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NY vs. Trump: Bragg's own witness, Hope Hicks, implodes case against Trump (1 Viewer)

Rut-Roh. Tell us again weirdos how well this trial is going for the prosecution! (but Trump farts in court!)

In an epic miscalculation that backfired spectacularly, prosecutors in the Manhattan hush money trial of Donald Trump called Hope Hicks to the witness stand. The moment cross-examination began, their misbegotten case against the former president began to collapse.

click for story
Your link is FauxNoNews. No wonder you disguised it with a "click for story".
what about it?
Its irrelevant, as is everything else about the trial the jackass is being forced to sit through. Only the verdict rendered by the jury counts. It doesn't matter one bit why the jackass wasn't prosecuted before this, nor does it matter that Hilary Clinton wasn't prosecuted. Only the guilty or not guilty verdict matters.
then why wasn't he prosecuted before now? and why this? and why not Hillary?

It takes time. He declared way earlier than any other candidate ever because he knew he was about to be indicted.

Why this?

Evidence of crimes that's why. Just like the other indictments in other matters.

They couldn't come up with sufficient evidence that Hillary committed crimes.

Drop the conspiracy nonsense.
The purpose of the payment was falsified on the business records. That's what he is charged with. Here is the statute.
SECTION 175.10
Falsifying business records in the first degree

§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.

A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree
when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second
degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit
another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony
So, it’s my understanding the statute of limitations expired on the misdemeanor. Note the felony requires “intent to commit another crime”.

The question is: what is that “other crime”?
So, it’s my understanding the statute of limitations expired on the misdemeanor. Note the felony requires “intent to commit another crime”.

The question is: what is that “other crime”?
There are three and they are outlined in the Statement of Facts and the Judges Decision and Rulings document. The Judge outlines the statute in this document ( lots more good info there) on pages 11 and 12 .

The crimes are also summarized in Item #2 on the front page of the Statement of Facts ( another good read) and then expanded on later in the document.

The crimes are:

Violation of FECA...specifically the payment by the National Enquirer to McDougall to illegally influence the 2016 election
Violation of NY Election Law 17-152 specifically Conspiracy to illegally promote or prevent the election of any person
Violation of NY Tax laws 1801 a)3 and 1802.

Judges Decision and Order document )pg 11 and 12)

Statement of Facts (Item 2 page 1)
There are three and they are outlined in the Statement of Facts and the Judges Decision and Rulings document. The Judge outlines the statute in this document ( lots more good info there) on pages 11 and 12 .

The crimes are also summarized in Item #2 on the front page of the Statement of Facts ( another good read) and then expanded on later in the document.

The crimes are:

Violation of FECA...specifically the payment by the National Enquirer to McDougall to illegally influence the 2016 election
Violation of NY Election Law 17-152 specifically Conspiracy to illegally promote or prevent the election of any person
Violation of NY Tax laws 1801 a)3 and 1802.

Judges Decision and Order document )pg 11 and 12)

Statement of Facts (Item 2 page 1)
Did I miss Trump getting convicted of these crimes?
So, lemme get this straight. The alleged lie on the financial statement has nothing at all to do with the case, since the election was over?
the lie on his financial statement is a crime, whether there was an election or not.
And yet he’s being prosecuted for the bookkeeping entry. Because the payment wasn’t illegal.
If you lie on your taxes do you get prosecuted, if you get caught? He made a deduction that was not legally allowed...one for which Trump org was found guilty (felonies) as well as his CFO...Trump was a conspirator, because he owns the company....Cohen was his attorney, he also went to prison over the coverup.
then why wasn't he prosecuted before now? and why this? and why not Hillary?
Perhaps because he fought going to trial, until he ran out of appeals.
So, it’s my understanding the statute of limitations expired on the misdemeanor. Note the felony requires “intent to commit another crime”.

The question is: what is that “other crime”?
Nope, statute of limitations has not expired
Did I miss Trump getting convicted of these crimes?ry o
No one is saying he has been convicted...but Trump org has as well as Weisselburg and Cohen. Who owns Trump org? He is facing accusations and a trial by a jury of 12 and he has attorneys defending him...be patient....the trial won't last much longer...then we can go to Georgia or Florida.
And yet he’s being prosecuted for the bookkeeping entry. Because the payment wasn’t illegal.
It's much more than that.
There's a good reason election influencing/interference is illegal here : concealing a crime to withhold information from voters, and thereby influencing an election, and that's exactly what Trump appears to have done. He also had to go the extra yard of committing another crime (falsifying business records) to get the election interference charge. which was the conspiracy (felony).
Did I miss Trump getting convicted of these crimes?
He doesn't have to be. The statute says commits another crime or aids in the cover up of another crime.
hahahahah the sheer desperation from the right is incredible
It's much more than that.
There's a good reason election influencing/interference is illegal here : concealing a crime to withhold information from voters, and thereby influencing an election, and that's exactly what Trump appears to have done. He also had to go the extra yard of committing another crime (falsifying business records) to get the election interference charge. which was the conspiracy (felony).
What crime did he conceal?
He doesn't have to be. The statute says commits another crime or aids in the cover up of another crime.
What other crime?
fraud to whom? How did the entries affect the FEDERAL election which by the way, Bragg has no authority over.

If a business puts in a fraudulent entry it can effect personal income taxes, business taxes, artificially boost a companies profits or make them look worse effecting the returns to shareholders.

So it is fraud regardless of the effect on the federal election,
What crime did he conceal?
He falsified business records (34! counts) to conceal the truth about the payment, and thereby committed another crime of election interference, in which the conspiracy acted to conceal the information from getting to voters. We should have all the facts when voting.

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