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The War in the Middle East (1 Viewer)

Wasn't it Saudis that attacked the US on 9/11?
dear catawba

ı hate the Saudi regime and US should have invaded Saudi Arabia ,,if it really wanted a real democracy...
dear catawba

ı hate the Saudi regime and US should have invaded Saudi Arabia ,,if it really wanted a real democracy...

I don't think I can agree with invasion of Saudi Arabia, but it would certainly have made more sense than invading Iraq and Afghanistan, I'll give you that.

I definitely think we should stop doing business with them however. I don't really get the whole thing about kissing the butt of those that hate you
Afghanistan was a worthwhile war for our security,but the afghan army is ready to take over,when i was leaving afghanistan the afghan army and police were already taking over the majority of security leaving us troops with less of a role each year.

iraq was never worth invading,bush senior had the chance to destroy and take over iraq,but instead didnt,probably because he knew what would happen when the dictatorship fell,without the iron fist they just went back to civil wars and ethnic tensions that have plagued that region for a long time.

as for saudi arabia they arent really the terrorists best friends,if you understood muslim terrorists and their goals you would realize they hate the us because they get in the way,and because they back israel.on top oftheir hate for israel they know israel would never let them accomplish their goals.

terrorists goal number one----overthrow the saudi kingdom and gain control of mecca.it would only make sense that someone waging a holy war would want control of their holy city,gaining control over the middle east.
now even though the us and saudi dont like eachother they share a mutual enemy .

terrorists will never really cease to exist,they existed long before 9/11 and arent only limited to muslims,many countries have been victims of terrorism,and it gets worse as countries develop mass media with the ability to spread fear.
the best way to combat them is not to stay in the middle east but rather to not give in to them,they fight with fear using modern media to spread it and its only effective if people let themselves be controlled by fear.
Afghanistan was a worthwhile war for our security,but the afghan army is ready to take over,when i was leaving afghanistan the afghan army and police were already taking over the majority of security leaving us troops with less of a role each year.

While I thank you for your service to our country in what they asked you to do, I find it highly doubtful we have made any lasting changes in Afghanistan for our decade of war there and all the lives lost. Yes, we have established a corrupt central government there that is willing to accept our money but have pledged their allegiance to Pakistan, not the US. After we are gone, it seems likely they will revert to tribal rule as they have for centuries.

iraq was never worth invading,bush senior had the chance to destroy and take over iraq,but instead didnt,probably because he knew what would happen when the dictatorship fell,without the iron fist they just went back to civil wars and ethnic tensions that have plagued that region for a long time.

I am in complete agreement with you there.

as for saudi arabia they arent really the terrorists best friends,if you understood muslim terrorists and their goals you would realize they hate the us because they get in the way,and because they back israel.on top oftheir hate for israel they know israel would never let them accomplish their goals.

Lets' see, all but one of the terrorists that attacked our country on 9/11 were Saudi, and much of the funding for terrorism has come from Saudi Arabia, and most of the suicide bombers in Iraq were Saudi, yet they aren't really terrorists best friends? Not the kind of people I would do business with, much less kiss their ass...........but that's just me.

terrorists will never really cease to exist,they existed long before 9/11 and arent only limited to muslims,many countries have been victims of terrorism,and it gets worse as countries develop mass media with the ability to spread fear.

Agreed, that's why I thought waging war against Iraq and Afghanistan made no sense.

the best way to combat them is not to stay in the middle east but rather to not give in to them,they fight with fear using modern media to spread it and its only effective if people let themselves be controlled by fear.

I am also in agreement with you there!
yankee dude

That's Mr. Doodle-Dandy to you, buddy.

ı dont equate them ,dont you understand your mother lanuage?

Why? WHY? *crying* WHY!?!?

why is US keen on bringing the democracy to Syria ,Libya etc..? and why isnt US keen on bringing the democracy to Saudi Arabia? Is saudi arabia more democratic than İran?


Why? Because they are different.

you are invalid,,

No, you are invalid.

if you are fond of democracy,you must bring that firstly to Saudi arabia....

I can be fond of democracy and you can bring me a sammich.
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That's Mr. Doodle-Dandy to you, buddy.

Why? WHY? *crying* WHY!?!?


Why? Because they are different.

No, you are invalid.

I can be fond of democracy and you can bring me a sammich.

give up screaming yankee

of course they are different,because the saudi regime is more terrible!!!
Ok, I give up. This is obviously pointless. You win.
US interest in Middle East boils down to nothing but oil.
US interest in Middle East boils down to nothing but oil.

Its what has substituted for a US energy policy for the last 30 years.
you forgot about defending our very loyal allies, like Saudi Arabia & Israel.

Who are Israel and the U.S in an alliance against? the only thing they have to in common is that they happen to be fighting people who are Muslim.
Afghanistan was a worthwhile war for our security,but the afghan army is ready to take over,when i was leaving afghanistan the afghan army and police were already taking over the majority of security leaving us troops with less of a role each year.
Are you forgetting that Russia left behind a local govt with 300,000+ Afghan army? How long did it last? 3 years.

the best way to combat them is not to stay in the middle east but rather to not give in to them,they fight with fear using modern media to spread it and its only effective if people let themselves be controlled by fear.
And carry a big stick!
Sounds like Israeli propaganda to me - crazy stereotypes and imperialism, as per usual.

Here let me help you. These words you tated;

"Sounds like Israeli propoaganda to me-"

is an example of the "crazy stereotypes.." you then go on to mention.

But then you knew that right? You were just joking right?

Here's a hint. When you engage in the very thing you criticize others for, it doesn't establish credibility.
And Israel.

..and Saudi Arabia and Egypt and Jordan and Syria and Iraq, and the GUlf States...and on and on. What is your point?

Are you suggesting the U.S. has no interest in the countries I mentioned?

The US has many interests in the Middle East, Israel is but one.
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