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Shooter who killed 5 people at Colorado LGBTQ+ club charged with hate crimes in federal court (1 Viewer)


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DENVER (AP) — The shooter who killed five people and endangered the lives of over 40 others at a LGBTQ+ nightclub in Colorado Springs appeared in federal court to face federal hate crimes Tuesday.

Anderson Aldrich, 23, pleaded not guilty to the federal charges.

Last year Aldrich was moved to the Wyoming State Penitentiary due to safety concerns of the high-profile case, according to Alondra Gonzalez, spokesperson for the Colorado Department of Corrections.

The charges, which include multiple federal firearm violations, come after Aldrich pleaded guilty last June in state court to five counts of murder and 46 counts of attempted murder — one for each person at Club Q during the attack on Nov. 19, 2022.
Red neck.

DENVER (AP) — The shooter who killed five people and endangered the lives of over 40 others at a LGBTQ+ nightclub in Colorado Springs appeared in federal court to face federal hate crimes Tuesday.

Anderson Aldrich, 23, pleaded not guilty to the federal charges.

Last year Aldrich was moved to the Wyoming State Penitentiary due to safety concerns of the high-profile case, according to Alondra Gonzalez, spokesperson for the Colorado Department of Corrections.

The charges, which include multiple federal firearm violations, come after Aldrich pleaded guilty last June in state court to five counts of murder and 46 counts of attempted murder — one for each person at Club Q during the attack on Nov. 19, 2022.
Red neck.
Good post, wrong link.
“Aldrich, who is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns, also pleaded no contest to state charges for hate crimes under a plea agreement.”

“Prosecutors say Aldrich had visited the club at least six times before that night and that Aldrich’s mother had forced them to go.

In a series of telephone calls from jail, Aldrich told The Associated Press they were on a “very large plethora of drugs” and abusing steroids at the time of the attack. When asked whether the attack was motivated by hate, Aldrich said that was “completely off base.”

Sounds like this shooting was a tragic case of ‘roid rage.
“Aldrich, who is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns, also pleaded no contest to state charges for hate crimes under a plea agreement.”

“Prosecutors say Aldrich had visited the club at least six times before that night and that Aldrich’s mother had forced them to go.

In a series of telephone calls from jail, Aldrich told The Associated Press they were on a “very large plethora of drugs” and abusing steroids at the time of the attack. When asked whether the attack was motivated by hate, Aldrich said that was “completely off base.”

Sounds like this shooting was a tragic case of ‘roid rage.
Sounds like mommy should be charged.
Sounds like mommy should be charged.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t know what the prosecutors mean when they say mommy “forced” her 23 year old son to go to a gay club 7 times.

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