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The Truth about Democratic People's Republic of Korea. (1 Viewer)

DPRK Truth

New member
Apr 17, 2013
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For years and years the vile American Empire and its "South Korean" puppets have been lying to the world about the true nature of the DPR Korea.

The scheming pigs spoonfeed the mentally asleep with their dishonest propaganda, telling them that "North Korea is starving, North Korea hates freedom, North Koreans have no rights"

All of these are blatant lies, deliberately fabricated by the media dogs in order to deny the people the truth of the glory of the Juche Idea.

DPR Korea has no hunger problems. The lie that people there are "starving" is simply a hoax fabricated by the capitalists and the class-traitors in order to deceive the people and keep the workers away from reaching class consciousness and embracing the glorious Juche Idea. All loyal citizens of DPR Korea have quality of food that is unequaled in the Western slave society.

DPR Korea is the freest place in the world, the last refuge of the working class, free from the oppression and abuse at the hands of the pig dogs who control the rest of the world. The rest of the world gives freedom to class traitors; we give freedom to the working people. As long as you are a loyal adherent to the Juche Idea and Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, you will find that DPR Korea has better human rights for working people than anywhere else on the planet.

Unlike the illegitimate pig dog controlled puppet empire "America", North Korea is a functioning democracy. In DPR Korea's free and fair elections, citizens have a choice of five political parties to choose from, unlike "America" which only gives you too. At the same time, the Korean people so love the Juche Idea that their Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un was backed by 99.8 percent of the population in the last election.

Do not believe the lies that the media dogs tell you about DPR Korea.

Long live the Juche Idea! Long live Kim Jong-Un!
Your kidding me right!?
You think I am not serious?

I have been a member of the KFA for over 12 years, and I spent 4 years in DPR Korea. It was the best part of my life.
I visit North Korea regularly and I've always been impressed by the elegant atmosphere and the pearl white beaches. For people in the know, DPRK is the most desired location. Mel Gibson and Brittany Spears own vacation cottages and while Mel ain't much to look at, Brittany has some eye-catching parts that all hang out when she's sunbathing.

I assume the rogue .2% have been dealt with and harmony has been restored.

For years and years the vile American Empire and its "South Korean" puppets have been lying to the world about the true nature of the DPR Korea.

The scheming pigs spoonfeed the mentally asleep with their dishonest propaganda, telling them that "North Korea is starving, North Korea hates freedom, North Koreans have no rights"

All of these are blatant lies, deliberately fabricated by the media dogs in order to deny the people the truth of the glory of the Juche Idea.

DPR Korea has no hunger problems. The lie that people there are "starving" is simply a hoax fabricated by the capitalists and the class-traitors in order to deceive the people and keep the workers away from reaching class consciousness and embracing the glorious Juche Idea. All loyal citizens of DPR Korea have quality of food that is unequaled in the Western slave society.

DPR Korea is the freest place in the world, the last refuge of the working class, free from the oppression and abuse at the hands of the pig dogs who control the rest of the world. The rest of the world gives freedom to class traitors; we give freedom to the working people. As long as you are a loyal adherent to the Juche Idea and Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, you will find that DPR Korea has better human rights for working people than anywhere else on the planet.

Unlike the illegitimate pig dog controlled puppet empire "America", North Korea is a functioning democracy. In DPR Korea's free and fair elections, citizens have a choice of five political parties to choose from, unlike "America" which only gives you too. At the same time, the Korean people so love the Juche Idea that their Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un was backed by 99.8 percent of the population in the last election.

Do not believe the lies that the media dogs tell you about DPR Korea.

Long live the Juche Idea! Long live Kim Jong-Un!
I don't know why, but I think you're gonna be my favorite poster on this board.

...why? Couldn't tell you. Just a premonition.
I visit North Korea regularly and I've always been impressed by the elegant atmosphere and the pearl white beaches. For people in the know, DPRK is the most desired location. Mel Gibson and Brittany Spears own vacation cottages and while Mel ain't much to look at, Brittany has some eye-catching parts that all hang out when she's sunbathing.

I assume the rogue .2% have been dealt with and harmony has been restored.

Don't post stuff like this when I'm drinking. You almost made me spew on my monitor.
You think I am not serious?

I have been a member of the KFA for over 12 years, and I spent 4 years in DPR Korea. It was the best part of my life.

Sure you did and sure it was :lamo
Yes, all the best places in the world have fences to keep their people in.
The people were so much happier not having spent their whole lives as serfs to the Westist-capitalist reptiles.

Unlike in the swine puppet "American" Empire government which holds no legitimacy and the people with intellectuallic capacity of a sheep are spending their whole lives believing the lies of the Western reptile media.
Looks like it's up to specklebang and DPRK Truth to bring knowledge to the ones who live in darkness. What ever happened to cool?

Kim Jong Un for President - 2016.

Sure you did and sure it was :lamo

the people were so much happier not having spent their whole lives as serfs to the westist-capitalist reptiles.

Unlike in the swine puppet "american" empire government which holds no legitimacy and the people with intellectuallic capacity of a sheep are spending their whole lives believing the lies of the western reptile media.
The people were so much happier not having spent their whole lives as serfs to the Westist-capitalist reptiles.
Your right now they are serfs to the Kim family.

Unlike in the swine puppet "American" Empire government which holds no legitimacy and the people with intellectuallic capacity of a sheep are spending their whole lives believing the lies of the Western reptile media.


North Korea is best Korea right!?
The fences are to keep out the fake-communist Chinese materialist-imperialists on the north and the swine pig-dog capitalist-imperialist American imperial puppets on the south. Necessary to protect the people from these corrupting influences which threaten to annihilate the glorious legacy of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, the Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un, and the pure blissful glory of the Juche Idea.
The Juche Idea promotes frugal living. There is no poverty or hunger in North Korea. This is simply a symbol of the thrift and frugality of the glorious North Korean people, ever inspired by Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, Kim Jong-Un, and the Juche Idea. Due to the utility genocide imposed on North Korea by the Western snakes, the Korean people have taken the self-reliance stressed in the Juche Idea to make more from less, while still maintaining an excellent standard of living, free from the materialist-capitalist corruptive excessives of the outside world.

In addition, NASA the reptile propagandist arm of the American Empire whose covert weather control program is the cause of the moderate food discomforts experienced by Korean families in the mid 1990s is not an entity to be trusted.
Doth thou speaketh of the American FEMA camps? Doth thou criticizeth thy Kenyan Overlord?

I've been to FEMA. The weather was nice but the tennis court need resurfacing.

Yes, all the best places in the world have fences to keep their people in.
Obviously photoshopped. They will stop at nothing, the imperialist swine.

The Juche Idea promotes frugal living. There is no poverty or hunger in North Korea. This is simply a symbol of the thrift and frugality of the glorious North Korean people, ever inspired by Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, Kim Jong-Un, and the Juche Idea. Due to the utility genocide imposed on North Korea by the Western snakes, the Korean people have taken the self-reliance stressed in the Juche Idea to make more from less, while still maintaining an excellent standard of living, free from the materialist-capitalist corruptive excessives of the outside world.

In addition, NASA the reptile propagandist arm of the American Empire whose covert weather control program is the cause of the moderate food discomforts experienced by Korean families in the mid 1990s is not an entity to be trusted.
The fences are to keep out the fake-communist Chinese materialist-imperialists on the north and the swine pig-dog capitalist-imperialist American imperial puppets on the south. Necessary to protect the people from these corrupting influences which threaten to annihilate the glorious legacy of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, the Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un, and the pure blissful glory of the Juche Idea.

Corrupting influences? Like all things Western? But hey Kim-Jong Un loves that western culture remember this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XRWqnD8HV8

The reptile media will stop at nothing to accomplish its illegitimate propaganda goals.

So Kim Jon-Un didnt have an unauthorized disney show for himself and the elite?
The fences are to keep out the fake-communist Chinese materialist-imperialists on the north and the swine pig-dog capitalist-imperialist American imperial puppets on the south. Necessary to protect the people from these corrupting influences which threaten to annihilate the glorious legacy of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, the Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un, and the pure blissful glory of the Juche Idea.

A valid political belief system can withstand hearing other ideas without crumbling.

That is why YOU can post here, and the American people are perfectly happy to let you do so, and I cannot post in DPRK and anyone in DPRK that expressed dissent will be killed, along with their family.

Yeah, great system, what could possibly go wrong.

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