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Republican House crackdown on Bucking the Leadership reaches new levels of Severity.. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 26, 2012
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Chicago Illinois
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This is not good going into an election. Many are not happy with Boehner and McConnell. Establishment in the GOP taking action against these members will cause blowback. Angering what they are calling the Conservatives. Will only cause a rift. BO and Team Demo are about dividing things up. The Repubs need to start showing they are in unity. What say ye?

House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz has stripped North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows of his subcommittee chairmanship, just days after he defied leadership on the House floor by voting against a party-line procedural motion.

Losing a subcommittee chairmanship midway through a congressional session is among the most serious punishments thus far in Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) majority. Boehner and his leadership team have grown frustrated with Republicans who vote against the procedural “rule” motion. Those votes — which allow the Republican leadership to bring a bill up for debate and a vote — typically fall along party lines. But a group of conservatives has voted against the measures, mostly in protest of Boehner’s leadership. Republican leadership sees the move as unacceptable —akin to ceding power to Democrats.

Conservatives said Boehner and GOP leaders were working too closely with Democrats, and ignoring Republicans. Boehner said he has worked closely with conservatives. In a closed meeting this week, the speaker told rank-and-file Republicans that he was angry that conservatives were voting against the motions. The GOP leadership has told lawmakers that there will be ramifications for voting against such resolutions.....snip~

Read more: Jason Chaffetz strips Meadows of subcommittee chairmanship - Jake Sherman and Lauren French - POLITICO
Re: Republican House crackdown on Bucking the Leadership reaches new levels of Severi

Well, McConnell won't be able to save Mark Kirk's Senate Seat with Illinois. Not only are the Demos running Tammy Duckworth against him. But now Joe Walsh and other Tea Party Repubs are going to help chase Kirk out the door. So this will be one GOP Senate Seat they wont have. BO's old Senate seat.
Re: Republican House crackdown on Bucking the Leadership reaches new levels of Severi

Well, McConnell won't be able to save Mark Kirk's Senate Seat with Illinois. Not only are the Demos running Tammy Duckworth against him. But now Joe Walsh and other Tea Party Repubs are going to help chase Kirk out the door. So this will be one GOP Senate Seat they wont have. BO's old Senate seat.

Kirk is a "RINO" 75% of the time, what are you sad about?
Re: Republican House crackdown on Bucking the Leadership reaches new levels of Severi

Kirk is a "RINO" 75% of the time, what are you sad about?

Yeah he is Moderate. Doesn't have much to do with me and truly using the term sad. Is really like way way way out there, Twilight Zone Material. KnowWhatImean.

It has to do with the Tea Party and Conservative Republicans. That want him out and will work against his re-election.
Re: Republican House crackdown on Bucking the Leadership reaches new levels of Severi

This is not good going into an election. Many are not happy with Boehner and McConnell. Establishment in the GOP taking action against these members will cause blowback. Angering what they are calling the Conservatives. Will only cause a rift. BO and Team Demo are about dividing things up. The Repubs need to start showing they are in unity. What say ye?

I think members of Congress should say what they really think and vote as they truly believe. They should represent their constituents, not the congressional leaders.
Re: Republican House crackdown on Bucking the Leadership reaches new levels of Severi

I think members of Congress should say what they really think and vote as they truly believe. They should represent their constituents, not the congressional leaders.

I agree FMW. :2wave: and if the majority of House no longer wants to have a manager for their Leader. Then they should be able to remove him from the position he holds.
Re: Republican House crackdown on Bucking the Leadership reaches new levels of Severi

This is not good going into an election. Many are not happy with Boehner and McConnell. Establishment in the GOP taking action against these members will cause blowback. Angering what they are calling the Conservatives. Will only cause a rift. BO and Team Demo are about dividing things up. The Repubs need to start showing they are in unity. What say ye?

"Blowback" with who? Grown men dressed in Revolutionary War gear who attend political events? Lower-income voters scared of immigrants? That ain't where the money comes from, and there is no swing vote there.

You are calling for the GOP "to start showing they are in unity" - and that unity was frayed most recently by a small number of far-right Representatives sabotaging routine procedural motions for what I can only assume was to gain credibility on talk radio. Accordingly, they were whacked, and the resultant structure has more "unity". They will still get elected, and can still vote, but will be far less able to drag down a GOP congress' legislative agenda to the very low common denominator of the average GOP primary voter in Lufkin, Texas.

Marginalizing the far-right oddballs in Congress makes sense for anyone who has an interest in increases the nationwide electoral success of the GOP - and keeping them away from plum assignments is just one of many ways.
Re: Republican House crackdown on Bucking the Leadership reaches new levels of Severi

Eddie_V;1064763386[B said:
]"Blowback" with who? Grown men dressed in Revolutionary War gear who attend political events[/B]? Lower-income voters scared of immigrants? That ain't where the money comes from, and there is no swing vote there.

You are calling for the GOP "to start showing they are in unity" - and that unity was frayed most recently by a small number of far-right Representatives sabotaging routine procedural motions for what I can only assume was to gain credibility on talk radio. Accordingly, they were whacked, and the resultant structure has more "unity". They will still get elected, and can still vote, but will be far less able to drag down a GOP congress' legislative agenda to the very low common denominator of the average GOP primary voter in Lufkin, Texas.

Marginalizing the far-right oddballs in Congress makes sense for anyone who has an interest in increases the nationwide electoral success of the GOP - and keeping them away from plum assignments is just one of many ways.

With 2/3rds of the party. You must have been thinking about the Tea Partiers dressing that way. I doubt Henserling runs around dressed as so. You do know who that is Correct?

Who did they want to replace Boehner with, again?
Re: Republican House crackdown on Bucking the Leadership reaches new levels of Severi

As for me... it's about time that the GOP leadership started leading rather than following the extreme wing of the party.

Good for Boehner. I hope he puts more of them in the "time-out" corner.
Re: Republican House crackdown on Bucking the Leadership reaches new levels of Severi

As for me... it's about time that the GOP leadership started leading rather than following the extreme wing of the party.

Good for Boehner. I hope he puts more of them in the "time-out" corner.

Mornin Beaudreaux. :2wave: Been awhile. I am in the middleground with this.

First.....we need to have those who are actually leaders. Leading the way. Neither Boehner and McConnell know how to lead.
Re: Republican House crackdown on Bucking the Leadership reaches new levels of Severi

Mornin Beaudreaux. :2wave: Been awhile. I am in the middleground with this.

First.....we need to have those who are actually leaders. Leading the way. Neither Boehner and McConnell know how to lead.

Greetings, MMC. :2wave:

One thing McConnell has in his favor, as far as I am concerned, is that he is known to be very much a follower of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. He made that quite clear when he stated that the Constitution was not a rough draft that could be changed at will by people who don't like certain parts of it. Thank goodness there are still a few left who adhere to that belief! :thumbs: As far as Boehner is concerned, I don't know yet what game he's playing, although I am aware that he's irritated with the faction that keeps opposing things he wants to do. Whether he's right or not about them, I'm not sure yet.
Re: Republican House crackdown on Bucking the Leadership reaches new levels of Severi

As for me... it's about time that the GOP leadership started leading rather than following the extreme wing of the party.

Good for Boehner. I hope he puts more of them in the "time-out" corner.

Good morning, Beaudreaux. :2wave:

Great to see you back! You were missed! It looks like the political game is in the process of changing. I don't know if the "extremes" are doing what their constituents want, or if it's just a dislike of Boehner for apparently going along with Pelosi's and BHO's agenda too often to suit them. If I recall correctly, it was the Tea Party that shut the government down last time to prove a point, which didn't benefit anyone. I don't know to this day if they were right or wrong! However since the midterms conclusively proved the country wants a different direction, maybe they were correct after all, and the Repubs just need better PR messaging to explain themselves? The MSM always seem too ready to spin and blame the Repubs for everything that goes wrong, and maybe the voters aren't buying it?
Re: Republican House crackdown on Bucking the Leadership reaches new levels of Severi

Bumping this up. :2bump:

Republican infighting at full throttle
Every week sparks a new fire for GOP leaders, and the right flank is feeling emboldened to challenge Speaker John Boehner.

The broad disagreement on so many fronts lately is striking.....snip~

Read more: Boehner's Congress: GOP infighting at full throttle - POLITICO

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