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the more i listen to NEWT the more i lean towards him (1 Viewer)

The contrast between Gingrich and Cain is curious. Gingrich had an affair on two of his former wives. That does not seem to trouble Republicans or the media. Maybe it is because he claims that he later found Catholicism?

probably because its history and not happening now!

i dont think it bothers most voters anyway, well, maybe woman!
i think it was just his turn on the anyone but romney tour. now people have had time to see what he is about and most are starting to see that he just is not presidential material!
probably because its history and not happening now!

i dont think it bothers most voters anyway, well, maybe woman!
i think it was just his turn on the anyone but romney tour. now people have had time to see what he is about and most are starting to see that he just is not presidential material!

You got a link for this? Or is this only your wishful thinking?
Explain please
what part of "I THINK" needs a link lol

That was in a different sentence.

You said: "...most are starting to see that he just is not presidential material!"

This is what I was requesting a link to. How do you justify this statement?
Not fond of Newt for the same reasons I'm not fond of Romney... too much of a politician's politician.

Ron Paul has the best of intentions but half his agenda is impractical.

I have some issues with Perry and Cain.

But, at this point.... I'd take any of the above over Obama. We've got to get some pro-business policy coming out of the gov soon or we're all screwed.
We've got to get some pro-business policy coming out of the gov soon or we're all screwed.

How is that? Businesses are turning in quarter after quarter of record profits. Corporate profits as a percentage of income are at the highest level they've been since 1955. Worker pay as a percentage of corporate income is at the lowest rate it's been since 1950. Seems to me that what we need is some pro-worker policy rather than pro-business policy.
LiberalNewt twitter ftw! Probably more i didn't added but here is a decent list. No to Newt https://twitter.com/LiberalNew New...rtions. #LiberalNewt #tcot #teaparty #IA #GOP
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Server issue and character limit. Now I can't edit :-( Twitter & No to Newt

Newt #Gingrich has defended Romneycare; a repacked version of Obamacare. #LiberalNewt #tcot #teaparty #GOP

Newt #Gingrich has lobbied for ethanol subsidies. #LiberalNewt #tcot #GOP

Newt #Gingrich suggested that flex-fuel vehicles be mandated for Americans. #LiberalNewt #tcot #GOP

Newt #Gingrich wants to replace the EPA instead of abolishing it. #LiberalNewt #tcot #teaparty #GOP

Newt #Gingrich wanted Obama so send MORE U.S. taxdollars to Egypt. #LiberalNewt #tcot #teaparty #GOP

Newt #Gingrich believes in man-made climate change. #LiberalNewt #tcot #GOP

Newt #Gingrich wants "a new endowment for conservation and the environment." #LiberalNewt #tcot #GOP

Newt #Gingrich blames his infidelity to multiple wives on his passion for the country. #LiberalNewt #tcot #GOP
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How is that? Businesses are turning in quarter after quarter of record profits. Corporate profits as a percentage of income are at the highest level they've been since 1955. Worker pay as a percentage of corporate income is at the lowest rate it's been since 1950. Seems to me that what we need is some pro-worker policy rather than pro-business policy.

That's the ticket......make employees more expensive as a means to decrease unemployment. Why stop there? How about adding more regulations on businesses? That should stimulate hiring too.
Newt, besides being crazy and kind of an asshole, is totally unelectable in a general election. For that reason, I really hope Republicans nominate him. I'm no fan of Obama, but he's way less horrifying than anyone the Republicans are bringing to the table.
one thing i think everyone forgets is there is no perfect candidate even Obama for you dems, and if any of you tell me your 100% happy with him, we then, id just have to call you a LIAR!

all we can hope for is to get someone in office that can pull this country out of the **** storm we are in. they dont have to share every one of our moral and political beliefs, cause you wont find that person.
Since you would take anyone but Obama why bother following the GOP race at all. 25% of the electorate believe this anyway, now let's see what the thinking 45% does.
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Newt, besides being crazy and kind of an asshole, is totally unelectable in a general election. For that reason, I really hope Republicans nominate him. I'm no fan of Obama, but he's way less horrifying than anyone the Republicans are bringing to the table.

Polling during his rise in popularity seems to suggest otherwise.
Polling during his rise in popularity seems to suggest otherwise.

It would be kinda fun to see Newt elected President only to be impeached.
Since you would take anyone but Obama why bother following the GOP race at all. 25% of the electorate believe this anyway, now let's see what the thinking 45% does.

just because i think a smurf would do a better job than your hero, doesn't mean i don't care who gets elected!

i cant wait until obama looses and you will see who the thinking people were!
Polling during his rise in popularity seems to suggest otherwise.

Which part? That Newt would lose in a general election? That Obama is less horrifying than any of the Republican candidates? That Newt is a crazy asshole?
Which part? That Newt would lose in a general election? That Obama is less horrifying than any of the Republican candidates? That Newt is a crazy asshole?

That Newt has been the only candidate out of the "not-romney" options that, during his month long run as the "hot" candidate has gained on Obama by both his own support number pretty consistently rising and Obama's consistently lowering save for one short spike, suggesting that rather than simply JUST picking up undecideds he's actually causing people to change from Obama to either him or undecided. During Bachmann, Cain, and Perry's "hot" run in the Primary that was not the case.

Over the past month, as Newt has started to gain significant momentum and attention, he's made steady progress towards polling against Obama and in large part at Obama's expense. At the beginning of November Newt was -13 against Obama. At the start of December, he now sits at -5.7. He's gained 7.3 points on Obama over this month long period of attention. He made up this ground seemingly by not just picking up undecideds, but also chipping away at Obama's support as well. Obama started at 50.3% support over Newt. He's currently sitting at 48.7%. About a 1.6% swap over of support that left Obama and potentially went to Newt or into the undecided territory.

Newt's "baggage" is not unknown. Its unlikely that many of the people in these polls don't know about the well publicized baggage that isn't some new scandalous news story but has LONG been tied to Newt. Yet despite that, he's significantly surged and in a month cut Obama's lead over him in more than half.

Polling simply doesn't suggest that he's got no shot. He's showing continual, significant growth currently and has shown the possibility that he may have the ability to at least help dampen the support for Obama. Its far to early to say for sure that he'd pose a challenge to Obama, but there's at least factual evidence showing that its a possibility rather than the anecdotal "Oh, he'll never get people to support him" assertions that are used to justify completely writing him off.
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That Newt has been the only candidate out of the "not-romney" options that, during his month long run as the "hot" candidate has gained on Obama by both his own support number pretty consistently rising and Obama's consistently lowering save for one short spike, suggesting that rather than simply JUST picking up undecideds he's actually causing people to change from Obama to either him or undecided. During Bachmann, Cain, and Perry's "hot" run in the Primary that was not the case.

Over the past month, as Newt has started to gain significant momentum and attention, he's made steady progress towards polling against Obama and in large part at Obama's expense. At the beginning of November Newt was -13 against Obama. At the start of December, he now sits at -5.7. He's gained 7.3 points on Obama over this month long period of attention. He made up this ground seemingly by not just picking up undecideds, but also chipping away at Obama's support as well. Obama started at 50.3% support over Newt. He's currently sitting at 48.7%. About a 1.6% swap over of support that left Obama and potentially went to Newt or into the undecided territory.

Newt's "baggage" is not unknown. Its unlikely that many of the people in these polls don't know about the well publicized baggage that isn't some new scandalous news story but has LONG been tied to Newt. Yet despite that, he's significantly surged and in a month cut Obama's lead over him in more than half.

Polling simply doesn't suggest that he's got no shot. He's showing continual, significant growth currently and has shown the possibility that he may have the ability to at least help dampen the support for Obama. Its far to early to say for sure that he'd pose a challenge to Obama, but there's at least factual evidence showing that its a possibility rather than the anecdotal "Oh, he'll never get people to support him" assertions that are used to justify completely writing him off.

That's an interesting point, and it may be valid. Frankly, it's hard to put a whole lot of stock into polling numbers re: a general election at this point in the campaign cycle. It's absolutely possible that you're right to do so. I really, really don't think the current polling data that you're invoking will prove to reflect much of anything six months or a year from now. I suspect that things will shift (in an anti-Newt direction) if and when Newt wins the primary. I just can't see any significant number of independent voters voting for him.
That's an interesting point, and it may be valid. Frankly, it's hard to put a whole lot of stock into polling numbers re: a general election at this point in the campaign cycle. It's absolutely possible that you're right to do so. I really, really don't think the current polling data that you're invoking will prove to reflect much of anything six months or a year from now. I suspect that things will shift (in an anti-Newt direction) if and when Newt wins the primary. I just can't see any significant number of independent voters voting for him.

I get you, and its a fine opinion to have...I just think its that, an opinion based largely on someone who, I'm guessing, is at least center left if not simply left leaning even if you consider yourself an "independent".

I don't think Newt has much chance appealing to politically involved left leaning people because he's been such a polarizing figure for so long things are going to be entrenched. However, I'd wager...and this is just a guess...that MOST of your independents and undecides in an election season are not your politically astute crowd but rather your people who tend to pay attention to politics when there's a big story or when there's an election. Newt can harken back to a time that a lot of people have fond memories of in regards to the 90's as evidence of his ability which could appeal to independents. He is a bit of a political pragmatist rather than a strict ideologue, which is evidenced by his support of taking some action with regards to Global Warming some years back or even in more immediate times his immigration stance. Again, this gives him the ability to reach moderates. Additionally, what little we've heard of his strategy for the general so far is something that will likely play favorably for him in regards to either getting a Lincoln-Douglas style of debates going with Obama or end up just following him city to city and speaking within hours of Obama there to get his message out. If there's something we've seen with Newt is that debates are one of his primarily strongest points and is incredibly savy at them and in a rather appealing manner to the target audience. I think its rather short sited to completely write him off with independents. You're not the only one doing it, and there's some doing it far worse...those hilariously ripping him as never being able to win the Republican election for having taken a too moderate of stand too often, while turning around and then claiming he's to much of a far right winger to win Independents.

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