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Speak Arabic, get kicked off your flight [W:153] (1 Viewer)

When I think of "Cold Blooded Murder", I don't think of "Heat of the Moment" crimes like this one. I think of pre-planned and executed murders. Not a cop doing his job, gets beat up by a perp who ran from him, gets what he thinks is a perfect excuse to shoot this sunofabitch (the taser thing) after losing the physical struggle which pisses him off, and tries to capitalize on the attempt to taser him with his firearm. Only for him to be in the wrong and for it to get captured.

He thought he was safe shooting someone in the back. But don't act like this was a preplanned, 'Ima kill you boy" kind of thing. He got pissed that he lost the fight and tried to change the rules.

It was preplanned, if only by seconds, when he put the pistol's sights on the target. My bet is that the thought "I should just let this guy go" went through his mind, but the Lucifer Effect came into play.
That black on black murders happen (they certainly do) has nothing at all to do with the egregious failure of the system to seek any sort of justice.

That's true, but then a cop in South Carolina who goes off the reservation has nothing to do with victims of terrorism who seek justice, too.
Yes I do. Do you understand that the number offered by REASON is merely a statistical calculation and average based upon what records can be found since 2003?

Yes I do. And that is why I made the distinction about how statistics work... all good. We are on the same page.
That's true, but then a cop in South Carolina who goes off the reservation has nothing to do with victims of terrorism who seek justice, too.

How many victims of terrorism in your neighborhood? None in mine.
How many victims of terrorism in your neighborhood? None in mine.
None, but then how many innocent children were gunned down by cops in my neighbohood? Zippo also.

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None, but then how many innocent children were gunned down by cops in my neighborhood? Zippo also.

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Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk
None, but then how many innocent children were gunned down by cops in my neighbohood? Zippo also.

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I'm not suggesting that cops gun down innocent children, for the record.

But there are too many videos of cops shooting through car windows with people inside the vehicle NOT returning fire. So technically, it HAS happened. The truth is often painful. :peace
I'm not suggesting that cops gun down innocent children, for the record.

But there are too many videos of cops shooting through car windows with people inside the vehicle NOT returning fire. So technically, it HAS happened. The truth is often painful. :peace

And I'm not suggesting there aren't rogue or incompetent cops. What I'm saying is an article that makes a blanket "Your odds of being... " statement is suspect, because it generally won't account for the various circumstances that result in death. For example, how many of the people shot were involved in the commission of a felony such as a robbery or burglary? How many resisted arrest or tried to grab the cop's gun? How many were "suicide by cop"? The actual number of people murdered by cops is dwarfed by citizens murdered by other citizens. But does that mean we minimize the rest? No. Likewise, you can't minimize the threat posed by terrorism. 9/11 cost this country not just 3,000 dead and 6,000 injured who were innocent and just minding their own business. There was a tremendous economic cost as well: buildings, aircraft, medical and burial expenses, lost economic output from those who died or were injured, the so-called "War on Terror" and the lives and injuries resulting from that, etc. We spend over $7 billion annually just on the TSA. What do you think the cost would be if terrorists assembled a so-called dirty bomb and detonated it in Manhattan, rendering the blast area uninhabitable for years if not decades? We have to remain vigilant of just such a threat. Even if the actual radiation is minimal, it's likely people would avoid the place and cleanup cost would be in the billions. I mean, people don't want to eat GMOs now, so I don't imagine they'd want to hang around with radioactive waste, whatever the actual radiation danger.

So, do you see where I'm coming from?
And I'm not suggesting there aren't rogue or incompetent cops. What I'm saying is an article that makes a blanket "Your odds of being... " statement is suspect, because it generally won't account for the various circumstances that result in death. For example, how many of the people shot were involved in the commission of a felony such as a robbery or burglary? How many resisted arrest or tried to grab the cop's gun? How many were "suicide by cop"? The actual number of people murdered by cops is dwarfed by citizens murdered by other citizens. But does that mean we minimize the rest? No. Likewise, you can't minimize the threat posed by terrorism. 9/11 cost this country not just 3,000 dead and 6,000 injured who were innocent and just minding their own business. There was a tremendous economic cost as well: buildings, aircraft, medical and burial expenses, lost economic output from those who died or were injured, the so-called "War on Terror" and the lives and injuries resulting from that, etc. We spend over $7 billion annually just on the TSA. What do you think the cost would be if terrorists assembled a so-called dirty bomb and detonated it in Manhattan, rendering the blast area uninhabitable for years if not decades? We have to remain vigilant of just such a threat. Even if the actual radiation is minimal, it's likely people would avoid the place and cleanup cost would be in the billions. I mean, people don't want to eat GMOs now, so I don't imagine they'd want to hang around with radioactive waste, whatever the actual radiation danger.

So, do you see where I'm coming from?

Yes, I do see where you're coming from. You offer hypothetical circumstances formed entirely by a belief that the GWOT as we know it is legitimate and accurately reported, that the various stories are true in every detail. Unfortunately that is not a true story. The predicate act for the GWOT--the events of 11 September--were staged events, an elaborate false flag operation. But that's not really the point, only an analysis of "where you're coming from."

What began this discussion was my citing statistics printed in REASON magazine. I accept REASON's reporting and statistic as essentially true and accurate, while you do not. We agree to disagree.

Neither you nor I have any friends or acquaintances that have died at the hands of a muslim terrorist, but we both have friends who have died accidentally from many other causes, including traffic accidents and medical malpractice.

Do you see where I'm coming from? The chances of an American being killed by a muslim extremist and his gun or weapon are slim to none.

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