We live in a constitutional republic. The difference between a constitutional republic and a dictatorship is the constitution. It may not be holy writ, but it does contain a formula for keeping the government under control, should we choose to follow it.

What matters when it comes to the Constitution is the content, not the intent. It matter what was actually written down and ratified, not what the founding fathers intended it to say or what they believed.
What matters when it comes to the Constitution is the content, not the intent. It matter what was actually written down and ratified, not what the founding fathers intended it to say or what they believed.

We can only interpret their intent by the words that they wrote.
What matters when it comes to the Constitution is the content, not the intent. It matter what was actually written down and ratified, not what the founding fathers intended it to say or what they believed.

Ignoring context and purpose in favour of literal adherence to the letter of the law? Sounds like a kind of fundamentalist attitude ;)
While I don't think Trump is standing up to anything in particular, rather more like an even more unhinged Don Quixote tilting at specters of his own creation that no one rational sees, it looks like he's finally about to experience the full brunt of media exposure that he so richly deserves. Just not the kid-gloves, fawning nonsense that he's had so far.

I don't think the Summer will be kind to Mr. Trump.


Another prediction of Mr Trump's early political demise. Maybe this one will prove accurate whereas the preceding 176,455 have not.

Glenn Reynolds: Donald Trump is the response to a bullying culture

He just nails it all over the place. Not about specific policy. About a breath of fresh air from the PC prison that the left has built for us to live in.

Except that the PC people are not the ones who are bullying, in fact it is the "Donald" that is the bully. People do not need him to save us from bullying, we need to be protected from his bullying.

Because being police and PC is usually not the problem, it is the people who want to offend and act like bullies who usually have a problem with the PC culture. Nobody wants to go back to the time when women where told to shut up and get back to the kitchen (except a few neanderthal men). Nobody wants to go back to the time when you curse at gay people to act like men and not act like a little faggot/queer (except for gay hating intolerant bullies). Nobody wants to go back to a time when blacks where not allowed to drink at a certain fountain because that one was reserved for the "master race" (except a bunch of racists/nazi's). Nobody wants to go back to a time when blacks where called (to their face) "the N-word" "boy" "blackie" "brownie" "ape" (except for the same bunch of racists). We do not want to go back to a time when jews where called "kike" (except for nazi's). Or when Mexicans where wetbacks, greaser or roach (except for haters of Mexicans).

If being PC means not being hateful to women, gays, blacks, Mexicans, etc. etc. etc. than thank goodness for PC people. You can be as politically incorrect but then you run the risk of being disagreed with or even shunned for being an asshole.

I may not always like the PC culture but I like the bully culture even less. Trump is not PC because he is a bully, pure and simple.
Except that the PC people are not the ones who are bullying, in fact it is the "Donald" that is the bully. People do not need him to save us from bullying, we need to be protected from his bullying.

Because being police and PC is usually not the problem, it is the people who want to offend and act like bullies who usually have a problem with the PC culture. Nobody wants to go back to the time when women where told to shut up and get back to the kitchen (except a few neanderthal men). Nobody wants to go back to the time when you curse at gay people to act like men and not act like a little faggot/queer (except for gay hating intolerant bullies). Nobody wants to go back to a time when blacks where not allowed to drink at a certain fountain because that one was reserved for the "master race" (except a bunch of racists/nazi's). Nobody wants to go back to a time when blacks where called (to their face) "the N-word" "boy" "blackie" "brownie" "ape" (except for the same bunch of racists). We do not want to go back to a time when jews where called "kike" (except for nazi's). Or when Mexicans where wetbacks, greaser or roach (except for haters of Mexicans).

If being PC means not being hateful to women, gays, blacks, Mexicans, etc. etc. etc. than thank goodness for PC people. You can be as politically incorrect but then you run the risk of being disagreed with or even shunned for being an asshole.

I may not always like the PC culture but I like the bully culture even less. Trump is not PC because he is a bully, pure and simple.

I think the popularity of the Trump candidacy shows that there are more people who want to go back to what you described than we'd like to think.
There is no victim. Stop playing the victim card.

A person receiving a verbal offense is a victim of the offense just the same as if it were a physical offense. I am not playing the victim card. I am stating what a verbal offense is to both the offender and the offended. Verbal abuse does exist and the victims of it have very good reason to feel offended.
A person receiving a verbal offense is a victim of the offense just the same as if it were a physical offense. I am not playing the victim card. I am stating what a verbal offense is to both the offender and the offended. Verbal abuse does exist and the victims of it have very good reason to feel offended.

No, nobody beat you. You took offense at something that you had complete control over. You CHOSE to be offended. It is your own damn fault that you are offended. You could very easily choose not to let it bother you. You didn't. Your fault.

Glenn Reynolds: Donald Trump is the response to a bullying culture

He just nails it all over the place. Not about specific policy. About a breath of fresh air from the PC prison that the left has built for us to live in.

If we're going to keep it as real as you claim to desire, the term "PC, political correctness" that the right loves to bitch about is an example of political correctness in itself. Rather than call it what it really is, the right to be a racist, homophobe, religious fanatic moron, we find a cute little acronym that even in it's full sized form is not clear but every righty thinks they know exactly what it means to them. By all accounts you are correct in thinking that you have the "right" to be those things, racist, hompohobic, etc. However, by the definition in the article, the right is as guilty of controlling language, and thought, through selective rephrasing of the facts with ambiguous slogans. We could call what the right does much of the time RC, or religious correctness, though.

The battle over the phrase "happy holidays" is a prime example of RC. When everyone doesn't patronize their Jesus day, a time of year, mind you, that parallels various traditions, worldwide, long predating christ, the christ-squad go ape ****. They bitch and complain and protest in an attempt to bully the otherwise tolerant of other cultures into humoring their fantasy that the winter solstice was invented by Jesus. Yes, let us all forget how many aspects of the christian holiday were direct thievery from the pagans, including that day. In true RC form, the facts don't matter.

I, for one, would rather see our national language be less ambiguous. Let us quit calling things watered-down versions of what they are. But, let us also recognize that some words ARE hurtful. If you reserve the right to be not just rude but belligerently rude, fine, but don't come crying to me when the big bad liberal knocks you out for calling him a nigger. If you guys don't comprehend that words have specific meanings and that using the wrong ones convey a very clear message about the intellect of the speaker, have at it.

Political correctness didn't fall out of Hillary Clinton's ass, it is the evolution of our culture and our language that seeks to give some real thought to what we say and not just use the tired rhetoric our parents gave us. Our parents were, in many cases, too dumb, bigoted and angry at the world to get to define the future of speech for everyone else. Either we appreciate that the world is not binary, that you are not either a retard or a genius, a liberal or a conservative, a man or a woman, or we lose the truth in our righteous desire to express ourselves wrongly.

That's your choice to make and if you and Donald Trump want to bloviate like careless imbeciles, go ahead but don't act like those who are attempting to mitigate the harm caused by reckless speach are any more the enemy of democracy than those who spew uncontrolled idiocy. That is the very point where the right falls right off their high horse into a steaming pile of free speech.
It doesn't matter what Locke believed either. Anyone who thinks it does is an idiot.

What you believe doesnt matter. Anyone who thinks it does is an idiot.

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A person receiving a verbal offense is a victim of the offense just the same as if it were a physical offense. I am not playing the victim card. I am stating what a verbal offense is to both the offender and the offended. Verbal abuse does exist and the victims of it have very good reason to feel offended.

I do not think physical and verbal abuse are the same thing at all. I would much rather be called names than be punched on the nose. If you think differently you must be .... (insert harmless 'offensive' word of your choice).
What you believe doesnt matter. Anyone who thinks it does is an idiot.

Nope, what I say doesn't matter either. Only facts do, never opinions.
No, nobody beat you. You took offense at something that you had complete control over. You CHOSE to be offended. It is your own damn fault that you are offended. You could very easily choose not to let it bother you. You didn't. Your fault.

An attack does not have to be physical to do harm to a person. Emotional harm can be done by verbal abuse as well as physical. We don't choose to feel emotional harm any more than we choose to feel physical harm. Human beings have emotions which are real and not entirely in our control. A verbal attack can do as much emotional damage as a slap in the face. And even the slap is not merely about physical pain. We are feeling animals with intelligence and complex brains and nervous systems that react very similarly to all forms of attacks, both physical and non-physical.
I do not think physical and verbal abuse are the same thing at all. I would much rather be called names than be punched on the nose. If you think differently you must be .... (insert harmless 'offensive' word of your choice).

But the punch in the nose is not just about the physical pain. It is also can impact us emotionally, just as verbal abuse can.
But the punch in the nose is not just about the physical pain. It is also can impact us emotionally, just as verbal abuse can.

Do children still chant 'Sticks and stones may break my bones but Names will never hurt me'. I hope so, as it might help them build up a little emotional resilience. So that they don't collapse in floods of tears if they are 'offended'.
That's your choice to make and if you and Donald Trump want to bloviate like careless imbeciles, go ahead but don't act like those who are attempting to mitigate the harm caused by reckless speach are any more the enemy of democracy than those who spew uncontrolled idiocy. That is the very point where the right falls right off their high horse into a steaming pile of free speech.


Do children still chant 'Sticks and stones may break my bones but Names will never hurt me'. I hope so, as it might help them build up a little emotional resilience. So that they don't collapse in floods of tears if they are 'offended'.

They chant that to put on a brave face, while at the same time the name calling is causing an emotional sting. If a parent berates a child, does the child feel hurt emotionally?
They chant that to put on a brave face, while at the same time the name calling is causing an emotional sting. If a parent berates a child, does the child feel hurt emotionally?

Absolutely. Berating a child is a terrible thing to do. Now, as an adult, if someone berates me, the effect depends on the respect I have for that person. If it's a stranger or someone for whom I have zero respect, it won't affect me at all.

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