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Sex Perverts Love Little Kids in Bathrooms - Nope, It's Not So Rare (1 Viewer)

That men don't belong in a women's restroom. That's a pretty simple concept to understand.

Why is it ok for them to be in a restroom with little boys?
Why is it ok for them to be in a restroom with little boys?

If mothers want to bring their sons into the women's restroom when they're young children, I have no problem with that. It can be a safety issue.
If mothers want to bring their sons into the women's restroom when they're young children, I have no problem with that. It can be a safety issue.

That's not what was asked. If men are a danger to little girls, why are they not a danger to little boys?

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If they are going to grow into being a danger, why familiarise them with their no-go zones while they're young?
That's not what was asked. If men are a danger to little girls, why are they not a danger to little boys?

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They are, a great many are easy to recognize though, they dress like priests. Your kids are in greater danger at church than any public bathroom.
Produce evidence that priests or any other clergy are more likely to abuse children than other males.
That's not what was asked. If men are a danger to little girls, why are they not a danger to little boys?

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They can be, which is why we need laws that will result in capital punishment for any man who sexually abuses children. Currently, they are doing 6 months to a few years and getting released to hurt more kids
They can be, which is why we need laws that will result in capital punishment for any man who sexually abuses children. Currently, they are doing 6 months to a few years and getting released to hurt more kids

In both our countries I fear the reason more stringent penalties are not imposed upon pedophiles is because there are so many amongst those who make and enforce our laws.

In both our countries I fear the reason more stringent penalties are not imposed upon pedophiles is because there are so many amongst those who make and enforce our laws.

Yes, I completely agree with you. Both Bill Clinton and George Bush Sr have had ties to pedophile rings. This stuff is too much for most people to handle however, and it isn't a topic that most people want to deal with because it can make people uncomfortable. That is why nothing will likely get done to solve things.
Yes, I completely agree with you. Both Bill Clinton and George Bush Sr have had ties to pedophile rings. This stuff is too much for most people to handle however, and it isn't a topic that most people want to deal with because it can make people uncomfortable. That is why nothing will likely get done to solve things.

Which is why the catholic church and other churches have been doing their best to make it "difficult" to talk about for over a thousand years.
Which is why the catholic church and other churches have been doing their best to make it "difficult" to talk about for over a thousand years.

The Catholic church issue is one that still hasn't been addressed adequately in my opinion. Gay men joined the priesthood in order to find victims, not to serve the community as priests. Catholicism was not their driving motive in becoming priests, it was the access to children that influenced their direction.

Unfortunately, the Catholic hierarchy protected these gay men from scrutiny, and continues to do so. The hierarchy needs to be held accountable for their implicit role in child abuse.
The Catholic church issue is one that still hasn't been addressed adequately in my opinion. Gay men joined the priesthood in order to find victims, not to serve the community as priests. Catholicism was not their driving motive in becoming priests, it was the access to children that influenced their direction.

Unfortunately, the Catholic hierarchy protected these gay men from scrutiny, and continues to do so. The hierarchy needs to be held accountable for their implicit role in child abuse.

Of course you are completely off base here. 99.5% of all pedophiles are white, married, religious males. The incidence of pedophilia amongst gays is less than 1%. The RCC has welcomed gays amongst their ranks since day one. Many popes were gay as were many so-called saints. There is an active gay cabal in the Vatican itself, separate from the pedophiles who walked the horrid halls.
The Catholic church issue is one that still hasn't been addressed adequately in my opinion. Gay men joined the priesthood in order to find victims, not to serve the community as priests. Catholicism was not their driving motive in becoming priests, it was the access to children that influenced their direction.

Unfortunately, the Catholic hierarchy protected these gay men from scrutiny, and continues to do so. The hierarchy needs to be held accountable for their implicit role in child abuse.

So that's the kind you are. ;)
Of course you are completely off base here. 99.5% of all pedophiles are white, married, religious males. The incidence of pedophilia amongst gays is less than 1%. The RCC has welcomed gays amongst their ranks since day one. Many popes were gay as were many so-called saints. There is an active gay cabal in the Vatican itself, separate from the pedophiles who walked the horrid halls.

Not to start another topic here, but a man who molests a boy is gay. He can say that he's as straight as an arrow, yes people lie all the time, that's not really surprising. Most of the Catholic priests who were caught up in the sex scandal were gay. A few molested girls, but they seemed to be the exception.
Not to start another topic here, but a man who molests a boy is gay. He can say that he's as straight as an arrow, yes people lie all the time, that's not really surprising. Most of the Catholic priests who were caught up in the sex scandal were gay. A few molested girls, but they seemed to be the exception.

OK, now you are out of the ball park. The relationship between gay and pedophilia is non-existent. Gays are born gay just as you were born straight. Pedophilia is a fixation on children for power and sexual gratification. They pretty much don't care what gender their victims are. Of course the RCC hypocritically tried to blame being gay for the pedophilia. Sadly for them, as in so many other matters , they are dead wrong.
OK, now you are out of the ball park. The relationship between gay and pedophilia is non-existent. Gays are born gay just as you were born straight. Pedophilia is a fixation on children for power and sexual gratification. They pretty much don't care what gender their victims are. Of course the RCC hypocritically tried to blame being gay for the pedophilia. Sadly for them, as in so many other matters , they are dead wrong.

No, you are dead wrong. Let's list all the lies that you've stated in the last few minutes:
1. "99.5% of pedophiles are white, married, religious males"
You made that up from your own bias. No such figure exists so I won't bother asking you up reproduce one.

2. " The incidence of pedophilia amongst gays is less than 1%."
Another made up "statistic".

3. " Many popes were gay".
Where did you see that? Gay Pope Magazine? Lol.

4. " They pretty much don't care what gender their victims are. "

False. Gay pedos choose boys, straight pedos choose girls, and bi pedos choose both. Common sense doesn't cease to exist just because some people want it to.
The Catholic church issue is one that still hasn't been addressed adequately in my opinion. Gay men joined the priesthood in order to find victims, not to serve the community as priests. Catholicism was not their driving motive in becoming priests, it was the access to children that influenced their direction.

Unfortunately, the Catholic hierarchy protected these gay men from scrutiny, and continues to do so. The hierarchy needs to be held accountable for their implicit role in child abuse.
You have a serious conceptual error if you are equating homosexuality with pedophila. These things are not automatically connected. That said, by what means do you know why these men joined the church? The church's error in covering these cases up aside, why do you assume that they were not earnest in joining the priesthood in hopes that such would curb their desires. This is for both gays and pedos. Many has been the priest that has found that he could not resist women, or girls for that matter, despite being a priest. Did they join the priesthood just to find female victims?
No, you are dead wrong. Let's list all the lies that you've stated in the last few minutes:
1. "99.5% of pedophiles are white, married, religious males"
You made that up from your own bias. No such figure exists so I won't bother asking you up reproduce one.

2. " The incidence of pedophilia amongst gays is less than 1%."
Another made up "statistic".

3. " Many popes were gay".
Where did you see that? Gay Pope Magazine? Lol.

4. " They pretty much don't care what gender their victims are. "

False. Gay pedos choose boys, straight pedos choose girls, and bi pedos choose both. Common sense doesn't cease to exist just because some people want it to.

:lamo http: OK I fudged the first one, the stats are closer to 70%, //www.joekort.com/articles.htm/Homosexuality_and_Pedophilia/articles50.htm, https://stopabusecampaign.com/most-sex-abusers-are-heterosexual/, As for the pedo-popes: here are just a few;https://truthaholics.wordpress.com/...l-of-sexual-shame-the-ten-most-deviant-popes/
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False. Gay pedos choose boys, straight pedos choose girls, and bi pedos choose both. Common sense doesn't cease to exist just because some people want it to.

Did you honestly just post that??? LMAO
Sexual orientation =/= to pedophilia they are completely separate. In fact many male pedophiles that abused boys are heterosexual, it has more to do with access than anything else. Pedophilia is an attraction to PREPUBESCENTS. Gender doesnt play a role.
No, you are dead wrong. Let's list all the lies that you've stated in the last few minutes:
1. "99.5% of pedophiles are white, married, religious males"
You made that up from your own bias. No such figure exists so I won't bother asking you up reproduce one.
• While nearly 70% of those serving time for violent crimes against children were white, whites accounted for 40% of those imprisoned for violent crimes against adults.
-BJS Survey of State Prison Inmates, 1991
Child molesters match the U.S. population in education, percentage married or formally married, and religious observance.
-The Able and Harlow Child Molestation Preventions Study

2. " The incidence of pedophilia amongst gays is less than 1%."
Another made up "statistic".
Homosexual individuals are no more likely to sexually abuse than heterosexual individuals.
-Jenny, Carole, Roesler, Thomas A. , Poyer, Kimberly L. (1994) Are children at risk for sexual abuse by homosexuals? Pediatrics, Vol. 94 No. 1, pp. 41-44.

3. " Many popes were gay".
Where did you see that? Gay Pope Magazine? Lol.
Queers in History: Gay Popes: Paul II (r -1471) and his embarrassing death (With links to other gay Popes)
The Gay Popes | The Bilerico Project

4. " They pretty much don't care what gender their victims are. "

False. Gay pedos choose boys, straight pedos choose girls, and bi pedos choose both. Common sense doesn't cease to exist just because some people want it to.

The distinction between homosexual and heterosexual child molesters relies on the premise that male molesters of male victims are homosexual in orientation. Most molesters of boys do not report sexual interest in adult men, however"
-National Research Council, 1993, p. 143
:lamo http: OK I fudged the first one, the stats are closer to 70%, //www.joekort.com/articles.htm/Homosexuality_and_Pedophilia/articles50.htm, https://stopabusecampaign.com/most-sex-abusers-are-heterosexual/, As for the pedo-popes: here are just a few;https://truthaholics.wordpress.com/...l-of-sexual-shame-the-ten-most-deviant-popes/

Your first link didn't go through, but from googling Joe Kort I found out that he is a gay social worker. So a gay dude says that most pedos aren't gay...breaking news!

Your second link goes to a for profit site that says they help children, and then I get a Donate Now prompt on every page I visit..OK.
Author Melanie Blow writes;
" Are most sex offenders heterosexual?
Yes. Most sex offenders consider themselves heterosexual [1]. Jerry Sandusky and Jared Fogel are two famous examples of married, heterosexual sex offenders who fathered children."

She's right, since most sex offenders are males who abuse females. That doesn't contradict anything I've said here.

However Jerry Sandusky is gay, because he abused males. Jared Fogel is straight.

She goes on to write,
" Someone who has sexual relationships with adult women may sexually abuse boys, and someone who sexually abuses children of one sex is likely to abuse children of the other sex. [5]"

She's describing gay or bisexual men who have relationships with adult women so that no one suspects they are pedos, like Sandusky. Heterosexual men are not attracted to boys, it contradicts what the term means.

You haven't proven that "99.5%" or "70%" of pedos are straight, but if we keep this up the number will surely keep dropping, so until you can be honest, I don't see what else there is to say.
I didn't click the WordPress blog as blogs are usually not valid sources.

OK, basic human sexuality lesson here:

Heterosexual: someone who is sexually attracted to the opposite sex.
Homosexual: someone who is attracted to the same sex.
Bisexual: someone who is attracted to both sexes.

Pedophiles are classified by their preference.
There are straight pedophiles.
Gay pedophiles.
Bisexual pedophiles.
Every time someone brings this subject up, gay men come unglued and throw a hissy fit. I've noticed that lesbians never behave this way when this subject comes up.

I'll tell you the same thing I told the other poster: most sex offenders are males who abuse females, thus most sexual offenders are heterosexual.
Did you honestly just post that??? LMAO
Sexual orientation =/= to pedophilia they are completely separate. In fact many male pedophiles that abused boys are heterosexual, it has more to do with access than anything else. Pedophilia is an attraction to PREPUBESCENTS. Gender doesnt play a role.

Here comes more idiocy.

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