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Trump attends slain NYPD officer Jonathan Diller's wake: 'Need law and order' (1 Viewer)

Oh, so you believe President Trump is just pretending to care about law and order. Seriously?
Oh for sure. If he really cared about law and order, he would not be backing the 1/6 rioters and promising to help them avoid law and order. He would also not run afoul of the law either. He's using "law and order" in the very same way he's used religion to lure in the evangelicals. He didn't suddenly find Christ, but instead he found a willing audience looking for someone to tell them what they want to hear. The same goes for the "law and order" crowd.
Oh for sure. If he really cared about law and order, he would not be backing the 1/6 rioters and promising to help them avoid law and order. He would also not run afoul of the law either. He's using "law and order" in the very same way he's used religion to lure in the evangelicals. He didn't suddenly find Christ, but instead he found a willing audience looking for someone to tell them what they want to hear. The same goes for the "law and order" crowd.
The Diller family appreciated President Trump today.
Nah, trump's violent thugs attacked police.

They don't support law and order. They're not "patriots".
And the former guy, who told his violent mob to go to the Capitol and fight like hell to stop the steal - which meant assaulting police officers - doesn't support law and order, either.

And he sure doesn't "respect" or "support" law enforcement agents.
Right. Good luck.

I don't need luck. I have Ring and I have my fire extinguisher.

While the dude is fumbling at my window, I'm already downstairs, alerted by Ring. He gets one hand inside. I break his hand with my fire extinguisher.


Why, are you all strapped up every night hoping tonight's the night?
I don't need luck. I have Ring and I have my fire extinguisher.

While the dude is fumbling at my window, I'm already downstairs, alerted by Ring. He gets one hand inside. I break his hand with my fire extinguisher.


Why, are you all strapped up every night hoping tonight's the night?
Nope. My gun is close by. Good luck. Have a great evening.
Oh for sure. If he really cared about law and order, he would not be backing the 1/6 rioters and promising to help them avoid law and order. He would also not run afoul of the law either. He's using "law and order" in the very same way he's used religion to lure in the evangelicals. He didn't suddenly find Christ, but instead he found a willing audience looking for someone to tell them what they want to hear. The same goes for the "law and order" crowd.
Trump is speaking to the choir.

Neither trump nor his cult supports law and order.
Oh I think that's a false narrative.
Nah, it's not a "false narrative".

Trump refused to send help to the cops' being assaulted by trump's mob.

Trump didn't give a damn about those cops.

Or maybe you're on to something: trump doesn't give a damn about the slain NYC officer, either.
Well, there must be some reason Trump completely ignored those injured cops, and ignored the funerals of 888 slain cops during his presidency, but went to just this one funeral.
I'm sure there is. He may have been invited or asked if he could attend. Seems no one objected. The police didn't want any democrats there. How embarrassing.
I'm sure there is. He may have been invited or asked if he could attend. Seems no one objected. The police didn't want any democrats there. How embarrassing.

You keep saying the police didn't want Democrats to attend. Do you have any support for that? Also, did they ask for voter registration cards at the funeral to make sure?
Thank goodness I watch FOX.

None of the other national media gave any coverage to Trump's visit to the officer's wake.

They were too busy slobbering over those three individuals and their fundraising event among the wealthy.

If ordinary folks want these worthless career criminals off the street, they need to vote for Mr. Trump, who will appoint strict-on-crime judges.

But the ordinary folks need to vote for law-and-order district attorneys who will send those blanks to prison for life.



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