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Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter[W:155**494**] (1 Viewer)

Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

Has there ever been any explanation for why this "grabbing" took place in the first place?

Trump was leaving the event, his campaign manager was rushing to be by his side, the idiot reporter was in the scrum jockeying to ask a question of Trump and stepped in his way. He grabbed her arm and moved her out of his way. She's pissed because Brietbart fired her ass and has been throwing a snit ever since.
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

Reasonable doubt only enters the equation when the jury is deciding whether to convict. There is enough evidence here to warrant an investigation and an arrest.

No there's not and there was no arrest. WP is anti-Trump and the only major to say "arrest". The form they posted is a Notice To Appear. The idiot reporter filed charges and thus the campaign manager was served with a Notice To Appear. No arrest took place.
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

I'm pretty surprised that this bogus charge led to an arrest since in a room full of reporters the only witness was a sworn Trump hater.

I didn't know that a video recorder had the capacity to hate anybody at all, let alone Donald Trump. The man was arrested because of the video, which backed up the eyewitness' story.

Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

Reasonable doubt only enters the equation when the jury is deciding whether to convict. There is enough evidence here to warrant an investigation and an arrest.

no there really is not. if the police arrested a young black man for this, you would all be up in arms about police misconduct.

No prosecutor would take this on on anyone else unless there was a political agenda.

seriously? dude grabbed my wrist while I was in the way in a crowded room...... "Even though I have a history of lying about **** like this, and lied about how it went down, you should all arrest him based on a blocked view image" Seriously? how much tax money to waste on this?
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

Has there ever been any explanation for why this "grabbing" took place in the first place?

The best guess seems to be..........to keep the reporter from asking Trump a question
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

The best guess seems to be..........to keep the reporter from asking Trump a question

It seems to me..........there are other guesses that might be....more reasonable.
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

I didn't know that a video recorder had the capacity to hate anybody at all, let alone Donald Trump. The man was arrested because of the video, which backed up the eyewitness' story.

lol, if that's the evidence, she's in trouble for a false report, and tampering with evidence. Note at :05 this "grab" was on her upper bicep and it's clear he's grabbed her shirt to hold her back or get past her, not her forearm that she took the picture of. Also note all the other people grabbing and jockeying for position.

This is the clearest video yet and does not show what she claimed.

capture 3.jpg


Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

Reasonable doubt. You have both her and the reporter on record completely lying about how that incident went down. This is a complete non story that you folks haven't learned helps, not hurts trump.

Or dear God....

"Reasonable doubt" is a matter for the courts to decide. It has nothing to do with the laying of charges or whether an investigation is launched. "Reasonable doubt" is what you pray for when facing serious time in prison.

It is highly inconceivable that with such intense focus on everything Trump does and says, that a respectable police force would lay such a charge simply based on her word against his. They would have to have corroborating evidence in the form of other witnesses, video tape, injuries etc.
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

I wonder if the Donald will pay his legal fees for him?


The lawyer who will be defending the Trumping dirtbag brings us a alleged two-fer. He's a woman biter.

"Lewandowski is being represented by a Florida lawyer named Kendall Coffey in regards to this incident. Coffey actually used to be a U.S. Attorney, but lost his job after an incident in which he allegedly bit a stripper and was ejected from the gentleman's club he was in.

Corey Lewandowski’s Florida Lawyer Lost His Job for Allegedly Biting a Stripper | Mediaite

Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

It seems to me..........there are other guesses that might be....more reasonable.

List your guesses then.............
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

The best guess seems to be..........to keep the reporter from asking Trump a question

Now that makes sense. Truly, that campaign is so ****ed up I believe they would have a list of "enemy" reporters and would go out of their way from allowing any form of embarrassment come Trump's way especially a well phrased and intelligent question.
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

Or dear God....

"Reasonable doubt" is a matter for the courts to decide. It has nothing to do with the laying of charges or whether an investigation is launched. "Reasonable doubt" is what you pray for when facing serious time in prison.

It is highly inconceivable that with such intense focus on everything Trump does and says, that a respectable police force would lay such a charge simply based on her word against his. They would have to have corroborating evidence in the form of other witnesses, video tape, injuries etc.

You see the cspan video?

Is that an arrestable offense to you?

The more egriegious crime here is falsifying a police report, and falsifying evidence by the reporter.
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

You see the cspan video?

Is that an arrestable offense to you?

The more egriegious crime here is falsifying a police report, and falsifying evidence by the reporter.

She "falsified evidence"?

Boy o boy, you better let the cops know.

Sorry there Reverend, but based on your accuracy history and knowing police procedure I'm pretty sure you're full of ****.
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

List your guesses then.............

Post #26 is as good a guess as any. With the physical threat to Trump real, I can see how it could get intense when trying to get him through a crowd. It seems to me Breitbart would be considered a friendly source, so it makes no sense the guy was trying to keep said reporter from asking a question.
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

She "falsified evidence"?

Boy o boy, you better let the cops know.

Sorry there Reverend, but based on your accuracy history and knowing police procedure I'm pretty sure you're full of ****.

So you struggle with an intelligent retort and simply insult me? I like a good insult, but really man, you have to wrap it up in some sort of intelligent response.

Please respond to post #33 it covers where she's falsified evidence, etc.

rather clearly I might add.

Godspeed sir.
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

I didn't know that a video recorder had the capacity to hate anybody at all, let alone Donald Trump. The man was arrested because of the video, which backed up the eyewitness' story.

That's not assault
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

No there's not and there was no arrest. WP is anti-Trump and the only major to say "arrest". The form they posted is a Notice To Appear. The idiot reporter filed charges and thus the campaign manager was served with a Notice To Appear. No arrest took place.

Arrest report issued for campaign manager Cory Lewandowski
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

Post #26 is as good a guess as any. With the physical threat to Trump real, I can see how it could get intense when trying to get him through a crowd. It seems to me Breitbart would be considered a friendly source, so it makes no sense the guy was trying to keep said reporter from asking a question.

I hear that El Chapo has a $100 million dollarreward on Trump's head.........and yall know how crazy dangerous those Mexican "rapists can be.............
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

Arrest report issued for campaign manager Cory Lewandowski

actually clownboy is correct that's not an arrest.

That's a "notice to appear".

See the #2?


#1 is "arrest".

carry on
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

No there's not and there was no arrest. WP is anti-Trump and the only major to say "arrest". The form they posted is a Notice To Appear. The idiot reporter filed charges and thus the campaign manager was served with a Notice To Appear. No arrest took place.

First off, let me google that for you.

https://www.google.com/webhp?source...TF-8#q=donald trump campaign manager arrested

Hmm...I see CNBC, The Atlantic, Fortune Magazine, Reuters, USA Today, and Washington Post all on the first page.

Secondly, the "notice to appear" is because there is now an actual criminal charge pending against the man. If he does not appear, then that notice to appear turns into a warrant for his arrest. If he doesn't voluntarily surrender, he will be physically detained.
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

Trump was leaving the event, his campaign manager was rushing to be by his side, the idiot reporter was in the scrum jockeying to ask a question of Trump and stepped in his way. He grabbed her arm and moved her out of his way. She's pissed because Brietbart fired her ass and has been throwing a snit ever since.

.....and throwing her to the ground.............assault is NEVER the victims fault...


Well the Donald pick up the legal fee? toss a coin
Re: Trump Campaign Manager Arrested, Charged with Battery of Reporter

So you struggle with an intelligent retort and simply insult me? I like a good insult, but really man, you have to wrap it up in some sort of intelligent response.

Please respond to post #33 it covers where she's falsified evidence, etc.

rather clearly I might add.

Godspeed sir.

Oh dear God now we have a "victim"!

Boo ****ing hoo, your feelings were hurt. But sir, there is nothing in there that is an insult. I merely pointed out that you are seldom accurate and never when it comes to your enormous bias.

If the cops are lying, you better present the evidence you have now

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