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Senate passes bill allowing 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia (1 Viewer)

Mr. Invisible

A Man Without A Country
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Senate passes bill allowing 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia | Reuters

The U.S. Senate passed legislation on Tuesday that would allow families of Sept. 11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia's government for damages, setting up a potential showdown with the White House, which has threatened a veto.

Things get more and more interesting.

The President is gonna veto this, so the question is: Will there be enough people willing to override the veto?
"And the president of the United States continues to harbor serious concerns that this legislation would make the United States vulnerable in other court systems around the world."

Does the government have a little bit of worry that they might get in trouble for their misdeeds? :lol: Maybe they should stop drone attacking civilians.
:applaud:applaud:applaud As they should be rightfully allowed to do! Now if only those Saudi Documents that were removed from the 9/11 Commission Report can be released!

Victory for Democracy. Now, hopefully We The People can mobilize well enough to get enough signatures to override the President's veto...
When will the Senate pass a bill that allows Iraqis to sue the U.S?
"And the president of the United States continues to harbor serious concerns that this legislation would make the United States vulnerable in other court systems around the world."

Does the government have a little bit of worry that they might get in trouble for their misdeeds? :lol: Maybe they should stop drone attacking civilians.

Clearly sir you love the terrorists
Victory for Democracy. Now, hopefully We The People can mobilize well enough to get enough signatures to override the President's veto...

There is no constitutional mechanism for popular vote to override a presidential veto.
American citizens sued Iran. Why can't they sue Saudi Arabia?
There is no constitutional mechanism for popular vote to override a presidential veto.

If enough people meltdown the capital phone lines there will be a constitutional mechanism that will override a veto. It's known as the 1st Amendment.
All indications are that this will die in the House. It won't even make it to the President's desk.
If enough people meltdown the capital phone lines there will be a constitutional mechanism that will override a veto. It's known as the 1st Amendment.

No, the first amendment doesn't override a presidential veto.

Article 1, Section 7.
...no ****, sherlock?

Congress overrides the president. Not signatures from Larry down the street.

Just following up on your lack of forthcoming information. Did it hurt your little feelings?
Μολὼν λαβέ;1065879257 said:
Just following up on your lack of forthcoming information. Did it hurt your little feelings?

Bro, you seem really upset about this. I hope I didn't trigger you with my post that you completely misunderstood.

Ooops. I said something negative to you. Don't call the PC police on me bro.
Nothing in the first amendment even mentions a presidential veto.

You're not getting it. If enough people speak out (free speech) about a legislative action (redresss of grievances) Congress will listen and override the veto. The whole, "of the people, by the people and for the people", thing.
Bro, you seem really upset about this. I hope I didn't trigger you with my post that you completely misunderstood.

Ooops. I said something negative to you. Don't call the PC police on me bro.

You're projecting. People do that when they want others to think they haven't done something stupid. In other words, protecting yourself from your own unpleasant impulses by passing your actions onto others. Your motivations and feelings that cannot be accepted as your own own are dealt with by attributing them to others, in these past two posts, me.

This behavior in normal people appears at times of crisis, personal or political but is more commonly found in neurotic or psychotic personalities functioning at a primitive level as narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder.

After the number of your posts I've seen this type behavior from you I'm sure there's nothing borderline about it.
You're not getting it. If enough people speak out (free speech) about a legislative action (redresss of grievances) Congress will listen and override the veto. The whole, "of the people, by the people and for the people", thing.

Aren't you the guy who ranted for pages that revenue and spending don't affect debt
Μολὼν λαβέ;1065879324 said:
You're projecting. People do that when they want others to think they haven't done something stupid. In other words, protecting yourself from your own unpleasant impulses by passing your actions onto others. Your motivations and feelings that cannot be accepted as your own own are dealt with by attributing them to others, in these past two posts, me.

This behavior in normal people appears at times of crisis, personal or political but is more commonly found in neurotic or psychotic personalities functioning at a primitive level as narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder.

After the number of your posts I've seen this type behavior from you I'm sure there's nothing borderline about it.

... read this post of yours, and then read your response before about my supposedly hurt feelings. Then read this post of yours again, to yourself.
Aren't you the guy who ranted for pages that revenue and spending don't affect debt

What's that have to do with this post? A distraction?

And, no...I never said that. If you're going to create a distraction at least get my comments right.
What's that have to do with this post? A distraction?

I'm applying your standard from that thread to this scenario.

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