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That "Evil" Glenn Beck strikes again! (1 Viewer)

As a rule, I wouldn't piss on Beck if he were on fire. BUT - it would be pretty juvenile of me to ridicule such good deeds - regardless of his political philosophies and views.

Kudos to Mr. Beck. This is a example of walking the walk that we might all heed. And...we damn sure have to give kudos to those who are doing the leg work and donating.

Thank you for this sane post. :)
There are around 500 times as many members of militant white supremacist organizations in the US as there are black panthers. So, for it to be balanced you would expect 157,000 stories about white supremacists. So, yeah, that's insanely far off still, right?

The reason you don't know many recent events about white supremacist groups, but you do know them about the one pathetic empty husk of a group that says it is black supremacist is because Fox tells you about the later and not the former. For example, YESTERDAY, a guy from the Aryan Brotherhood was captured after years of man hunts. He was on Texas's top 10 most wanted list. He has been arrested 46 times for committing violent crimes. 46 times. Just that one guy. Compared to the new black panthers' zero. But there Fox is with 314 non-stories about the new black panthers and hardly any at all about the Aryan Brotherhood.

Here are some other stories about white supremacist terrorist organizations in the US that Fox didn't think were important enough to report:

Terror From the Right | Southern Poverty Law Center

Every single one of those is radically more newsworthy than anything the new black panthers has ever done.

I mean, come on man. You honestly don't see this?

It's true that a lot of Fox news posters here mention the Black Panthers a lot.... they also seem more likely to think Obama is a racist Kenyan, Marxist, socialist and all that stuff. I am not sure how much Fox promotes that stuff, but I felt like McCain was trying to appeal to them without actually saying it.
No he didn't. Robert Dornan coined the term in the 70s. Lies.

But the commentator on Fox News is better known for it. He is responsible for singing and repeating the phrase constantly.
He who makes himself a worm can not complain when trodden upon.

I'm not defending anything, I'm just stating reality.

That's nice, though there has been no example of "outright misinforming people." Only a hyperfocus on a few polls that support the idea.

We do, and they are.

Americans will be misinformed because they make no effort to inform themselves, not because some tv network doesn't tell them everything.

I doubt you will find any that fully informs you anywhere else. I suggest instead that you just look to multiple news sources.

Again, their choice.

Stop making excuses for American media. It should not excusable. Of course people should take the time to inform themselves, but it shouldn't be and independent study situation reading and watching multiple sources. I'd prefer living in a society where knowledge and information is easily accessible,and where the general electorate is highly informed and everybody watches actual news. Education and proper information should be a matter of individual responsibility... turning this country into a more educated electorate one person at a time... it should be a social value. We should all be demanding a better media.
I'm glad I haven't read moronic comments like this here: "Beck isn't REALLY helping the poor. He's just going to put all that money in HIS pocket! EEEEEEVIL!" like I've seen in other places.....

That's because there are far too many legitimate things to criticize Glenn Beck on so we don't have to make stuff up.

Unlike what Glenn Beck does to those he dislikes.
It's not just "the left" doing it here...

You're right Josie, and I apologize. I got sucked into an off topic debate.

I'll get the ball rolling back on topic.

He says regulations prevent food donations... what a pile of BS. If Beck wants to donate food, then he should do it based on motivations founded in truth, not lies. This guy is a ****ing crook and his crying is fake. I can't believe people respect this jackass.

I didn't check every state, however from what I can find Michigan banned smoking in gaming establishments, which greatly hurt the charitable gaming organizations and New York forbids charitable food donations to homeless shelters because "the nutritional content can not be assessed." While it may be hyperbolic to say that regulation is banning charity, saying it is making charity more difficult is not at all a stretch of the imagination.

Holy cow, do you see the price on the food he is selling? $4.17 for Orange Juice, $3.19 a can of tuna, $3.02 for Apple sauce?
Yes, the price includes shipping BUT you don't know how much he's charging for the product and what the shipping costs are.

I don't see what you're getting at. We don't know what the portions are or how the food is obtained. For example, 3.19 for a tiny can of tuna like in the grocery market would be extreme while a box of tuna cans (for multiple meals) would be reasonable. 4.17 for OJ isn't much more than what I pay for my OJ(about 3.50), and actually a lot of the prices are pretty low. The soup is only 49 cents and the pasta sauce only 89 cents.
Of course a great thread about charity work has divulged into a steaming pile of crap. :roll:
Knowing the left as I do, I expected nothing less... Sad, isn't it?
Do think this endeavour of Beck's is purely altruistic or do you think there is a profit motive? Why does all the food need to come from his store?
Do think this endeavour of Beck's is purely altruistic or do you think there is a profit motive? Why does all the food need to come from his store?

You can purchase food from your local grocery store to give to those in need. You don't have to go through MercuryOne.

If you can find a way he's making a profit from his charity, you'd better inform the IRS.
Do think this endeavour of Beck's is purely altruistic or do you think there is a profit motive? Why does all the food need to come from his store?

messiah complex? he isn't doing this without expecting something in return....
certainly he has always craved attention.
Knowing the left as I do, I expected nothing less... Sad, isn't it?

This coming after you've proclaimed that Beck is th Messiah...knowing the right as I do, I expected nothing less.
You can purchase food from your local grocery store to give to those in need. You don't have to go through MercuryOne.

If you can find a way he's making a profit from his charity, you'd better inform the IRS.
Isn't Beck paid for the foods that will be shipped from his virtual store to the homeless? Are you telling me he's not making a profit from this? Really? The price for all the items in his virtual store include shipping, so it's impossible to determine the actual breakdown... product cost vs. shipping costs.

BTW, where does he say that ALL of the donations are tax deductible?
Here is what he actually says...

Funds raised through this Virtual Food Drive are considered a donation to the entire Mercury One mission. The donated funds may not purchase exact items represented in this Virtual Store, but will be applied where Mercury One determines the greatest need to fulfill the goals of our missions. Your generous gift is tax deductible.

Restoring Love Day of Service Food Drive - Virtual Donations | Mercury One
Isn't Beck paid for the foods that will be shipped from his virtual store to the homeless? Are you telling me he's not making a profit from this? Really? The price for all the items in his virtual store include shipping, so it's impossible to determine the actual breakdown... product cost vs. shipping costs.

BTW, where does he say that ALL of the donations are tax deductible?
Here is what he actually says...

Restoring Love Day of Service Food Drive - Virtual Donations | Mercury One

Which one wouldn't be tax deductible? I'm not following your reasoning here.
When famous people tie their names to charities, the charities tend to raise more revenue than those without such celebrity cache. I doubt Glenn Beck is defrauding the IRS by making a profit on a virtual food drive. More likely, he wants to receive positive publicity, after years of negative associations, in hope that he might improve his personal branding to a point where he returns to the television pulpit, or perhaps seeks political office. Very few people do anything exclusively out of the goodness of their hearts, however that doesn't mean there must always be a financial motive.
When famous people tie their names to charities, the charities tend to raise more revenue than those without such celebrity cache. I doubt Glenn Beck is defrauding the IRS by making a profit on a virtual food drive. More likely, he wants to receive positive publicity, after years of negative associations, in hope that he might improve his personal branding to a point where he returns to the television pulpit, or perhaps seeks political office. Very few people do anything exclusively out of the goodness of their hearts, however that doesn't mean there must always be a financial motive.

Yes, those charities get more donations when a famous person attaches their name to it, but those famous people often get something in return.

Usually it's an administrative position on the charity that will allow them to draw a salary. That salary comes from the charity's revenues, which includes donations.

This was a big deal when it was found out that Wyclef Jean's charity paid him a six figure annual salary several years ago.

When looking at these charities, the rule of thumb is that administrative costs for staff and operations should be at about 20% and 80% of their revenue should go toward directly helping the needy.
Just wait... Glenn Beck is going to be instrumental in flushing the scourge that has been slowly destroying America, and restoring the US to a country we can once again be proud of.

BTW, does anybody still think Grim is a dispassionate observer of facts over politics? :lamo
To be fair to those protesting the critical comments regarding Beck, the snarky title of the thread kind of invites such dialogue.
Just wait... Glenn Beck is going to be instrumental in flushing the scourge that has been slowly destroying America, and restoring the US to a country we can once again be proud of.

Until then, I will continue to laugh at those who attack and continue to mis-characterize him in the name of partisan politics.

That he does charity changes his divisive political posturing how?
When famous people tie their names to charities, the charities tend to raise more revenue than those without such celebrity cache. I doubt Glenn Beck is defrauding the IRS by making a profit on a virtual food drive. More likely, he wants to receive positive publicity, after years of negative associations, in hope that he might improve his personal branding to a point where he returns to the television pulpit, or perhaps seeks political office. Very few people do anything exclusively out of the goodness of their hearts, however that doesn't mean there must always be a financial motive.

If he wanted to be back on television, he wouldn't say that television/cable news is dying out. Also, he wouldn't have purchased a movie studio and spent millions of dollars on his web show. And he has said repeatedly that he will never run for office.
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BTW, where does he say that ALL of the donations are tax deductible?


Is my donation tax-deductible?

Yes. Mercury One is recognized as a permanent 501(c)3 non-profit organization by the IRS. The IRS will consider your donations/contributions to Mercury One as tax deductible.
I don't want to live in a country where is not a legitimate news organization and everybody is misinformed and misguided about the rest of the world.

We already live in that country. It has MSNBC, FOX, ABC, NBC, CNN, etc.
just wait... Glenn beck is going to be instrumental in flushing the scourge that has been slowly destroying america, and restoring the us to a country we can once again be proud of.

Until then, i will continue to laugh at those who attack and continue to mis-characterize him in the name of partisan politics.

amen to that!!!!
BTW, on Monday I heard the 500,000 meals from last week was already up over a million now...

Way to go Glenn.
BTW, on Monday I heard the 500,000 meals from last week was already up over a million now...

Way to go Glenn.

That by itself is excellent.
Just wait... Glenn Beck is going to be instrumental in flushing the scourge that has been slowly destroying America, and restoring the US to a country we can once again be proud of.

Until then, I will continue to laugh at those who attack and continue to mis-characterize him in the name of partisan politics.

Glenn Beck is partisan politics. He makes a career off of scaring the **** out of schizophrenics wearing tinfoil hats, telling them that the evil liberals are out to destroy America and put them into concentration camps. Anyone who likens liberals to Nazis doesn't deserve to have a radio show.

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