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The Best Pizza You've Ever Eaten (1 Viewer)


Minister of Love
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
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Political Leaning
OK, since we talked about the best national pizza chains on a previous thread, it's now time to talk about the best pizza youve ever eaten period. Name the place, the kind of pizza and post pictures if you got them! :peace


I had this in Rome somewhere- the crust was chewy and crunchy at the same time and the mozzarella was perfect. They placed the toppings on after it was cooked and it tasted extremely fresh.
Wow! That's a mighty tall order sorting out what the best pizza I have ever had is.

Back in the way before times it was Johnny DiMarco's on Hamburg street in Schenectady but I figure they've been gone for 30-40 years now.

There was a place in Castelina in Chianti that was great but it may have been as much the wine and atmosphere as it was the pizza that made it great.

There was a guy in Boise that had kind of an out of the way place and made a spectacular basil and fresh tomato pie.

My "go to" joints now are Tino's for overall quality of ingredients and taste or Rosati's for a thin crust that's almost as good as Tino's.
For pizza from a chain it would have to be Mellow Mushroom but I think the best pizza I ever had was from Generous George's original location on Duke Street in Alexandria, VA many years ago.

OK, since we talked about the best national pizza chains on a previous thread, it's now time to talk about the best pizza youve ever eaten period. Name the place, the kind of pizza and post pictures if you got them! :peace

I had this in Rome somewhere- the crust was chewy and crunchy at the same time and the mozzarella was perfect. They placed the toppings on after it was cooked and it tasted extremely fresh.

The best I ever had was "The Winning Combo" at The Toad House here in Bremerton...but after seeing the pizza in the OP, I really need to go to Italy to check out how it's really done....
OK, since we talked about the best national pizza chains on a previous thread, it's now time to talk about the best pizza youve ever eaten period. Name the place, the kind of pizza and post pictures if you got them! :peace


I had this in Rome somewhere- the crust was chewy and crunchy at the same time and the mozzarella was perfect. They placed the toppings on after it was cooked and it tasted extremely fresh.

that looks like lahmacun and sounds fantastic .I dont always eat pizza but pizza hut is good at this.I usually like such pizza made with mexican ingredients

corn lime cilantro jalapeno pizaa.jpg
OK, since we talked about the best national pizza chains on a previous thread, it's now time to talk about the best pizza youve ever eaten period. Name the place, the kind of pizza and post pictures if you got them! :peace


I had this in Rome somewhere- the crust was chewy and crunchy at the same time and the mozzarella was perfect. They placed the toppings on after it was cooked and it tasted extremely fresh.

What the heck is that on top, that slimy looking pinkish thing?

From MY oven. Best pizza ever. Mushrooms, pepperoni bits, garlic, sometimes a bit of sauted eggplant.
I've had several wonderful pizzas.
I had a NY Pizza in NY but what was really amazing is the little fried cheese sandwich type things with mozzarella (not sure what it was called now, this was a long time ago) which made me forget ever loving moz sticks.
Locally, a little place called the Pizza Gallery is wonderful. Has just about the best pizza anywhere. And even though I would never try it, a friend tried one of their pizzas that uses a Montebello mushroom as the crust and loved it. I also love their cinnamon honey knots. MMMMmmm

Now I want some pizza and knots...

As for the OP. Why did someone use a pizza for a garden pot? Ewwww ;)
M-Mexican ingredients on a pizza? Blasphemy! :shock:

It's fresh ham, my dear. ;)

you should try it once ,jalapeno ,cheese ,corn ,coriander parsley pieces ,...

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From MY oven. Best pizza ever. Mushrooms, pepperoni bits, garlic, sometimes a bit of sauted eggplant.

I'm not egotistical enough to make that claim :) but I don't have to. My wife, the certified pizza junkie, tells me it's the best she's ever eaten and she will only eat other pizza under protest.

Only problem is I can't get the damn thing to stay round. It's more or less round when I make it but sliding it onto the stone in the oven invariable elongates it. Winds up being oval-verging-on-rectangle.

For the record my grandmother made the best pizza. She was born in Sicily and made the best best Sicilian pie I ever had.
Here in Dallas one of the best is Fireside Pies

They even been recognized by Yahoo nationally

I'm not egotistical enough to make that claim :) but I don't have to. My wife, the certified pizza junkie, tells me it's the best she's ever eaten and she will only eat other pizza under protest.

Only problem is I can't get the damn thing to stay round. It's more or less round when I make it but sliding it onto the stone in the oven invariable elongates it. Winds up being oval-verging-on-rectangle.

For the record my grandmother made the best pizza. She was born in Sicily and made the best best Sicilian pie I ever had.

Round is a pain in the butt, Gaius. I don't even try for it...and settle for rectangular (as shown.) One of the things I do with every pizza I make is to be sure some of the tomato sauce gets all the way out to the edge...even if just a touch. It makes the crust much more tasty. I usually put a healthy dose of grated Romano cheese on it before putting the mozzarella. Extra bit of flavor!

I make one of these things before the first game all through football season. (I buy the dough...every bit as good as making it from scratch.)
Bartoli's Chicago's North side, deep dish Sorry no pics but plenty on google.
OK, since we talked about the best national pizza chains on a previous thread, it's now time to talk about the best pizza youve ever eaten period. Name the place, the kind of pizza and post pictures if you got them! :peace


I had this in Rome somewhere- the crust was chewy and crunchy at the same time and the mozzarella was perfect. They placed the toppings on after it was cooked and it tasted extremely fresh.

I don't do food porn so I don't have pics. A Roman family run restaurant near me cooks a vatellina pizza (fresh toppings added on the cooked mozarella base).

It's again simple: Bresoala beef, shaved parmesan and rocket salad.

This is what a vatellina genrally looks like according to google:


If I'm going American style, the combination of jalapeno and pineapple (ingredients you won't find on any Italian pizza) with anything generally works for me.
Round is a pain in the butt, Gaius. I don't even try for it...and settle for rectangular (as shown.) One of the things I do with every pizza I make is to be sure some of the tomato sauce gets all the way out to the edge...even if just a touch. It makes the crust much more tasty. I usually put a healthy dose of grated Romano cheese on it before putting the mozzarella. Extra bit of flavor!

I make one of these things before the first game all through football season. (I buy the dough...every bit as good as making it from scratch.)

When I was a kid I worked in a pizzeria and we put the pie on a screen to help it maintain shape. I've learned since then that purists consider that cheating. I don't mind it being imperfect - that adds a rustic quality - but mine sometimes aren't even close to a round. Maybe I'll give rectangle a shot - and it'll probably come out round.....

I do the same. A little grated Romano before the mozzarella. I also sometimes use chunks of mozzarella instead of shredding it so I wind up with mozzarella puddles surrounded by sauce. I usually stop before the crust but will try your way next time I make one. Let you know how it turns out.

On Food Network I saw Jeffrey Zackarian make a stuffed crust pizza in a large cast iron pan. Gonna give that a shot one of these days.
Best pizza I've ever eaten...JJ's, in Wyandotte, Michigan.
I have no idea what it was called but it was in Vienna, Austria. It was an Italian pizza restaurant owned and operated by an ethnically Chinese immigrant from India.

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