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Pete Postlethwaite dies aged 64 (1 Viewer)


Somewhere in Babylon
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Jan 12, 2010
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BBC News - Oscar-nominated actor Pete Postlethwaite dies aged 64

Oscar-nominated British actor Pete Postlethwaite has died at the age of 64, a spokesman has announced.

Journalist and friend Andrew Richardson said the actor, who was appointed OBE in 2003, died peacefully in hospital in Shropshire after a lengthy illness.

In 1994, he was nominated for an Oscar for In The Name of the Father.

Ex-girlfriend Julie Walters said he was a "big part" of her early acting career and praised him as "the most exciting, exhilarating actor of his generation".

Walters, who began her career by touring pubs in a theatre group with then-boyfriend Postlethwaite, said: "He invented edgy.

"He was an exhilarating person and actor."

RIP my friend, you were a great actor, and a great person. You will be missed.


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Hmmm.....I've seen him in a couple of decent roles....64 eh...That's kind of young, what'd he have?

There was a unique poignancy to Postlethwaite's acting style. He excelled in portraying strong, but deeply flawed characters. He was able to arouse strong emotions among his audience.
There was a unique poignancy to Postlethwaite's acting style. He excelled in portraying strong, but deeply flawed characters. He was able to arouse strong emotions among his audience.

One of his greatest performances.

One of his greatest performances.

The first time I saw him was opposite Sean Bean in the PBS production of Sharpe's Rifles. The intensity and depravity of the character he played was so palpable it could be cut with a knife. After that I looked for his appearances.
This is one of those supporting actors that you see aaaaallllllll the time, but you never know their names. They're the real talent.

John C. Reilly is a perfect example. That dude can be anything. I love Reilly's ability as an actor. Liked this guy, too. Glad that I know his name, now.
I was trying to figure out who this actor was and what he was in, so I checked his filmography. Yeah, I just seen him in a movie I watched yesterday, The Lost World: Jurassic Park.
Hmmm.....I've seen him in a couple of decent roles....64 eh...That's kind of young, what'd he have?

From what I heard, he had cancer. And he was just in "Inception" too.
I was trying to figure out who this actor was and what he was in, so I checked his filmography. Yeah, I just seen him in a movie I watched yesterday, The Lost World: Jurassic Park.

Pete Postlethwaite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's been in a bunch of major productions. My favorite, however, was "The Usual Suspects" as Kobayashi.

But, then again, he's one of my favorite actors to watch. I just loved the way he talked.
Pete Postlethwaite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's been in a bunch of major productions. My favorite, however, was "The Usual Suspects" as Kobayashi.

But, then again, he's one of my favorite actors to watch. I just loved the way he talked.

Yeah, I looked at that list, and realized that since The Lost World came out, I have only actually seen two of those movies he was in, and I don't even remember the character he played in either of them (one was Aeon flux, didn't really like it, the other was Clash of the Titans, an okay movie). The Lost World is really the only movie I like that I have seen with him in it.

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