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Raw Fear Is What I Feel About This Election (1 Viewer)

There is no chance that we will have a more divided country following the election. Obama and company have spent eight years accusing this group, extolling that group, pitting one against another, so that we are already more divided as a country now than I can remember at any time in my increasingly long life. Will Hillary correct that based on her rhetoric so far? I don't think so.

And whoever wins the election will be accused of doing so through nefarious means regardless of the vote unless it is overwhelming. But it won't change much. It will still be the usual nattering about things that don't matter much to avoid having to deal with the things that do.

The only candidate left standing who has any chance of making a difference in the status quo that is slowly but persistently making things worse is Trump. The only smart thing for Americans who don't like the status quo is to get behind him and elect him by such a wide margin that it cannot be challenged.

I take it you are, say, ten.
I can see the nutty righties having a complete meltdown over an HRC victory. Lots of silly crying and sobbing. I just hope they don't use up all the country's Kleenex. After 2008, conservative tears caused a tissue shortage like we've never seen before.

2008 was no surprise to Conservatives. Seems like politics is a surprise to you.
If the election is close, as it looks like it might be, then there is no controlling authority that the people in the US will trust that could call the election. There is a high likelihood that half of the people will regard the election as illegitimate no matter how it goes for one reason or another such as Russian involvement or the corruption of the DoJ. It's a recipe for civil unrest and disorder.

JustOneMinute: If You Are Not Nervous About The Upcoming Election...

Same thing was said about Bush's 2nd and Obama's 1st.

The Republic, such as it is, will endure.
(Yawn)...not for me. I have experienced "raw fear" and this is not it.

Our wonderful American system only allows the winner to be in power for four (4) years before that power is contested again.

Even while in power, there are all kinds of checks and balances to limit that power.

Just ask Obama how powerful his pen and phone were....not much.

I do, however, get the gist of the OP. Massive unrest and possible violence. Maybe among inner city blacks, who have a history of such things, but not anywhere else.

No matter who wins, it will be business as usual for almost all of us.

Even those that swear to run to another country will not do it. That's just bar talk.

The pendulum is swinging to the right and will for the next four to eight years, and the liberals will gnash their teeth, post on Facebook, and pull at their clothes,

... then it will swing back to the left again, and the conservatives will bring up all manner of conspiracy theories and bring up false charges.

Rinse, repeat.

That is how we do it here.

Sounds like you are primed for a friendly wager. Let me know if you are interested.
Oh, so it's Obama's fault that the right spent years accusing him of being (1) a secret muslim, (2) from Kenya, (3) a socialist, (4) a communist, (5) a kenyan colonialist, (6) racist against white people, (7) hates America, and of (8) actively trying to Destroy America? (as well as about fifty other things I'm not going to type up).

From day one, actually from before he was even President, the right has been in overdrive trying to throw all the lies at him it can. True to form, apparently, the right also blames Obama for all the things it called Obama.

And those are merely the divisive things that the right did vis a vis Obama, rather than as against the nation.

They call him a Nazi, too.
2008 was no surprise to Conservatives. Seems like politics is a surprise to you.

It sure surprised some conservatives though.
It sure surprised some conservatives though.

After the housing bubble burst and economic collapse there was no way a Republican was going to win.
You seem confused.

You claimed Obama was divisive:

He is divisive. You think you can just ignore the will of the people when they are screaming in your face to stop and not pass that law and somehow not be divisive? Please tell me how.
After the housing bubble burst and economic collapse there was no way a Republican was going to win.

Not with Palin on the ticket, and I think both parties were to blame for the collapse. Still, I distinctly remember many astounded conservatives.
I claimed Obama was divisive and I will go to my grave believing he is the most divisive President we have ever had. So we will just have to disagree on that.

That may be so long as we don't end up with President Trump. But Trump is far more polarizing and would fracture the People far greater than Obama could ever hope to do.
It was conservatives that have caused the divisiveness in this country over the past 8 years. They have been consistent in opposing anything Obama suggested, just because Obama suggested it. Obama's administration may be one of the most divisive in history, but that was more due to his opposition than to him.

Very stupid argument. There were valid reasons for everything that was opposed. You are just shoveling more bull**** on the pile of race baiting progressive nonsense.
That may be so long as we don't end up with President Trump. But Trump is far more polarizing and would fracture the People far greater than Obama could ever hope to do.

Do you recall any major racial problems in the 80's? I don't. It was because there were jobs. People, no matter what color, are happier with money in their pockets.

Trump will create more jobs in a week than Clinton will ever create.
He is divisive. You think you can just ignore the will of the people when they are screaming in your face to stop and not pass that law and somehow not be divisive? Please tell me how.

just because he didnt do what you wanted you start name calling. by your standards every president in history was divisive. such drivel.
Very stupid argument. There were valid reasons for everything that was opposed. You are just shoveling more bull**** on the pile of race baiting progressive nonsense.

no there wasnt, you are trying to defend right wing drivel.....so transparent.
just because he didnt do what you wanted you start name calling. by your standards every president in history was divisive. such drivel.

What was public support for that bill at the time? Care to tell me?
no there wasnt, you are trying to defend right wing drivel.....so transparent.

What about your left wing droning whine that never stops? You have no room to call anything drivel.
Do you recall any major racial problems in the 80's? I don't. It was because there were jobs. People, no matter what color, are happier with money in their pockets.

Trump will create more jobs in a week than Clinton will ever create.

the hollowing out of industrial cities was well along, you lily gilded view of the 80's is wrong.

Will Clinton open up our energy industry? No, she will have more Solyndras. Costing taxpayer money and creating about 9 or 10 jobs.
the hollowing out of industrial cities was well along, you lily gilded view of the 80's is wrong.

I said race relations were better.
when the personal attack is all you got that is pretty much a concession.

That is not a personal attack. It is a general statement about the left wing.

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