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Travis Kelce and Andy Reid (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 17, 2020
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Springfield MO
Political Leaning
Will Travis Kelce or did Travis Kelce apologize to Andy Reid for his outrageous behavior early in the Super Bowl when he physically grabbed Reid and turned him around and angrily yelled in his face on national TV? Very embarrassing incident. Is it all over, or should their be further consequences?
Will Travis Kelce or did Travis Kelce apologize to Andy Reid for his outrageous behavior early in the Super Bowl when he physically grabbed Reid and turned him around and angrily yelled in his face on national TV? Very embarrassing incident. Is it all over, or should their be further consequences?
I think kelce should be traded to the eagles.
Will Travis Kelce or did Travis Kelce apologize to Andy Reid for his outrageous behavior early in the Super Bowl when he physically grabbed Reid and turned him around and angrily yelled in his face on national TV? Very embarrassing incident. Is it all over, or should their be further consequences?
Kelce should be kicked out of the league.

But Taylor Swifts white privilege is strong.
ESPN asked them both about it, they said it was no big deal and there is mutual respect between them. They also said they would be back for another season in Kansas City.

Clearly, 'tis a Satanic Swifty conspiracy!!!
Kelce is very important to the Chiefs, but that incident was totally uncalled for. I really don’t care about “”heat of the moment”, he is a supposedly mature adult and a professional football player who should be able to control his conduct. He is a very valuable commodity, and the Chiefs should be able to get a lot of good talent for him, so don’t be surprised if Clark Hunt decides that he has to go.
Will Travis Kelce or did Travis Kelce apologize to Andy Reid for his outrageous behavior early in the Super Bowl when he physically grabbed Reid and turned him around and angrily yelled in his face on national TV? Very embarrassing incident. Is it all over, or should their be further consequences?

Should absolutely be consequences.
First thing the league should demand is a drug test. Looked an aweful lot like roid rage.
Of course it could have been a simple case of athlete entitlement kicked up a notch.
Kelce is very important to the Chiefs, but that incident was totally uncalled for. I really don’t care about “”heat of the moment”, he is a supposedly mature adult and a professional football player who should be able to control his conduct. He is a very valuable commodity, and the Chiefs should be able to get a lot of good talent for him, so don’t be surprised if Clark Hunt decides that he has to go.
Have you always been 'in control' of your emotions, I haven't. He isn't going anywhere except maybe another super bowl.
VySky is one of those people who only pays attention to the NFL because of Taylor Swift.
Okay, but now he has proof she's in league with a certain fellow. And it's not Kelce! The Chiefs wear red, the favorite color of a certain someone - can you guess who? WAKE UP, 'MURICA!!!

Have you always been 'in control' of your emotions, I haven't. He isn't going anywhere except maybe another super bowl.

You and I are not professional athletes with conduct clauses in our contracts and with millions of people watching our every move. I’m just saying that after Clark Hunt thinks about it, don’t be surprised if Kelce is with another team next year.

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