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New Mexico Governor (Lujan Grisham) Unconstitutional Order Sparks Calls For Impeachment (1 Viewer)

If you support Trump calling for overturning the Constitution in order to put him back in power Because Of How Terrible It Is


If you support Grisham in calling for overturning the Constitution in order to ban the carry of firearms Because Of How Terrible It Is

...Then I am utterly uninterested in hearing you claim to be upset about the other.

To the left-leaning folks in the thread who immediately came in and acknowledged that this was unconstitutional, stupid, and wrong.... :hat tip: Kudos.
We don't have these problems in godless, abortion-happy, whores in Babylon, beer soaked, tax crazy, immigrant welcoming New England.
A few days ago, NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an order to suspend the Second Amendment and ban possession of firearms in some cities, which violates New Mexico's Bill of Rights with regards to open carry, and violates the 2nd Amendment:

Gov Grisham said
"Effective IMMEDIATELY - No person other than law enforcement officer or licensed security officer shall possess a firearm - either openly or concealed."

This flagrantly violates both NM State and Federal statutes regarding the Right of the People to keep and bear arms.

(There are many threads on this subject, but this thread is specifically about the rationale and protocols for impeachment. It is presumed that Governor Grisham must have considered this implication before issuing the unlawful dictate. Please let's keep the discussion about the impeachment - not about the need for gun control - the other threads (in the Gun Control Sub-forum) discuss the need for gun control.)

NM State representatives Stefani Lord and John Block are calling for the impeachment of Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham.
"I am calling on counsel to begin the impeachment process against Governor Grisham. This is an abhorrent attempt at imposing a radical, progressive agenda on an unwilling populace. Rather than addressing crime at its core, Governor Grisham is restricting the rights of law-abiding gun owners,” said Rep. Lord.

"We need to impeach [the Governor] and that's something that I don't take lightly. But unfortunately, we need to do it because if we don't start here, it's going to seep through the entire nation. We're going to have governors all across the country think that they can just throw the Constitution in a paper shredder and see it go." - Rep. John Block

Bernalillo County Sheriff, John Allen, said:
“This order will not do anything to curb gun violence other than punish law-abiding citizens from their constitutional right to self-defense . . . . I am wary of placing my deputies in positions that could lead to civil liability conflicts, as well as the potential risks posed by prohibiting law-abiding citizens from their constitutional right to self-defense.”
To which, Governor Grisham stupidly responded:
“I don’t need a lecture on constitutionality from Sheriff Allen: what I need is action."

The rationale behind impeachment is that Governor Grisham flagrantly violated her solemn oath to uphold and protect the Constitution of New Mexico and the United States. Impeachment is the legal and Constitutional process to unseat a rogue governor.

source: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/po...-gun-ban-draws-bipartisan-backlash-rcna104500

IMO the governor should be expeditiously impeached and removed. It would send a good message to governors of other states about violating the Constitutional Rights of their citizens.
She really screwed the pooch for herself.

There are many other less politically self-destructive ways she could've tried to stop the violence. But she decided to choose the completely stupid way.
She really screwed the pooch for herself.

There are many other less politically self-destructive ways she could've tried to stop the violence. But she decided to choose the completely stupid way.
AND earlier today, she doubled-down on stupid:

"Everyone is terrified of the backlash for all of these political reactions. None of those individuals or groups focused on the actual injuries or deaths of the public."

"They aren't dealing with this as the crisis that it is."

Lujan Grisham is right about one thing - There IS a crisis - a CONSTITUTIONAL crisis. On her part.

She must immediately be impeached, convicted, and removed from office.
AND she doubled-down on stupid.

"Everyone is terrified of the backlash for all of these political reactions. None of those individuals or groups focused on the actual injuries or deaths of the public."

"They aren't dealing with this as the crisis that it is."

Lujan Grisham is right about one thing - There IS a crisis - a CONSTITUTIONAL crisis. On her part.
Cool. Your burning coif is pretty. What other parts of your head are you setting on fire today?
Cool. Your burning coif is pretty. What other parts of your head are you setting on fire today?
Now there's a truly asinine argument.

If fact it's not an argument at all. It's just asinine.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." - Maurice Switzer
A few days ago, NM Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham issued an order to suspend the Second Amendment and ban possession of firearms in some cities, which violates New Mexico's Bill of Rights with regards to open carry, and violates the 2nd Amendment:

Gov Grisham said
"Effective IMMEDIATELY - No person other than law enforcement officer or licensed security officer shall possess a firearm - either openly or concealed."

This flagrantly violates both NM State and Federal statutes regarding the Right of the People to keep and bear arms.

(There are many threads on this subject, but this thread is specifically about the rationale and protocols for impeachment. It is presumed that Governor Grisham must have considered this implication before issuing the unlawful dictate. Please let's keep the discussion about the impeachment - not about the need for gun control - the other threads (in the Gun Control Sub-forum) discuss the need for gun control.)

NM State representatives Stefani Lord and John Block are calling for the impeachment of Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham.
"I am calling on counsel to begin the impeachment process against Governor Grisham. This is an abhorrent attempt at imposing a radical, progressive agenda on an unwilling populace. Rather than addressing crime at its core, Governor Grisham is restricting the rights of law-abiding gun owners,” said Rep. Lord.

"We need to impeach [the Governor] and that's something that I don't take lightly. But unfortunately, we need to do it because if we don't start here, it's going to seep through the entire nation. We're going to have governors all across the country think that they can just throw the Constitution in a paper shredder and see it go." - Rep. John Block

Bernalillo County Sheriff, John Allen, said:
“This order will not do anything to curb gun violence other than punish law-abiding citizens from their constitutional right to self-defense . . . . I am wary of placing my deputies in positions that could lead to civil liability conflicts, as well as the potential risks posed by prohibiting law-abiding citizens from their constitutional right to self-defense.”
To which, Governor Grisham stupidly responded:
“I don’t need a lecture on constitutionality from Sheriff Allen: what I need is action."

The rationale behind impeachment is that Governor Grisham flagrantly violated her solemn oath to uphold and protect the Constitution of New Mexico and the United States. Impeachment is the legal and Constitutional process to unseat a rogue governor.

source: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/po...-gun-ban-draws-bipartisan-backlash-rcna104500

IMO the governor should be expeditiously impeached and removed. It would send a good message to governors of other states about violating the Constitutional Rights of their citizens.
Okay…your post has some tijgs wrong here.

Firearms are not banned…you can still legally purchase and own a firearm, you can’t just walk around with it in public spaces, either concealed or open….

In certain places that meets a requirement of a certain level of violence…in which only a handful of areas in the state actually qualify for. And includes state government buildings.

If you have problems with the ban actually is, cool. Go for it.

But let’s deal in facts, for a change, and kick the chicken little act to the curb.
Don't lecture me, boy. You screwed up by claiming BS on something that wasn't BS.

Triggered much? LOL. You did not quote properly and then did not actually give us your original source.

The sheer ignorance in this statement is ASTOUNDING. Of COURSE she banned gun possession. She banned carrying them in public.

The sheer ignorance in this statement is ASTOUNDING. She did not ban possession. You can possess the gun in private, e.g. in your home. You cannot carry it in public is the only restriction she imposed.

The MASSIVE elephant in the room that all you gun grabbers ignore is that ...

I never stated whether I agree or do not agree with her order. That's irrelevant to my point. My point was that you completely misrepresented what she did. Which is what you did, girl.
Triggered much? LOL. You did not quote properly and then did not actually give us your original source.
I quoted perfectly. You frustrated that I gave you a (figurative) spanking for foolishly accusing me of making it up " Apparently you made it up."

But I did'nt make it up. Lujan Grisham DID in fact say that, and I quoted her perfectly. I never claimed that the quote was in the link I provided, BECAUSE IT DOES'NT MATTER IF IT WAS IN THE LINK OR NOT. THE POINT IS THAT LUJAN GRISHAM SAID:

"Effective IMMEDIATELY - No person other than law enforcement officer or licensed security officer shall possess a firearm - either openly or concealed."

That is TOTALLY a gun ban, and her ban is 100% UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
. . She did not ban possession.
100% WRONG. She DID ban possession. READ HER ABOVE QUOTE.
You can possess the gun in private, e.g. in your home. You cannot carry it in public is the only restriction she imposed.
100% WRONG.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution provides a right to carry a gun outside the home.

I never stated whether I agree or do not agree with her order. That's irrelevant to my point.
Nonsense. You claimed that I made stuff up. That was false. And then you
My point was that you completely misrepresented what she did. Which is what you did, girl.
The reason you will not post an intelligent argument is because you are incapable. You post nonsensical stuff that isn't even true, AND THEN YOU ACCUSE ME OF MAKING SHIT UP.

dude, you gun-grabbers crack me up! 😆
Okay…your post has some tijgs wrong here.
Actually, none of them do. They are 100% correct.
Firearms are not banned…you can still legally purchase and own a firearm, you can’t just walk around with it in public spaces, either concealed or open….
100% wrong.

The governors dictate prevents citizens from possessing a firearm: Note the word possess.

"Effective IMMEDIATELY - No person other than law enforcement officer or licensed security officer shall possess a firearm - either openly or concealed."
If you have problems with the ban actually is, cool. Go for it.
It really doesn't matter if I have a problem with Lujan-Grisham's gun ban or not. The point in the OP is that her gun ban violated New Mexico State Constitution (which allows open carry) and the U.S. Constitution (which allows open AND concealed carry), and she needs to be immediately removed from office via the impeachment process. She has demonstrated that she is unfit to serve.
But let’s deal in facts, for a change,
Facts!!! I love facts! Everything in the OP is based in fact, contrary to what you lefties claim. The false statements and claims were made by you guys.
and kick the chicken little act to the curb.
I'm not even going to ask what this means. :ROFLMAO:
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100% wrong.

The governors dictate prevents citizens from possessing a firearm: Note the word possess.

"Effective IMMEDIATELY - No person other than law enforcement officer or licensed security officer shall possess a firearm - either openly or concealed."
When I first read the Governor's statement, I took it to mean that a person cannot open / or conceal carry (possess) during the restriction period.
I did not take it to mean one cannot own (posses) a firearm.
I can see how some can interpret the statement the way you did.

It really doesn't matter if I have a problem with Lujan-Grisham's gun ban or not. The point in the OP is that her gun ban violated New Mexico State Constitution (which allows open carry) and the U.S. Constitution (which allows open AND concealed carry).

Facts!!! I love facts! everything in the op is based in fact, contrary to what you lefties claim.

Many States require a permit to carry a weapon in public (concealed carry). Some States like Arizona are an open carry State and reciently included concealed without a permit required.

Do you consider requiring a permit to carry (concealed or not) an infringment upon your right to own a firearm?
When I first read the Governor's statement, I took it to mean that a person cannot open / or conceal carry (possess) during the restriction period.
I did not take it to mean one cannot own (posses) a firearm.
But she plainly stated that no person can possess a firearm (UNLESS they are a L.E.O. or a licensed security officer.)

. . . Many States require a permit to carry a weapon in public (concealed carry).
True, but this has no relevance to the deliberate and blatant violation of the Peoples' constitutional rights that the NM governor ordered.
Do you consider requiring a permit to carry (concealed or not) an infringment upon your right to own a firearm?
Of course.
But she plainly stated that no person can possess a firearm (UNLESS they are a L.E.O. or a licensed security officer.)
and again when I read the statement it seems the law pointing to having the weapon on your person. Not saying you cannot own a weapon.
imo, the order is poorly written.
True, but this has no relevance to the deliberate and blatant violation of the Peoples' constitutional rights that the NM governor ordered.
Do you expect the State to go to each house and confiscate the firearms?
imo, some are reading what they want into the order.
Of course.
I expected you would.

So what is your solution to the gun violence in NM and other States?
I quoted perfectly. You frustrated that I gave you a (figurative) spanking for foolishly accusing me of making it up " Apparently you made it up."

I said "apparently" since I figured you got it somewhere. She indeed said that and I stand corrected. However, I do note you still did not provide us the source where you ACTUALLY got it from.

In any case, my main point stands - your OP is a misrepresentation.


"Effective IMMEDIATELY - No person other than law enforcement officer or licensed security officer shall possess a firearm - either openly or concealed."

That is TOTALLY a gun ban, and her ban is 100% UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

And yet that's not what she did, and if you read your own OP link, you'd know that yourself.

100% WRONG. She DID ban possession. READ HER ABOVE QUOTE.

She clearly did not ban private possession but only carrying in public.

100% WRONG.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution provides a right to carry a gun outside the home.

I am not arguing about Supreme Court rules. I am arguing with your misrepresentation. Her order does NOT prevent someone owning / possessing the guns.

Further, you did not state anywhere that this was a 30-day order, nothing permanent.
Alabama Governor Bentley faced impeachment because he used State money to cover up an affair he had with an aide.

His impeachment had nothing to do with voting rights.
What are you talking about?
What are you talking about?
View attachment 67467756
We're talking about the unlawful order that Governor Lujan-Grisham made. Her gun ban violates both the New Mexico Constitution AND the U.S. constitution - BOTH statutes state that a citizen has the Right to keep and bear Arms. - - without infringements.
Her order does NOT prevent someone owning / possessing the guns.

The governor's dictate EXPLICITLY prevents the People from the possession of guns. The only individuals excepted from the dictate are law enforcement officers and licensed security officers.

The governor's dictate is in direct violation of the Second Amendment, and requires an IMMEDIATE impeachment/removal from office.

If Gersham's impeachment doesn't happen, then this will give the green light to other rogue gun-grabber governors to pass equally stupid laws/directives.

In order to preserve the Republic, constitutional infringements must be properly pursued, and upheld. Governor Lujan-Grisham must be impeached.

The governor's dictate EXPLICITLY prevents the People from the possession of guns. The only individuals excepted from the dictate are law enforcement officers and licensed security officers.

The governor's dictate is in direct violation of the Second Amendment, and requires an IMMEDIATE impeachment/removal from office.

If Gersham's impeachment doesn't happen, then this will give the green light to other rogue governeors to pass equally stupid laws/directives.

In order to preserve the Republic, constitutional infringements must be properly pursued, and upheld.

Lies. The governor's order does not prevent someone owning a gun.
Lies. The governor's order does not prevent someone owning a gun.
Of course it does.

Governor Grisham plainly stated that: "Effective IMMEDIATELY - No person other than law enforcement officer or licensed security officer shall possess a firearm - either openly or concealed."
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Of course it does.

Governor Grisham plainly stated that: "Effective IMMEDIATELY - No person other than law enforcement officer or licensed security officer shall possess a firearm - either openly or concealed."

That's not what the order DOES however... at least not according to the article in YOUR OWN OP. Guess you did not bother reading the article or you are having comprehension issues.

"Lujan Grisham, a Democrat, on Friday announced a 30-day ban on the right to carry open or concealed firearms in public in an effort to curb gun violence and illegal drug use in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County"
That's not what the order DOES however... at least not according to the article in YOUR OWN OP. Guess you did not bother reading the article or you are having comprehension issues.

"Lujan Grisham, a Democrat, on Friday announced a 30-day ban on the right to carry open or concealed firearms in public in an effort to curb gun violence and illegal drug use in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County"
As usual, your nonsensical arguments fall flat.

The truth is that New Mexico Governor Lujan-Grisham violated her oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. We now know that the NM governor doesn't give a shit about the Constitution.

She needs to be impeached/convicted/and swiftly removed from office.

If this is not done, then other State Governors will attempt this crap. Americans need to nip this in the bud.
It's literally in the article in your own OP and you are trying to pretend it's not! 🤣😂🤣😂
You're very frustrated - as you should be.

You're trying desperately to rationalize the misdeeds of Governor Lujan-Grisham. Of course, there IS no rationalization, and you are frustrated.

And you should be. You just CANNOT offer a logical explanation for Lujan-Grisham's unconstitutional dictate.
You're very frustrated - as you should be.

You're trying desperately to rationalize the misdeeds of Governor Lujan-Grisham. Of course, there IS no rationalization, and you are frustrated.

And you should be.

I am not frustrated at all but sounds like you are. I am only laughing at you since you a desperately trying to contradict the article in your own OP. Nice try misrepresenting it though. 😂🤣😂🤣
I am not frustrated at all but sounds like you are. I am only laughing at you since you a desperately trying to contradict the article in your own OP. Nice try misrepresenting it though. 😂🤣😂🤣
Nah. You're VERY frustrated. Your position is flawed, and you've painted yourself into a corner.

You're desperate. There is no denying that. Don't feel bad - - - other gun-grabbers are as just as desperate as you! 😆

Hopefully, the Constitution will prevail. The rogue governor needs to be impeached.
What the New Mexico Constitution says about gun rights: "No law shall abridge the right of the citizen to keep and bear arms for security and defense, for lawful hunting and recreational use and for other lawful purposes, but nothing herein shall be held to permit the carrying of concealed weapons. No municipality or county shall regulate, in any way, an incident of the right to keep and bear arms."

So yeah, she didn't just violate the US Constitution, she violated the New Mexico Constitution. As for impeachment and removal, New Mexico has the same rules as the US--a majority of the House and 2/3 of the Senate. I expect she will be at least impeached if not removed as soon as the New Mexico legislature next meets.

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